Teaser 2 Part B ✰"Meeting Little Ms. Angel"✰

☪ Hongdae's Shingi Private Highschool ☪ ☐a p p l y c l o s e d!☐



Since you guys already know who the first chosen applicant was (one again, congrats to MIZZ-TIERRA11!!)

We are gonna make a part dos of the 2nd teaser! So this is "Part B"! It will have Angel meeting the other charas and of course moving into her dorm room ><

So this is sort of a filler? It will star her love interest too~ *wink wink*

Anyways, here it is! Enjoy ^^



Angel's POV

I step into the new school, and wow! Is it big or what?

I am so excited to be finally able to get out of Heaven and go into the real world! Don't get me wrong, I love Heaven and all, but I REALLY want to explore how Earth is!

I walk around, trying to find the "PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE" sign so I can get my schedule. But, considering I have never been here, I am dead LOST.

I see someone walk by so I tap on their shoulder. And WOW! He is really cute~

"Excuse me, do you know where the Principal's office is?" For some weird reason my voice goes soft. Am I nervous?! I have never been nervous!

"Yea, it's down that hall then make a left." Wow, his voice is sort of sweet too. Too bad, so far he doesn't seem my type. Since he seems too...nice? *sigh*

"Okay thanks" I put on my angelic smile and was about to walk off until he stopped me? I look up towards him and his sweet smile is replaced by a look as though he will eat me.

"Hmmm...you're pretty cute. How 'bout we hang out sometime? I could show you around ya'know" then he winks at me. A blush starts to form on my face, but I quickly hide it. He is definitely a player.

I was about to give him a piece of my mind until...a sudden shadow appeared and in the next second, the guy was face down on the floor.

"God, keep it in your pants, Kevin! You little b**tard. Can you not hit on a newbie for once?!" it was a girl. She seemed to have known this guy, I guess his name is "Kevin?"

"Ya'know me, Alex, if I see a cute vulnerable girl, I can't help myself" he seemed fine, considering it looked like the kick from the girl hurt pretty badly. I guess he might be use to getting hit? *Gasp* Do they do S&M!?!?!(A/N: Do I need to explain what S&M is? Or do you guys know it?)

The girl suddenly turned to me as though she knew what I was thinking. "You better not be thinking about anything that you may regret latter on, Sopphie(Alex's nicknames for Sophomores)" Yep, she probably did know what I was thinking.

"Oh c'mon, Alex. No need to hide it any longer, how about you just stop denying it and I'll let you be my girl for this week" Kevin then draped his arm over her shoulder, I don't know why but my chest hurt a little, I just shook it off.

"Kevin. Take it off, before I break it off." Alex, I guess her name was that considering he called her that many times, said this in a very cold-blooded and maybe emotionless sort of way.

Kevin seemed to have taken the hint since he let go and backed away, the pain in my chest was relieved as soon as he pulled her arm off of her.

"Fine, fine. I guess I'll take my leave then, but remember my door is always open *winks* Oh and you *turns to Angel* see ya around, cutie" he then turned and walked in his previous direction. My face felt a little hot after he called me cutie, I can't be crushing on this guy. Can I?

"*Sigh* sorry about the idiot. 'Sup, I'm Lee Mai, but I prefer Alex. What's your name, Sopphie?" She turned to me and stuck out her hand. I grasped it within my own and said:

"Shin Cheon Sa, but you can call me Angel." The girl seemed nice when she wasn't beating up players.

"Angel, huh? Nice, innocent name you got there. Well, hey there Angel, are you heading to the Principal's office?"

I nodded my head. She just smiled in return.

"Cool! Let's go together then!" Wait, why was she going to the Principal's office? She doesn't look like a new student to me? I wonder what's going on.

She grabbed my wrist suddenly and pulled me in the direction Kevin previously told me about. I smiled, thinking that I just made my first friend here. That was easier than I thought.


Alex's POV

I wonder if this girl is my roomie. She is younger than myself, so could she be?

We get to the Principal's office and I just step right in taking a sit in my "regular chair." I may have been here a couple or few times before to have my "own" chair.

"'Sup, Principal. I'm here to get my assigned student that I'm suppose to bring around. Oh, yea! Here is a new Sopph-I mean Sophomore." The guy hates it when I call Sophomores, Sopphies, and Freshmen, Fresh-bait. I think they are pretty cool nicknames though.

"Thank you, Ms. Lee. Now then, you must be Shin Cheon Sa, correct?" The principal just turned to Angel and she nodded her head. "Well then, we have been expecting you and welcome to Shingi High School! Where all-/turns to Alex/ most of our students are very kind and hard-working, similar to yourself, Ms. Shin. Here is your schedule and Alex here will show you around. I am sorry to say that we were not able to find a free teacher to you as well." The principal smiled kindly and warm towards Angel, I got the same treatment when I arrived as "Fresh-bait" but now he just sighs whenever I'm in his office. Big difference, huh?

"Thank you. I will take my leave now." She respectfully bowed towards the Principal and they both looked at me.

"Oh, I guess it's my turn, huh? Okay then. Well let's go then, see ya, Principal!" I waved goodbye and he just sighed, SEE!

We step out of the office and I ask to see her schedule that will also have her dorm number on it. She hands it to me and I look at her dorm room number, knowing that it was my dorm room number as well.

"I guess we are roomies too, huh?" I said, not taking my eyes off her schedule.

"Really? That is nice then." She looks as me and gives me that angelic smile, sorry, honey, but that may work on Kevin but it ain't gonna work on me. But, I smile back anyway.



I decided to show her our dorm room first before escorting her to her classes and around the school.

I open our dorm room and show her to her room.

"Here is your room, I hope it's fine I designed it myself." I said a little too proudly. I was hoping my roomie would be a girl since if it turned out to be a guy I would've spent all this time on the room for NOTHING! So I was happy to find out it was Angel that was my roomie.

"Wow, it's very nice. Thank you." She turns to me and smiles again, I have figured that she is wither very happy all the time or very excited to be here.

"No prob, I just got some rules. First rule, don't go into my room. Second rule, if you do go into my room, even when I'm not there, I will KILL you. Third rule, there is no third rule I just like the number three." Yea, I might've scared her a bit with the slighty-empty threat, but hey, at least "Rule 1" got through.


Angel's POV

The dorm is very beautiful and I appreciate Alex for saving me the trouble of having to decorate my room. But I do add some of my own touches, just to make it a bit more home-y feeling.

After I drop my things off at the dorm, we head back to the school building. Alex seems to know the whole school fairly well, she brings me to the Sophmore wing where I will be going to class. Sometimes electives would be at the upper grade wings, but most of my classes would be here, as she said.

The whole school is very grand, and Alex seems to be pretty chill about the whole situation, I believe she is just glad to be able to cut class. *Sigh* as long as her slacker nature doesn't rub off on me.

We go around and watch some of my "soon-to-be" teachers teaching my "soon-to-be" classmates. I am very excited to start tomorrow!

It's almost the afternoon, so we put the tour on pause to go grab some lunch, we head to the cafeteria, where I found a minimum a number of people eat. It's a little sad seeing the giant room so empty. Alex grabs a tray and hands me one as well. I grab a salad and a bottle water, Alex looks at me as if saying "that's it?" I just shrug in reply and she turns back to what she was doing. On her tray was just a simple bag of chips and a coke, seems as though she doesn't eat much, huh?

Once we get our food and pay for it, Alex puts her tray away and holds her bag of chips and coke in her hands. We go to a lone table in the middle of the cafeteria. It seems as though we are the only people here, so it feels sorta...lonely. Alex quietly eat as I do the same. We didn't speak until this guy came over waving towards us. "Ugh." I looked over at Alex that just groaned. I bet she knows that guy. Is he another player?

"God, what is it, Junhong?" Alex looks over to the EXTREMELY happy guy.

"Nothing, just thought I'd say hi. Hi." Well, he didn't seem like a player. He seemed too...innocent. But I cold definitely tell he was a werewolf along with that Kevin guy.

"God, you're an idiot." it seemed as though she mumbled that part to herself, but I still heard. Does she not like the guy? Should we leave?

The Junhong guy seemed to have noticed me since he looked straight at me and smiled. It was very friendly and warm, I wonder what he did to make ALex hate him?

"Hey there. You must be the new student Alex has got assigned to. Well, let me give you a warm welcome to Shingi High School! I hope you stay a while. Oh yea, I'm Choi Junhong, but you can call me Zelo!" He seems very hyper and energetic too. They seem to be like opposites.

"Thanks. So far it seems like a wonderful school to attend. I am very excited." I still acted very polite and well mannered, it is just my personality. I gave him my angelic smile and he seemed to have turn a little pink. From the corner of my eye I could see Alex "fake-puking." I chuckled a little, Zelo seemed to be totally oblivious to Alex having a sort of dark expression on. I ask myself again, does she hate the guy?

"Well, Zelo, we must be going. It was very nice metting you but we need to continue the tour." I pushed in my chair and took my tray to throw out the rest of what was left on it. I dragged Alex by the wrist, out of the cafeteria. She looked a little surprised but smiled at me nonetheless. I smiled back and we both started to randomly laugh. Passerbyers just looked at us weirdly. Even after all of this, I still had the thought of what is their relationship? I decided not to bother myself about it any longer.

I'm stoked for the new school life, but I already sense some drama about to unfold.



Abz✰ in the HOUSE!!: There is no in this, yet. But if it is rated just don't get the wrong idea! Since in the chapter there may be some "choice" words that may seem as though it is rated. BUT IT'S NOT! Yet, at least ;P

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June 23, 2013: We are gonna close the application soon~ So any last minute appliers, APPLY!! But, if you need an extension, then tell us ahead of time, please!!


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:D :D :D :D
FIRSTLY! OMG THANK-YEWWWWWW!!! <3 I love yew~ <3
lol thanks for picking me! I feel happy now!
Chapter 24: Welcome back. Good luck on your exmans.
Congrats to Goo Kami as well. I can't wait to see who the others that you have picked as well.
Chapter 24: Welcome back! And good luck on your exams O_O
Congratulations to Go Kami XD And wasn't this chapter a whirlwind of craziness? Alexis and Jihoon...tsk tsk. ^ ^ Can't wait for the rest of the charas to be revealed!
Chapter 24: Welcome back :D
Chapter 23: Awww. Jessica and Yongguk are so cute ;_;
I wonder what happened to Jihoon and Mrs. Kwon after the kiss O.o
Chapter 23: I cant wait to see the rest of the members!!
Chapter 4: YES! I can't wait!
Chapter 23: I thought jess and yongguk were already dating too tbh lol aaah i wanna know who the charas will be!!!!!!
Any case, I can't wait! I can't wait to see who the charas are! /jumps up and down

And Kevin as a player hurts my heart. No joke. My UKISS bias is a freaking playboy -_-
Chapter 23: woaahhh i knew jessica and yongguukkk
omg i cant wait to know who is chosen!