Teaser 9 ☽Extra classes begin!☽

☪ Hongdae's Shingi Private Highschool ☪ ☐a p p l y c l o s e d!☐

Hehe sorry guys I haven't updated earlier, I started writing the fic and I saved it but when I looked at it, HALF of what I wrote just dissapeared Q_Q Ugh I wanted to die at that moment *cries* It was so frustratig Dx

Anyways hope you like it!




*Back at school*

Alexis's POV

"Thankfully finals start tomorrow, another great reason to scare the students", I mumbled as I checked the Junior class recent essays I asked for.

Some of them were probably brilliant, but it makes me really lazy to read all 50 pages of each, so I just read one or two of each one.

"Okay let's see....", it actually looked like my whole class did present the essay.

"Hi Alexis!", it was Jess.

"Oh hi!", I waved at her, "What are you doing?" she asked and suddenly (and expected), she just throw her stuff somewhere on the floor and lay down on the couch.

"Uh...well, I'm actually checking some random essays I really don't remember asking for at all so, I'm quite bored now".

"Any faiks?" she asked.

"Well...Lee Mai didn't delivered her work so, I thought about some extra credits ideas but I must talk it to the principal first", I stood up and made my way to the principal's office, hoping to find him available to ask him. I was hoping for my work to be over soon, I actually had plans for tomorrow night so, better finish my work!

"No-non-non-non-nonn-no-no-nnon-onnoooooo!! Don't!", Jess kept on insisting me not to go, I really couldn't understand why she didn't want me to.

I finally arrived at his office. Jess kept on yelling at me from afar.

I knocked and walk inside. Then I started.

Personally, that was probably the most uncomfortable talk ever in my entire life! ><

After a while I managed to finish my talk with him.

"I see...hold on a minute........JESS!", he screamed, probably calling her....Oh okay. Now I understand why was Jess insisting a lot about this....bad idea.

"Ah...", Oops my bad...

I could literally watch my partner walked away quietly from outside the office, slowly ranning away from there.

"JESS!", he continue yelling.

Then I saw my partner's little head take a peek inside the office.

"Yes?", she asked, sounding naive but extremely obvious.

"Alexis please call Alex", he said, correction, he ordered!

Oh great! Where did that kid go now? I must admit, I was feeling so lazy I was regreting to look for her then.

Alex's POV

That guy's grip on my wrist was starting to become really annoying! I didn't doubt the thought of biting him.

I mean, who was this guy? How did he know my name? Man is he strong!

"How can you not know me Alex?", he said. Umm well I'm not that good with names...

"I am-", I couldn't hear his name, I got distracted by something else...or someone...?

"ALEX!!!!", a familiar voice was screaming my name, "Awww, crap. I think I know who that is", I thought.

The guy suddenly ran away after hearing that yell, what a coward!

"What the hell are you doing here?! I was looking for you like crazy all over the whole school!", Yup, I was right, it was none other but the cranky old lady number 1, Miss Kwon.

"Great...", I mumbled to myself.

She suddenly pulled my left ear and hold tight from ear. God, she treats me like a freakin' child!!

"Hey! That hurts!", she didn't even bother to answer, she just pulled me by my ear through the WHOLE CAMPUS. God, she is do DAMN annoying!! I want to bite her right now...

Ugh, so annoying!! Man, she can be a real bitc-OW! She pulled harder!

I kept on mumbling curses about it unti we finally arrived.

"Oh yeah my favorite place in school", the principal's office.

Cranky old lady number 2 was there too, so I started wondering about what I did wrong this time. I crossed my fingers behing my back, hoping I wasn't going to get expelled, I knew I wasn't anyway, I never do.

"i wonder what they want this time? I REALLY hope it isn't for something stupid and pointless again..." I thought, and sighed.

"Alex, why didn't you deliver the final Science essay?", the principal asked and pointed at the chair in front of him, probably expecting me to sit down.

Oh...so that was the reason of this whole drama...pity.


"Oh yeah that...", I started, "They were 50 pages and I couldn't finish it on time...Also the topic was just lame and useless for life", I smirk a little bit as I saw Miss Kwon's reaction to my comment.

The principal did nothing but sigh for a while, he should really stop that bad habit of sighing; he was probably thinking about a reasonable punishment for me...

"Alright here's what we'll do", he started, "You are staying 3 hours after school to make the 50 pages essay with Jess....Park! Miss Park!", he said.

"WHAT!?!?! Why me?! It's not even my class!", cranky old lady 2 started whining about it, I wasn't really happy about it either.

"whatever, I've got nothing better to do.".

"Good, you start tomorrow, which means, after school. I mean at 3, you start and until 6 you leave", he said, wait what?!

"fine, but you have to explain it to the coah since I hav soccer tomorrow." I don't care as long as I'm not kicked off the team or anything for ditching...again.

"Well practice starts at 6 so, you will need to hurry, now please show yourself out I have things to do", what a cold man...but at least I get to leave.

"Oh sir, can you get me a copy of the new student form", Miss Park asked the principal, and I couldn't help but stay to listen.

"New student?" I asked her, "Yeah, his name is Lee Kyumin, he's a new senior here. It also says that he is nicknamed Jasper." she answered me. 'Like the ghost?' I thought to myself, I laughed a little to myself at my own joke.

Then something hit me.

"Does he look a bit tall and white?", I was curious, was he the guy who attacked me earlier, if he is..I'm.Going.To.KILL HIM!

"Uh...I suppose?" she said and show me a picture.

"Oh, ok thanks!", and I finally left.

That was clear now, that was the guy! Jasper, huh? Who is this guy anyways? How does he know my name? Either way, he is going to PAY!!

Jessica's POV

"Extra classes are starting soon and you got a swimming team to take care, get out please", my boss said, how nice he is, isn't he?

I made my way to the bathroom to put on my swimming attire.

"Yah! I'm so tired", there was I, whining as always.

Thankfuly most of the students in the swimming class have physical resistance test with Yongguk...for my luck.

"I'm just going to sit down for a while", yeah right, I didn't believe that myself.

And as time passed by, I felt asleep on the teacher lounge's sofa...as always.

I must admit, that sofa is quite comfortable...

Leo's POV

"Physical resistance test? Are they gonna make us run laps around the football field or something?", I asked.

"Yeah, we do it once a month, just to check the health of each student", my P.E teacher told me, I think his name was....Yon..Yongguk! Yeah that was him.

I was quite happy about it, I like running around a bit.

There at the field my class was put together with Sophmores and Juniors. There I saw Alex, appareantly she was talking with another girl. She looked younger than Alex, so probably she was a Freshman or Sophmore, so I went to say hello. 

"Hi Alex! Are you staying to soccer practice tomorrow?", I asked her, she looked annoyed somehow, wonder what happen...

"Oh hi, I'm Leo" I waved at the younger girl, she looked kind of...innocent.

"I'm Angel, nice to meet you", she bowed.

The three of us kept on chatting about Alex's recent visit to the principal's office, and I must admit, talking while jogging is a pretty tiring thing.

"So this happens to you often?", Angel asked, "Yeah, but it's not something to be made a big deal about.", Alex answered, she sounded careless, so I couldn't help but laugh.

"After this exam, do we have to go to our extra classes?", I asked, they probably should know, they have more time here than I do...

"Yeah, both of you have to stay in soccer practice because of try outs or something...I don't know, but me, well, I have swimming practice today so..", she said.

Soccer huh? Yeah I kind of like soccer. Yongguk doesn't seem like a bad teacher; he is probably one of the most mature and serious of teachers here. Hope it won't be a drag.

I'm also really looking forward for dance class next week when it starts!

After a while of jogging and running laps, then doing some stretches to cool down; the exam was finally over.

Angel and I stayed with coach Yongguk and the rest of the newcomers, to test our abilities on soccer, while Alex left to get herself ready for swimming class.

Both of us wished her luck. 

"This is going to be great!", I fist pumped in the air with excitement burning in my eyes!

Yongguk's POV

Thankfuly my soccer team was quite crowded. I'm glad people really like soccer, of course I personally do too.

The practice started pretty well. Some excersise and light jogging.

A few laps to keep the team in shape.

Everything was going great.

Suddenly I saw Alex running towards me.

"YAH! Guk!" she yelled.

"For you I am Professor Bang", I really do not like when she talks to me unformally when I'm giving class.

"Yeah yeah, quit the formal talk", she said, while crossing her arms.

"Shouldn't you be in your swimming class?" I asked.

"Probably. Oh yeah, that's right. SHE IS NOT THERE! Why the hell do you think I'm here? I would at least think that her boy-toy would know where she is", she said sarcasticly, I could tell she was trying to be a little hurtful, but I shook it off.

Oh. So their class teacher is not there. Oh God...

Why hasn't she arrived this time?

"Fine, I'll look for her", I said. And the whole swimming team waited for me desperately.

When I left the last thing I saw from the corner from my eye was Alex glaring at me, but I could detect a bit of sadness in her eyes.

When I looked again she had already turned back to the team; telling them to practice their freestyle and do laps in the pool. Was it just my imagination?

I seriously wanted to continue with my class, I get really excited when I'm playing soccer.

"Jess?", I kept on looking for her all around the campus, but she didn't appeared, so I decided to look for her at the teacher's lounge.

And like I expected, she was there, soundly asleep in her regular sofa, still wearing her swimming attire.

"You can't be serious...", I started poking her cheeks to see if she responded.

"Jess?", I asked.

"What?", she mumbled, probably I interrupted her sleep, well of course I needed to!

"Your class started 15 minutes ago! They're waiting for you!", I told her.

"I'm not going I feel so tired!", she whined.

I kept on struggling to wake her up, but she was not willing to.

"Jess", "Jess", "JESS!", no matter how much I called her, she wasn't going to stand up, but I also wasn't going to give up easily.

"Okay you ask for it", I warn her and pick her up with my arms.

"Hey what the..?", that totally caught her by surprise.

I made my way to the swimming pool. Lots of students gather around curiously just to watch what was going on.

"Stop! PUT ME DOWN!", she whined all the way, that make me laugh a lot, I couldn't really help it, it was just so hilarious!

"Yongguk put me down now!!!", I just ignored her screams an struggling and finally arrived at the pool.

Some girls of the swimming team had already got the idea of what I was about to do, so the girls in the pool already were making room, and swam to a safe distance.

"Okay there you go", I told her, and immediatly throw her to the pool.

Her scream was probably one of the cutest things ever, but it was so funny. I was really enjoying myself.

"Okay guys show's over, let's go back to practice!", I told the students. They just went back to swimming, and at times would just start talking about what had just happened. Kids these days...

"Hey Jess", I called her, and she swimmed to the side of the pool I was standing at.

"Afterwards I'll help you clean up", I smiled to her.

"I'm getting my pay-back I promise", she frowned at me and swam away.

*sigh* sometimes she is a handful, but she is cute at times too...is it strange that she reminds me of someone? I shook off the thought, but it kept buzzing in my head.

What the hell is going on?




AYO! Wassup my brothers from other mothers :P *street mode over*

Jk, anyways I'm back ^^ yay! *happy dances like a derp*

Also, if you guys haven't already figured it out and just skimmed through the whole chapter, the chosen applicant is....Starlight_'s chara Lee Kyumin (Jasper)!


*O* Ain't he just so HAWT! ;P That was a retorical question xD

We promise he will have his screen time in the next teaser like the other chosen applicants after they were picked ^^

Also, since we have written ssoooo many TEASERS, I'm thinkin' of callin' them CHAPTERS instead, what do you guys think? (I will murder anyone who says "it's up to you~" or "you're the author" *o* mark my words!)

Anyways, congrats! Welcome to Shingi High School, hope you enjoy it here~ ^^

--Karamelic, Panda, missxox--

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June 23, 2013: We are gonna close the application soon~ So any last minute appliers, APPLY!! But, if you need an extension, then tell us ahead of time, please!!


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:D :D :D :D
FIRSTLY! OMG THANK-YEWWWWWW!!! <3 I love yew~ <3
lol thanks for picking me! I feel happy now!
Chapter 24: Welcome back. Good luck on your exmans.
Congrats to Goo Kami as well. I can't wait to see who the others that you have picked as well.
Chapter 24: Welcome back! And good luck on your exams O_O
Congratulations to Go Kami XD And wasn't this chapter a whirlwind of craziness? Alexis and Jihoon...tsk tsk. ^ ^ Can't wait for the rest of the charas to be revealed!
Chapter 24: Welcome back :D
Chapter 23: Awww. Jessica and Yongguk are so cute ;_;
I wonder what happened to Jihoon and Mrs. Kwon after the kiss O.o
Chapter 23: I cant wait to see the rest of the members!!
Chapter 4: YES! I can't wait!
Chapter 23: I thought jess and yongguk were already dating too tbh lol aaah i wanna know who the charas will be!!!!!!
Any case, I can't wait! I can't wait to see who the charas are! /jumps up and down

And Kevin as a player hurts my heart. No joke. My UKISS bias is a freaking playboy -_-
Chapter 23: woaahhh i knew jessica and yongguukkk
omg i cant wait to know who is chosen!