Chapter 1 ☮Almost PART 2☮

☪ Hongdae's Shingi Private Highschool ☪ ☐a p p l y c l o s e d!☐

Why hello, lovely applicants~

I know you are usually expecting Karamelic to keep you up to date about what's happenin' but maybe I could give it a try too?

We are gonna pick the last of our applicants once we have all of the apps in >w<

Well, sorry for holding you guys up, here is the 2nd part of chapter 1! Enjoy~




Yongguk's POV

Tch. Kick me out of my own room just so you can have your "little fun?" Well, Jihoon, I better not see any gross left-overs like last time, if you know what I mean.

That stench took weeks to get fumed out!! I expect it not to happen again or else you are dead, Jihoon!

'Now, where am I gonna sleep?' I look to the room across from our's. Don't get any wrong ideas, I'm not gonna sleep there

'I wonder if Alex is okay? Nah, I'm sure she's fine. She's tough enough.But she did oddly snap at me this afternoon. I wonder if she is okay? It wouldn't hurt to check, right?

I go to their room and knock on the door. Only to see Angel, Alex's new roommate, answer it.

"Hello, Mr. Bang. Is there something you need?" Wow, she is opposite of Alex; her being so polite is very uncommon with new students.

"I'm just wondering if Alex is here. I need to ask her something."

"Sorry, Mr. Bang. She wasn't here when I came back and isn't here now. I also wonder she could be; but she being a person that jumps through windows I guess she would be fine?" Angel mumbled that last part to herself, but I still heard her.

"What?" I asked, yea just try to play dumb.

"Oh, nothing. Is there something you need from her? I could pass on a message when she gets back."

"No, it's fine. Just tell her I stopped by, 'kay?"

"Will do. Goodnight now." I nodded in response and she shut the door.

If Alex isn't in her dorm, then wher--Oh Gosh, I hope she isn't making trouble again! Or in trouble for that matter.


I rush to go find her. Living with her for years, I can already tell if she is near or not. I just hope she isn't in trouble, like last time...


Jihoon's POV

"Why hello,-Ms. Kwon."(A/N: totally expected, right? I like to be very predictable~)

"Hey, Jihoon, drop the formalities already."

"Fine, fine. How's it going, Alexis?"

"Eh *shrugs shoulders* it's going. Anyways, you asked, why did you call me here?"

"For a date, of course!" I could see a growing blush appear on her face. I just smirked a little, my plan is working.

"A d-d-date?! Why did you have to ask me now!" I didn't expect that she would stutter, but she is flustered. I really do like to from time to time. Oh gosh, Yongguk is rubbing off on me. Sooner or later I might be pushing Alexis into a pool too. Oh heavens, no.

"Since I felt you wouldn't agree to it once I aske you before. Now then, I am cooking something, so just stay in the living room please." I saw her nod her head before going over to sit on the couch. Haha, she is so cute, when she is flustered~

I went back into the kitchen to prepare our dinner. I plan to make this night perfect.

Wine, my delicious cooking, candles...Ok! For me that sounds perfect already.

I called her and showed her the amazing work I had done. The food looked great. I'm really a good cook I must admit.

We both sat down and stared for a small second at our meal.

"Do you like it?", I asked as she had a bite of what I had cooked for her.

"I never expected you were so good at cooking", she said.

The dinner was great. While eating none of us speak a single word, I must admit it was kind of uncomfortable but what else.

After I finished my meal, I waited for her.

"Did you like it?" I asked.

"Yeah it was pretty good", she answered.

At first I thought I was being pretty showy but, I wanted to make it special.

After a few blank stares at each other I grabbed her hand.

A notorious blush started forming on her face, making her look more red than a tomato.

"Can we-", she mumbled, "Sit down somewhere else, the chair is hurting me a bit", she said, avoiding my face a bit, adorable..

We both finally sat down on the couch. We started talking about a few things: School, Friends, Vacations and mostly about why did I invited her on this date.

Making her laugh was probably the best thing. I've always been quite good with jokes. Her laugh was such an adorable one, she sounded like a hamster somehow...

There was a moment when I thought probably the wine was starting to affect us...Nah that can't be, I'm quite good at resisting alcohol, not sure about her though.

And then, without even thinking, I got closer to her, calmly bending towards her and gently kissing her lips.

Hope romance's coming...



Alex's POV

After I hugged that guy, I didn't know why I couldn't stop.

When he called me, then I realised who was I hugging.

I felt surprised but somehow, I wasn't willing to let him go. What is wrong with me today?! I must admit it, I was still really angry, I just didn't know why, but I wasn't going to leave it like this.

Probably I needed someone to talk with. But not like this...

"It's gonna be okay" he said, and hugged me tighter.

We both stood there for a few minutes. I tried to stop my tears but without succeeding. Why? I don't- Why am I just not myself today?

"Do you want some water?", he asked me, and kept on rubbing my back as he hugged me.

I did not speak, I just nodded.

He then broke the hug and held my hand, guiding me somewhere.

It was his dorm.

"I'll be right back", he said and went to the kitchen.

I wiped my tears, seems that they finally stopped, and started looking around the dorm. He had a lot of funny figures on the coffee table at the living room.

"What the?", I mumbled, and started touching them a bit. My heartbeat quickened when I almost drop one of the figures to the floor. Thank God for my fast reflexes.

"What are you doing?", he asked, sounding ironic.

"Uh-nothing..I was just-", I stopped as he handed me a glass with water. He just gave me a smile.

I just quietly sat down in the couch while I drink it. Gosh, the atmosphere got awkward really fast.

"Are you okay?", he asked and patted my back.

"Um, yea. I suppose." I mumbled, but I was still unsure.

"What happened?" he indeed was curious, but the thing was I.

I didn't know what to say.

I just told him all the events that happened. I don't know what happened to me, I just couldn't shut up.

I also told him how I felt. How mad I was.

I didn't know why I was mad either, but I just told him what happened.

I just told him all about Ms. Park and Yongguk. How he was spending all of his fu**in' time with the woman that hated me the most. But, then I said how glad I was that Yongguk found someone. I told him of my conflicted feelings, but why should I be telling him this anyway? What does this have to do with him in the first place?

...We both had a bit of a silent pause...

"Maybe you're feeling lonely", he said. Nah that couldn't be it.

"I don't know really..", I quietly said. Cause it was true, I didn't know how I truly felt with Yongguk.

"Well, you gotta understand that", he started, "You are not alone, there's your friends, and your family and me too" he said.

He was wrong in a way. Yongguk WAS my only family, so without him...I have no family.

However I did not tell Zelo that, since it was not the time to. But, I must admit his words really touched me, I don't know why, but it made me feel happy. What's going on?

I didn't know Zelo that well. He was just some guy that I met on my first day at this school. To be honest he was like a little hyper puppy that wouldn't be quiet, but I did have this strange and growing feeling when I was around him. I just decided to shrug it off, since I thought I was just sick.

"Thanks", I said. He held my hand and smiled at me, I smiled back. I was about to get up and leave back to my dorm room, until he...kissed me?! What the hell?!

Uh....where did that come from?! I thought we were just having a conversation until this happened! What does he think he's doing?!

After a while, he released from the kiss and we were both breathing heavily. I decided to finally confront him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I was seriously wondering what his intentions were.

"Gosh, Alex. You seriously are dense. Can't you tell I like you! God, I've liked you for a while now, why can't you see that?!" Wait? What?!

"What? You are not makin' any freakin' sense! You can't just ki-" but I was cut off by Zelo smashing his lips upon mine again. I tried to get out of his embrace but for some reason I was loosing strength. What is he doing to me now?!

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He then turned his head, deepening the kiss.

I don't know why, but I don't think I could resist any longer. So I put my arms around his shoulders and grabbed his hair.

I will regret this in the morning, I can tell...


Jessica's POV

"Agh stupid work" I whined as I kept on filling a few papers for my boss.

I mean, I don't get why is the school considered "the fanciest in Seoul", if the principal can't even hire a decent secretary. Ugh. Hope he does soon.

I must admit I was quite altered with Jihoon's cold conversation, but like always, I stopped caring.

"Ugh it's almost 3am and haven't gone to sleep...", I whined, "Ah screw it! I'm going to bed", I said and throw the bunch of papers to the floor.

I took a quick shower and finally put my Pjs on. I lay down on my bed and slowly closed my eyes. 'Finally'.

'Knock,Knock', I heard the door.


I quickly stood up and went towards the door.

"What?!", I yelled as I opened the door.

"Jess?", Oh god, it was Yongguk. I quickly closed the door and lay down on the floor, hiding my face in my hands with embarasment.

"Jess can I enter? Jihoon threw me out", he whispered through the door.

I stood up and open the door.

"Since when did my dorm turned into a bed and breakfast?", I looked at him arrogantly.

"Can I..stay tonight?", he asked.

I was doubting a little, I mean, I wasn't really happy about it.

"Ugh fine", I showed him the way in.

"Here", I throw him some pillows and a blanket. I might have sounded cold, but I was really tired and wanted to do things as quick as possible.

"Night", I said and went back to sleep.

He was on the floor, next to my bed.

"You know", he started, "Went you faint back at the club, I letted you sleep on my bed...", he mumbled.

I quickly opened my eyes and hide myself in my blankets, I was really starting to blush, that was something I seriously didn't wanted to remember, it was so embarassing.

"Did-", I struggled, "D-did I?", I asked, turning to face him.

"Yeah, and let's not forget that I carried you all the way from the club to my car, and then took you to my dorm", he whispered.

I think by then, my face was even more red than a tomato. Did he actually did all that?

"Oh", I didn't say much, I was doubting. My face was red and somehow I felt a bit guilty by leaving him sleeping on the floor....NO! I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE IN! NOT TO HIM! 

I turned around again to face the wall. I knew that if I kept on seeing his face I would feel more guilty and eventually give in...NO! I WON'T..!


An hour or so passed by. He didn't speak anymore...Thankfuly.

But I still wasn't able to sleep...

"Yongguk..are you awake?", I asked him, sounding still a bit sleepy.

"Yeah", he answered, huh? so his was awake this whole hour?!

"Oh okay", I said.

"Why? Change your mind?", he flirted. Ugh seriously? Of course not...

"Not a bit", I answered coldly.

"You know the floor is freezing...", he said. Aw c'mon, why am I feeling so guilty?!

"Ugh okay fine you can-", he quickly stood up and lay down beside me. Yeah I know, I'm pathetic...but what can I say, he's just so persuasive...

I tried to finally go to sleep, but then I felt his hands slowly made their way to my waist. He started holding me tighter.

"Hey! I said sleep next to me! Not cuddle or snuggle me!", I whined, struggling to be free.

"Aw c'mon Jess, it's just cuddling..", he whispered to my ear, gesh that gave me chills.

He was probably being playful, but I was still a bit angry about the whole pool accident...

"What the..?", he then started tickling me a bit, oh gosh seriously, how am I supposed to feel sleepy like this?

"Okay you asked for it", I said and started tickling him too, gesh sometimes we're both so cheesy...

I must admit, sometimes I think Yongguk is nothing but a big flirt, but then, why do I feel different everytime he's with me? Ugh cheesy stuff...

After a while we were both laughing like crazy. I was beaten by him. I'm not a big fan of losing but he is OBVIOUSLY more strong than me.

He was holding my hands, struggling to stop me from tickling him a bit more. He was on top of me. We were both still breathing heavily. He stared a bit at me. When I noticed my smile erased slowly, his glare was just so...deep.

I was about to ask something when he quickly crashed his lips to mine.

At first I was somehow surprised, but I decided to play along by closing my eyes. He raised me so I could sat down, we were both still kissing, I put my hands on his back and he did on my waist.

Is the room getting hot...ah why stop now? *sigh*



Lol hi everyone!! Looks like pretty much everyone at school had a pretty busy night....
Keke~ *evil smile*
Anyways, we are thinking of closing the applications and I might close it at 12am (UTC -8). So I hoped you guys have read the announcement Abz posted ^^, We'll thank all of the people who have been supportive with this apply fic, thanks so much!! ^^ Also we hope you still keep in track with the fic even after the last 3 members are chosen.
Thanks so much ;D
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June 23, 2013: We are gonna close the application soon~ So any last minute appliers, APPLY!! But, if you need an extension, then tell us ahead of time, please!!


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:D :D :D :D
FIRSTLY! OMG THANK-YEWWWWWW!!! <3 I love yew~ <3
lol thanks for picking me! I feel happy now!
Chapter 24: Welcome back. Good luck on your exmans.
Congrats to Goo Kami as well. I can't wait to see who the others that you have picked as well.
Chapter 24: Welcome back! And good luck on your exams O_O
Congratulations to Go Kami XD And wasn't this chapter a whirlwind of craziness? Alexis and Jihoon...tsk tsk. ^ ^ Can't wait for the rest of the charas to be revealed!
Chapter 24: Welcome back :D
Chapter 23: Awww. Jessica and Yongguk are so cute ;_;
I wonder what happened to Jihoon and Mrs. Kwon after the kiss O.o
Chapter 23: I cant wait to see the rest of the members!!
Chapter 4: YES! I can't wait!
Chapter 23: I thought jess and yongguk were already dating too tbh lol aaah i wanna know who the charas will be!!!!!!
Any case, I can't wait! I can't wait to see who the charas are! /jumps up and down

And Kevin as a player hurts my heart. No joke. My UKISS bias is a freaking playboy -_-
Chapter 23: woaahhh i knew jessica and yongguukkk
omg i cant wait to know who is chosen!