Teaser 10 ♘The artist♘

☪ Hongdae's Shingi Private Highschool ☪ ☐a p p l y c l o s e d!☐

Hello hello everyone! Busy weekend I have >w< I just thought of writing this, got inspired while having a bunch of really spicy buffalo wings today....(ok random stuff).

Don't worry everyone, we're still going to accept a couple more applicants so be patient ;D

Anyways, I'm considering about finally closing the apply days in a week or so....I'm not sure...should I?

We're also starting to call the teaser chapters now....so I guess this is the last teaser :D

Anyway enjoy my "spicy" inspiration :P




Jasper's POV

I made my way to the entrance of that building. It was a huge quite awesome campus. Lots of other students walked passed and look at me curiously.

Some girl started fangirling the moment they put their eyes on me.

I wasn't really sure where exactly did I had to go, so I just spend my time flirting and checking the girls out. Some of them were really pretty, but just too easy for me.

"How boring...", I took out my camera and started taking pictures of the people I considered "of interest", for no reason at all.

Someone I was really hoping to find was that girl Alex, tough luck of her she got away, if it wasn't for that teacher...

"Hey Jasper!", a familiar voice called me. It was Sohee. We've both been friends since I could remembered. She enteres to this school earlier than me.

I still remembered when we both promise in kindergarden we would be on the same highschool. And there we were.

Sohee came close to me and gave me a big hug, greeting me.

"Have you adquired your guide teacher yet?", she asked me.

"Guide?", I seriously didn't know what she meant about, did I really needed to get a guide? Couldn't it be a student? Maybe....her?

"Oh you silly, I'll take you to the principal's office, there you can find more help about it.", she said.

"Okay fine.", I followed her. I had to. She obviously knew more about this than me.

Finally there.

"Well I gottta go to class, see ya around", she waved at me and left. It feels good to have an old friend here.

At first I didn't bring myself to ask the man behind the desk who was called principal, for some reason...

"What can I do for you?", he asked me. I quickly handed him my inscription form.

He read it and grabbed his phone.

"Kwon are you busy? Can you tour a new sstudent around?", he said through the phone.

("Sorry boss but I'm in cheerleader class right now, ask Jess"), I could hear the other person answer through the phone.

The principal marked another number and waited for the call.

("Yoboseyo?"), again the voice could be heard.

"Jess, after you finish the class come to the office, a new student needs a tour", and he hanged up.

"Thankfully the swimming class only last an hour on wednesdays, the teacher will arrive in about half an hour so, make yourself at home", he said and pointed to the couch, a few magazines were there so I thought I could entertain myself with those.

Ugh, I was really ansious about my classes to start tomorrow, I hope I'm on the same class as Sohee, so maybe I could talk with her some more. We haven't really talk in a while, just chat and stuff...I kind of missed her.

Sohee and I aren't close with each other. We were at kindergarden but the rest, well it was just a cold and mysterious distance the one she got.

I really would like to become closer to her, but she's really shy sometimes and quite secretive.

What a funny personality she got.

Well as I wait I should better check the rest of the girls out.


Jessica's POV

Finally the class was over.

I had to struggle for a whole hour of constant questions of "Why did he throw you to the pool? Why this? Why that?", God that was so annoying!

I'm going to kill him, I promise!

Something that really catch my attention was the constant cold glares Alex kept on giving me for the whole practice...Some kids are just nuts these days...

Sadly for my luck, since the school hasn't got a pool maintenance service yet, I have to clean it everytime I use it.

"Only disadvantage of being the swim teacher...", I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly my phone rang. Oh great...it was my boss.

Anyways, it turned out he wanted me to guide a new student around school, seriously...why didn't he waited for tomorrow? I don't really want to now but what can I do...

I'll go there and tour him around in half an hour or so, probably when I finish cleaning this place and change my clothes.

"Hey Jess, how's the team going?", Yongguk asked and sat close to the pools edge.

I wasn't really going to speak, he totally humilliate me!

"Why so serious? Don't be angry, you know it was pretty funny", he smiled.

"I'm getting my pay-back I promise", I told him and splash him some water, then I kept on swimming.

"Need help?", he asked

"No I don't", I certainly didn't wanted to, I still felt a little mad about the other incident. 

I got totally surprised for a moment, he didn't left, he just took of his shirt and went inside the pool with me.

Ah those abs.....WAIT! I CAN'T; NOPE; HE'S EVIL!

But oh my those abs.... *sigh*


Alex's POV

I was changing in the locker rooms when I noticed that I left my jacket by the pool.

"Hey, Alex! Are you coming or what?" those were my teammates. They were already done changing; well no point in them waiting for me.

"Nah. Go on with out me. I'll catch up when I can." They just nodded and left. Hey, I may not have many friends in general, but being on a team makes people pretty close.

I walk back out to where we were practicing, only to see the Cranky Lady with Guk; eewww,, it looks like they are getting cozy in the pool. I have such a bad feeling that instead of cleaning it, they are going to make it even dirtier.

I try to walk out of their view and walk along where their blind spots are. I went over to one of the benches and spotted my jacket. I rushed to get it and get out before anything unholy happens. But, I guess I was too slow today-

"Alex? What are you doing here?" I saw Yongguk start to swim to the edge where I was standing, leaving the angry Ms. Park; probably because I ruined their "almost" moment.

"I was just leaving." Yea, they may have come off a little meaner and colder than I had intended, but it got my point across.

"Alex. Alex! ALEX!" I heard Yongguk shouting at me. But I am in no mood to get a lecture from Mr. Flirts-a-lot.


I quickly packed up my stuff in my tote-bag, when suddenly...Ms. Park walked in.

"Alex, I know we don't see eye to eye, but what's wrong?" She sounded a little sincere, but I could tell she was still freakin' pissed off at me for ruining their "almost" kiss.

"Nothing that you should be concerned over." I then slammed my locker and gave my best poker-face, then leaving before she can say anything else.


I was walking in the hallway, heading back to my dorm, when suddenly...something wet and salty landed upon my cheek then slid down to my mouth. I didn't think anything of it until it happened again.

The weather didn't call for rain and I am inside. What the hell is going on?

I touched my face, but when I did, I felt that the wet substance was coming from my eyes. Am I..crying?! I can't be crying!

"No! Stop it! Stop it!" I was furiously wiping my eyes with my sleeves, trying to make it all stop, but it started to drop faster from my eyes.

"Stop it!!" My voice was starting to crack a little and I was hicupping. Stop it..no more.

"ALEX! ALEX!" Someone touched my shoulder; I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly turned around a grapped a hold of the person's waist, tightly wrapping my arms around their mid-section.

I am pathetic...


Zelo's POV

I called out Alex's name when I saw her talking to herself in the hall. I wonder what's up?

"ALEX! ALEX!" I shouted out her name, but she didn't turn around. Okay, that's just cold; is she ignoring me?

I walked up to her and placed my hand gently upon her shoulder, when...I felt her shaking? What happened?

She then quickly turned and hugged me. What the heck happened?  I caught a glimpse of her face, is she crying?

I felt her still shaking and hiccupping. I have never seen her like this. What happened to make her this messed up?

I gently wrapped both of my arms around her, trying to comfort her and patted her back.

"It will be okay..."



Okay, so next chapter will feature more of the story behind Jasper suddenly pulling Alex away from practice ><

Sorry for all the drama xP but I can't say it will end here~

Hope you liked the chapter; leave your opinions and comments in the only place it counts; the comments section below!

Remember, if you guys want to "collab" with the charas (by stating what you think there should be more of or what you want to find out about them) then go right ahead and tell us in the....COMMENTS SECT. BELOW! ^^



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June 23, 2013: We are gonna close the application soon~ So any last minute appliers, APPLY!! But, if you need an extension, then tell us ahead of time, please!!


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:D :D :D :D
FIRSTLY! OMG THANK-YEWWWWWW!!! <3 I love yew~ <3
lol thanks for picking me! I feel happy now!
Chapter 24: Welcome back. Good luck on your exmans.
Congrats to Goo Kami as well. I can't wait to see who the others that you have picked as well.
Chapter 24: Welcome back! And good luck on your exams O_O
Congratulations to Go Kami XD And wasn't this chapter a whirlwind of craziness? Alexis and Jihoon...tsk tsk. ^ ^ Can't wait for the rest of the charas to be revealed!
Chapter 24: Welcome back :D
Chapter 23: Awww. Jessica and Yongguk are so cute ;_;
I wonder what happened to Jihoon and Mrs. Kwon after the kiss O.o
Chapter 23: I cant wait to see the rest of the members!!
Chapter 4: YES! I can't wait!
Chapter 23: I thought jess and yongguk were already dating too tbh lol aaah i wanna know who the charas will be!!!!!!
Any case, I can't wait! I can't wait to see who the charas are! /jumps up and down

And Kevin as a player hurts my heart. No joke. My UKISS bias is a freaking playboy -_-
Chapter 23: woaahhh i knew jessica and yongguukkk
omg i cant wait to know who is chosen!