Teaser 3 ☽A teacher's thing☽

☪ Hongdae's Shingi Private Highschool ☪ ☐a p p l y c l o s e d!☐



Alexis' POV

I was at the teacher's lounge, grading the recent exams of the Senior class. 

"Gesh is there ever going to be a A+ in that classroom?" I smirked a little to myself.

I kept on doing my stuff, careless about anything happening outside the lounge.

When I looked onto Jessica's desk, her place was a huge mess, I don't know where exactly does she gets all that big bunch of papers.

*Sigh* I couldn't resist and went to check some of them.

"Extra classes forms, Report cards, and a new student form...Oh! I totally forgot about the new student!" I kept on reading her stuff, I wonder who was supposed to guide her, did a teacher applied?

"She didn't mentioned anything..."

I heard steps coming from the hallway, so I quickly stop reading those papers and runned back to my desk.

"Who is it?" I started to look around, searching for the source of that noise.

Then I saw the small figure of my partner, Jessica.

She looked hilarious, her hair was messed up, like if she'd been running for hours, she looked tired and annoyed, well, she always looks like that.

"What happened to you?", I couldn't help but laugh.

"Aw, shut up!" she said and throw herself to the couch in front of my desk.

"Sorry, but what happened?" I tried to hold up my laughter, causing me to smile lightly.

"I've been too busy lately, the boss has been complaining a lot about, well, everything! He's also keeps on scolding me about the results on my students' exams, but it's clearly not my fault!" She kept on whining about it.

"You gotta relax more, stop worrying to much about it! Chill out!" I smiled to her and pated her back, she can really act like a complete kid sometimes!

"Drinking should do it then" she said. Well that wasn't exactly what I was trying to say but ok!

"Invite if you do" I told her, grabbed my stuff and went back to my upcoming science class, it was...Junior...Oh god. Why!? Not with Lee Mai again..Just hope she does not get on my nerves again.

I sighed and left the lounge with the door opened, leaving my partner, still half dead on the couch.


Jessica's POV

So tired. Must sleep. I slowly difted off into a black blissful sleep until I heard my phone ring..again. I was tempted to just throw it out the window, but I decided against it.

Without looking at the caller ID I picked it up, saying in a very unrespectful manner, "WHAT NOW?!" Thinking that it was the principal, when it was really...Yongguk.

"Oh. Nevermind. It seems you are really tired. Should I call ba-" before he could finished I panicked.

"No, no, no! I'm fine really! What is it that you wanted to ask?" I tried to compose myself while my heart was beating rapidly and my face turned flush.

"Oh, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out for a drink? I saw you seemed to be working very hard, so why not?" I tried to hold in my squeal and tell myself that I'm not a teenager.

"Yeah. That sounds great! How about 6 or so?" I tried to sound as composed and calm as ever, but my excitement seemed to have been showing through a bit. Just a bit.

"Sure, sounds cool. See ya then." then he hung up. I SQUEALED as loud as I could, and I didn't care if the whole school heard it!

I finally got my second wind to go back and work. The tiredness was replaced by excitement.

Gosh, Yongguk, do you know what you do to me? I just wish you were easier to read at times.


Alexis' POV

I head into class. I took in a deep breath and went it, expecting to see the troublesome girl in my class, but she was no where to be seen. Don't tell me she is playing HOOKY?! I never knew she would go this low. I tell the class to turn to textbook page 375 and read up to page 390. I then head out to find her, again.

I look down the halls, correction, I speed down each hall looking for this girl! She is driving me crazy! I'm tired of her attitude and I'm going to be sure to give her a well-deserved punishiment!

I finally hear someone coming down the hall, but I was in the Sophomore wing of the school, why would she be in the Sophomore wing?

Indeed it was her, she was with another girl, but I just couldn't recognize who she was. I walked towards them, already preparing the "scold speech".

"Alex!" I yelled at her, "Aren't you supposed to be in class? correction, MY class?" I looked at her with a serious look, trying to scare her or something.

Then I realised I was probably scaring that other girl...

"Oh! and you are?", my expression changed completely as I saw the other girl quietly staring at me, gosh that was so embarrasing.

"She's a new Sopph-I mean Sophomore, I'm guiding her through school. So it looks like you are not gonna have the honor to teach me today, Ms. Kwon" she said snarkily, I knew she was trying to be a smart-alic, but I could tell that she honestly wasn't trying to make it come off sounding rude, ugh that girl.

"You still haven't answer my question" I said.

"Oh, my name is Shin Cheon Sa, please take good care of me" she did a 90 degrees bow and shake my hand, wow, so formal for being friends with Alex.

"Nice to meet you Cheon Sa, I'm the science teacher, call me Ms. Kwon" I smile to her.

"And, you, that is not an excuse to miss my class again!" I started scolding her.

"Of course it is. This time I have legit proof, aka the principal's permission," she handed me a small paper, damn she was right, I could recognize the principal's signature wherever I see it.

"Gosh whatever!" I try not to sound beaten, "Just don't turn this obviously smart and polite student into, you know, someone like you," I walked away and went back to the class I was giving. I feel a bit of remorse after what I said to her, I did know that it came off a bit mean, but I shrug off the feeling.

Jessica's POV

"YEAH!!!! School's finally over", I scream and dance all over the classroom as soon as the last student left.

I was so excited about finally going out with Yongguk to "have a drink", that was probably the happiest thing happening that week.

I made my way to the teacher's lounge to leave my stuff. Alexis was there.

"Hey you look annoyed, what's up?" I said to her, sounding extremely excited.

"Why did they choose Alex to guide that new student, I mean, it was just another excuse to miss my class!" she whined.

"Principal's choice not mine, anyway, did I mention I'M GOING OUT WITH YONGGUK TONIGHT!?!?" I screamed loudly.

"Not exactly but I heard your screams earlier today so..." she said sounding still annoyed and uninterest.

"Thought you said you wanted me to tell you if I went out someday" I laughed.

"Nah, not now. I'm still thinking in a way to get Alex to actually get in my class" she sighed.

Couldn't help but laugh again, she was totally acting like me before I got my call from Yongguk.

I went to my dorm to get ready for tonight, I was so excited, finally a night out free from students and stuff.

Just me and Yongguk, yeah!

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June 23, 2013: We are gonna close the application soon~ So any last minute appliers, APPLY!! But, if you need an extension, then tell us ahead of time, please!!


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:D :D :D :D
FIRSTLY! OMG THANK-YEWWWWWW!!! <3 I love yew~ <3
lol thanks for picking me! I feel happy now!
Chapter 24: Welcome back. Good luck on your exmans.
Congrats to Goo Kami as well. I can't wait to see who the others that you have picked as well.
Chapter 24: Welcome back! And good luck on your exams O_O
Congratulations to Go Kami XD And wasn't this chapter a whirlwind of craziness? Alexis and Jihoon...tsk tsk. ^ ^ Can't wait for the rest of the charas to be revealed!
Chapter 24: Welcome back :D
Chapter 23: Awww. Jessica and Yongguk are so cute ;_;
I wonder what happened to Jihoon and Mrs. Kwon after the kiss O.o
Chapter 23: I cant wait to see the rest of the members!!
Chapter 4: YES! I can't wait!
Chapter 23: I thought jess and yongguk were already dating too tbh lol aaah i wanna know who the charas will be!!!!!!
Any case, I can't wait! I can't wait to see who the charas are! /jumps up and down

And Kevin as a player hurts my heart. No joke. My UKISS bias is a freaking playboy -_-
Chapter 23: woaahhh i knew jessica and yongguukkk
omg i cant wait to know who is chosen!