Teaser 8 ❄On the RUN❄

☪ Hongdae's Shingi Private Highschool ☪ ☐a p p l y c l o s e d!☐

Another teaser, RAWR! >:3

So many teasers, I think I'm just gonna start calling them chapters soon :P Who wants us to choose another applicant? Raise your hand! *raises hand*

P.S. I updated the "update/notes" section at the bottom of the applicants list, so please check it out ^^



Angel's POV

I'm in my cooking class at the moment, walking around and watching over the class, while the teacher is out.

I walk around, up and down the aisle to see who might need help. Everyone seems to be doing fine so far, so I just sit down for a second, bored. I look out the window thinking of something, more specifically, someone.

Of course I would never say who.

I am day-dreaming when all of a sudden something, runs by the window. What the Heck??

I ran to the window to see what it was. I look out just with enough time to see someone's back, it was Alex's!

"What is she doing?" I mumble to myself.

I turn back, thinking of what is going on when I noticed that my sudden action might've startled the others. Considering they all stopped what they were doing and were all looking at me now. A little embarrassed I quickly compose myself.

"Stop slacking off and get back to work!" That made them flinch a bit and hurried back to work. I smirked a little to myself, glad that they are listening to me.

I go back to sit at the front work table, where demonstrations are usually held. I am still thinking to myself, what the heck is Alex up to now?


Leo's POV


I see Alex jog back to me. She gives me a smile, but I can sense that it is forced. I wonder what happened?

I try not to think about it and continue to jog. We were jogging together side by side, when I noticed...I no longer sensed Alex's presence.

I look over to my side and see no Alex.

I stop jogging for a moment to wonder where she went off to.

"Leo! Keep running!" Chh, Coach Yongguk caught me slacking, huh? I continue running.

But I still am wondering how Alex could just suddenly disappear?



Alex's POV


I had tears forming in my eyes but immediately wiped them away. I hate when others cry, but I can't stand when I cry.

I was just running back to run beside Leo, aka "the girl that saved me from Minhyuk."

I was just quietly jogging, minding my own business, when I was suddenly pulled back.

I was pulled by the arm and forced to follow the person that was dragging me.

I couldn't clearly tell who it was, since I could only see their back, but it was definitely a guy.


"Who the heck are you?! Why are you dragging me and where do you think you're taking me?!?" I shouted towards the guy.

But he said nothing and just dragged me along. I was getting really angr-no. I have to hold in my anger, if I don't something bad will happen.

I try to calm myself down, but the pain of his tight grasp around my wrist was starting to leave a bruise.

"If you aren't gonna talk, at least loosen your hand a bit, grabby." Nothing. No response, and my hand was still aching.

Who does this guy think he is?

"I will bite you." I threatened. Although I kinda didn't want to, since who knows where his hand has been, but if I want to get free, then I will.

"Fine, you asked for it." I went close to his hand, and my fangs were starting to show, but before I could bite, he let go. My win! And in the 'nick of time too, I hate drawing blood.

"Now, who are you!" I asked again, this time with a louder and a bit more powerful voice.

"Me? You should know me Alex. I am-




Sorry for a short update, we've been stuck on an idea for a while ><

Alsooo...Yep! There is another mystery person ;P meaning...a NEW applicant!! It's gonna be a guy this time ^^

Sorry to leave you guys on a whim ><

I won't be updating for another week or so (not sure about Karamelic) because of finals next week xP but we promise not to ditch this story ^^

I hope you guys understand, soooo...see you guys in a week ^^


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June 23, 2013: We are gonna close the application soon~ So any last minute appliers, APPLY!! But, if you need an extension, then tell us ahead of time, please!!


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:D :D :D :D
FIRSTLY! OMG THANK-YEWWWWWW!!! <3 I love yew~ <3
lol thanks for picking me! I feel happy now!
Chapter 24: Welcome back. Good luck on your exmans.
Congrats to Goo Kami as well. I can't wait to see who the others that you have picked as well.
Chapter 24: Welcome back! And good luck on your exams O_O
Congratulations to Go Kami XD And wasn't this chapter a whirlwind of craziness? Alexis and Jihoon...tsk tsk. ^ ^ Can't wait for the rest of the charas to be revealed!
Chapter 24: Welcome back :D
Chapter 23: Awww. Jessica and Yongguk are so cute ;_;
I wonder what happened to Jihoon and Mrs. Kwon after the kiss O.o
Chapter 23: I cant wait to see the rest of the members!!
Chapter 4: YES! I can't wait!
Chapter 23: I thought jess and yongguk were already dating too tbh lol aaah i wanna know who the charas will be!!!!!!
Any case, I can't wait! I can't wait to see who the charas are! /jumps up and down

And Kevin as a player hurts my heart. No joke. My UKISS bias is a freaking playboy -_-
Chapter 23: woaahhh i knew jessica and yongguukkk
omg i cant wait to know who is chosen!