Teaser 7 ☂On rainy days☂

☪ Hongdae's Shingi Private Highschool ☪ ☐a p p l y c l o s e d!☐

Hey, human readers! Hαyi✰ here!  What are your comments about the story so far?? We're working hard to decide on the next chosen student ;D All of your apps are so good it takes us a while to decide xD But don't worry, we will soon! ^^ I'd like to hear about your comments on the story so far :D Who's your favorite character? What situations have excited you so much o.o? What do you hope for in coming teasers/chapters [besides your charas ;P]?

Comment! ;D



Alexis's POV

It was almost 1:00 pm when I woke up.

"Damn!" I ran from Jess' appartment back to the school, I can't believe I felt asleep that long! I wonder if my students are okay...

As I thought, my students were no longer in the classroom, I believe I left them.

*Sigh* With defeat I made my way to get my stuff at the Teacher's lounge, getting ready for my class with the Seniors.

"Ah! Why is there a huge mess on my desk!?", I took myself a few minutes to clean all that mess up.

Then, I saw my small partner enter the lounge, with big round sunglasses covering her eyes, with a scarf around her neck, and for first time in years, with a tall pony tail, revealing her notorious piercing on her left ear.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!? CAN YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT KIND OF HELL YOU MADE ME SUFFER THROUGH!!?", I yelled loudly to her, showing my disagreement to the situation.

She completely ignored me, she just left her stuff on her desk and laid down on the floor.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I sat down next to her,"For such a tiny person, you can be really worrysome" I smirked.

"What happened?", I asked, trying to calm down, I feel sorry for the kid(I like to call her kid, she's just so small ><), even if she left me through living hell.

She just mumbled something I seriously couldn't understand.

"Huh?" I asked her to repeat.

"My head hurts" she whined, this kid can be completely whiny sometimes!

"Get to the point! I have to go to class!" I yelled as I punched her shoulder slightly.

"Oh never mind!" She looked annoyed after that interrogation session.

"Well gotta go to class, see ya 'round," I waved goodbye to her, I still feel as though she's hiding something from me. "Oh! By the way, you're getting lectured by the principal once he finds you," sorry felt it was necessary to tell her that, although I feel sorry for her.


Jessica's POV

"Not again...", I sighed as I heard the last thing Kwon told me.

I didn't know what hurt the most, my hangover, or the mentalbreakdown I was having at that moment.

I made my way to the class I was having with them, I'm thinking they are Juniors I am teaching today? Great...

As soon as I enter the classroom, students came to me and asked me why I wasn't here earlier in the day.

"None of your business" I told them, and started with my class. I was probably a lot angrier than before, my head was killing me, and I certainly didn't want anyone to find out I had a hangover, especially not my students.

"Why not take off your sunglasses?" Alex, that annoying brat! I can't deal with her now!

I just ignored her and kept on with my class, until it was finally over.

I made my way through the hallways back to the longe, until I bumped with Jihoon.

"Great.." I mumbled to myself.

"Hey! How's your head feeling?", he said as he pet my head, ugh this guy!

"Huh?" Yeah, I know I was trying to look clueless, my fail.

"Don't you remember?" he asked.




"What are you doing here!?", he had a shocked look on his face, he quickly grabbed a shirt to put on.

"I seriously don't know" I said as I kept on rubbing my head. He kept on laughing at my clueless expression. "Yah! I'm serious! Where am I?" I pushed him lightly.

"Well I don't know either! How did you get in my apartment!?" he yelled, probably I annoyed him.

"YOUR appartment?" that couldn't be, I don't remember going out with him, "Well, mine and Yongguk's", oh ok...now I remember.

"You came here with him?", he asked, "I suppose", ok I remembered but where was he now?

"Maybe you should go and talk with him", how I hate when he acts all "know it all".

"But, where is he now?"

"He's at school, obviously", oh god, I looked at the clock.

"1 o clock! Oh my freaking god, bye!", I panicked and looked for my shoes and quickly get out of there.


"No..." I answered, trying to see if my acting is actually working.

"Go talk to him, he's training the soccer team right now" he said and walked away.

I sighed, I knew I had to face him sooner or later, I just hoped it would've been later. So, I filled myself with bravery and made my way to the soccer field, hoping he was not there.

But as always, to my luck, he was there.


Yongguk's POV

"OKAY! THREE MORE LAPS AROUND THE FIELD!" I shouted out to them. They were practicing endurance and speed at the moment.

"DAMN YOU, YONGGUK!!!" Alex shouted out, again.

"ALEX, get over here right now!"

"Ooooh"s and "You're in trouble"s Were being said amongst the players, when she ran over. Well, everyone except Leo who was still doing her laps around.

"What do you want?" Alex said to me. *Sigh* this girl.

"Mai, you know you aren't suppose to talk back, yet you still do it. Why the heck do you want to get in trouble?" I just hope it isn't for some stupid reason.

"Ya'know what? The reason I do this is because-"

"YONGGUK!" I turned around to see Jessica. I smiled towards her as she was coming over.

"Oh great." I looked to see Mai whispering to herself, yet I still heard it. "If you don't mind, I'll take my leave now." Before I could say anything she jogged back next to Leo. I wonder what she was about to say before? I'll ask later.

I turn to talk to Jessica.

She seemed to have been looking to where Mai ran off to.

"Oh no, is that brat making trouble again?" Jess asked. This made my blood boil a bit, but I do somewhat agree Mai can get a little out of hand at times, so I tried to compose myself.

I tried to change the subject, "Hey, Jess. What's up?"

"Oh! I just needed to come over to say thank you and sorry for taking care of the drunk me yesterday. I'm sorry to have bothered you." Aw, she's cute when she is flustered and embarrassed. I pat her head to reassure her.

"It's fine. No harm, no foul. I'm sort of busy now. So I'll see ya later?" That seemed to have made her perk up again. She just nodded her head in agreement and turned to leave.

I turned back to watch the players do their drills when I noticed...Mai was nowhere in sight. Damn it.




'Sup, guys! Okay, we decided to alternate between students' and teacher's POVs so it will be fair.

This chapter it are teachers next chapter will be students ^^

Simple, right?

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the new teaser~

P.S. just for the fun of it, you can answer the question at the top of the chapter if you like ^^

--Panda3093 OUT!--

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June 23, 2013: We are gonna close the application soon~ So any last minute appliers, APPLY!! But, if you need an extension, then tell us ahead of time, please!!


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:D :D :D :D
FIRSTLY! OMG THANK-YEWWWWWW!!! <3 I love yew~ <3
lol thanks for picking me! I feel happy now!
Chapter 24: Welcome back. Good luck on your exmans.
Congrats to Goo Kami as well. I can't wait to see who the others that you have picked as well.
Chapter 24: Welcome back! And good luck on your exams O_O
Congratulations to Go Kami XD And wasn't this chapter a whirlwind of craziness? Alexis and Jihoon...tsk tsk. ^ ^ Can't wait for the rest of the charas to be revealed!
Chapter 24: Welcome back :D
Chapter 23: Awww. Jessica and Yongguk are so cute ;_;
I wonder what happened to Jihoon and Mrs. Kwon after the kiss O.o
Chapter 23: I cant wait to see the rest of the members!!
Chapter 4: YES! I can't wait!
Chapter 23: I thought jess and yongguk were already dating too tbh lol aaah i wanna know who the charas will be!!!!!!
Any case, I can't wait! I can't wait to see who the charas are! /jumps up and down

And Kevin as a player hurts my heart. No joke. My UKISS bias is a freaking playboy -_-
Chapter 23: woaahhh i knew jessica and yongguukkk
omg i cant wait to know who is chosen!