Don't Let Him See Me Like This

Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Chapter Thirty Three


In the past few days, Ha Yi had found herself alone, with hope only by her side.

Guards, claiming to be Dong Wook’s guardians and of the royal court in his castle, had come in search of the prince, and had taken him away. Ha Yi had followed as far as Hope would allow her to follow, before begging her to go back and wait for Seung Hyun. Ha Yi wanted to follow after Dong Wook and make sure that he was truly alright.

What if the said guards had lied about who they were?

With everything going around her, she had started to notice that there was a sort of paranoia inside of her. It didn’t allow her to easily trust. But as soon as Seung Hyun was back, she was going to go and make sure that Dong Wook was alright.

But despite being that confident in her claim that she would do all this in the end, Ha Yi couldn’t sleep or eat, with all the worry that was knotting her up inside.

She didn’t know if Seung Hyun would make it, as well as she didn’t know if Dong Wook was safe. She would blame herself completely if Dong Wook was not safe. She would cry if Seung Hyun didn’t make it. But all she could do was swallow all that worry and just wait.

But waiting was really starting to make her impatient.

“How much longer now?” She softly wondered to herself, closing her large eyes softly, while praying that things would get better.

That was when a cool drop of rain touched her cheek, and her eyes opened in wide surprise.

The sun was blazing like mad; yet, small trickles of rain had started to pelt down onto the land, softly showering down…

It didn’t seem normal.

It was the end.

No matter how far he had walked, or fast he had ran, Seung Hyun couldn’t help but feel doomed when he came face to face with a tall glass wall, blocking his path. There was nowhere else to run now that he couldn’t move forward, no other way to advance. No matter how hard he punched his fist to the reflective wall, the glass wouldn’t crack or give at all. Stepping back to look at his obstacle once more, Seung Hyun could have sworn that it had grown.

He could feel the water up around his knees, and growing--- or was he the one shrinking again?

He was wet and soaked completely. Because each time he fell, it was difficult to get up again.

It was taking longer than before.

Every single joint in his body was aching in protest, and at this point Seung Hyun could already see the effects of the years that he was losing. Earlier he had known it, the water in the land before him had risen up to his ankles, as well as he noted that he was shrinking. He was running out of time now that the water was at his knees. Seung Hyun turned and decided to run along the wall, to the left, before coming to another halt.

Another glass wall

He turned again, seeking some sort of exit. There had to be a way out!

During his continued need to keep running, Seung Hyun had noticed that there was no way out. He didn’t know why he even tried to keep running. At this point, he had realized that he was trapped. The way that the clouds thundered reflected off the glass walls that were closing in on him. He was trapped in a sort of capsule made of glass, moving in closer to him, keeping the water and himself trapped inside.  

With the mud washing off the floor, Seung Hyun noticed that the ground underneath was also nothing but glass.

Perhaps it was the fear that he was going to drown that made him want to keep running and search for an escape. But really, there was nothing much he could do now. His clothes were completely soaked and dirty from his constant falling, but his bruised hands kept trying to reach for an escape. And in his mind he kept wishing that this wasn’t the end.

He still wanted to see Ji Yong, even if it was for the last time.

To hold him, touch him, kiss him, anything, just one more time before he was gone…

And when the water started to rise even more, as the rain continued to pour, maybe if he tried to fly out from the top he would be able to escape.

Whatever, he would do whatever to live and go back to Ji Yong.

Seung Hyun’s desperate race for life had started.

But before he had a chance to attempt anything else, the ground beneath him started to shake, and the water sloshed back and forth against the glass. up much like whine did when a sommelier was preparing to taste, and enjoy it.

And then the world around him was being turned upside down…

Life sat back with a sigh, his eyes darting towards Death whom was looking down at the abyss, his eyes filled with worry. He wanted to get up and comfort Death, but at this point he couldn’t. As much as he hated to see Seung Hyun struggle and the pain in Death’s eyes, he knew that there was nothing that he could do.

At this point Death refused to see what was happening with Seung Hyun. He just knew that it was a matter of time when it all would be over.

And it was Life’s say if Seung Hyun lived. But it would Be Death’s say if Seung Hyun died.

Whether Seung Hyun lived or was lost forever, only then would they know.

There was just no telling when that would be.

Ji Yong didn’t like the feel of the surging power inside of him. He wanted it to be gone. It made him feel as though he had so much energy to release and couldn’t. It was starting to affect him badly. Just the day before he had sneezed in the living room, and nearly ended up blowing the place up completely- and he had gotten scolded for it as his father thought that it was his way of rebelling the fact that his mate was gone.

There was no way that Ji Yong could explain the fact that he couldn’t control his own powers. He was scared that if he tried to battle against his brothers, he might end up hurting them.

And with Seung Hyun no longer around, he had no outlet.

But this was supposed to be normal, right? Because he still had some growing left to do. He knew that even though this was a discomfort, and right now he didn’t have control, he would grow into his powers.

Yet, as the days passed on, it seemed that his powers just kept growing to a point that he himself was not even aware that his powers could. He felt like he was about to burst at the seams with the rushing energy coursing through his veins.  But besides that he was filled with so much worry over hoping that Seung Hyun was alright, along with his restlessness that he couldn’t be there to help Seung Hyun was making it even harder.

He had refused to talk with Dami over anything. Even if he did go and look at Hye Yoon every now and then, he kept his mouth shut about everything.

And his heart was in pain, as much as his mind was frazzled with his surging powers.

And it made it hard to sleep.

That is why he had woken up late midnight, this night, and decided to take a walk. On this particular night, things seemed really silent, and the lights of the town were bleak.

But as he was walking, thinking about what he could do with all the excess power that was eating up at him inside, he didn’t notice the dark clouds that were gathering up at the sky. Not until a cold flake of snow landed on his cheek, making him look up.

Chilled wind brushed past his pink and blue bangs, making him shiver as he starred wide eyed at the darkening sky.

It wasn’t winter.

And yet, there was snow falling, slowly, and softly…white flakes making their way down to touch the face of the earth.

The temperature around him started to rapidly drop, to the point that Ji Yong could clearly see his breath in front of himself. His entire body recoiled from the sudden cold, and Ji Yong felt something deep reach inside of him.

Something pulling from his chest, demanding his power- and it was painful.

He fell on his knees, screaming as his powers discharged without his consent….and into the night sky- in the middle of town, where too scared to do anything to help the screaming vampire.

That’s when he felt it.


Seung Hyun gasped as once again he was swallowed under a wave of water.

‘I can’t breathe’ he thought as he was pushed down far. He tried to go for the surface, but it wasn’t within his reach. And then suddenly he was allowed to come up for breath, but the world around him wouldn’t stop turning.

And then he was completely immersed under the water. There was not even a chance anymore for him to even save himself.

Seung Hyun couldn’t feel any hope for escape now as he was swallowed deeply into it. Is this it? Is this the end…

And soon he couldn’t breathe anymore. He passed out and the world around him became dark.

Dami was sitting next to Hye Yoon, as she had been for the past five days. But nothing had changed with her. She was starting to get impatient and wonder how much longer this was going to take. She wanted Hye Yoon to be back to normal.

Even though she didn’t really care what happened to Seung Hyun, seeing as Ji Yong was being mean to her. She had tried to talk to the pink and blue haired vampire, trying to sympathize with him, and only ended up getting glares, and the cold shoulder. She was starting to wonder how someone so beautiful could be so…so! She didn’t even know the right word to describe her brother. What was worse was that the others were starting to take his lead.

Was he the leader of them? Did they always have to follow what he had to say? Dami was trying to think about how they were both in the same situation. How they were both feeling the same pain of having someone that they loved ripped apart from them. But he didn’t even get a chance to even talk and share that with Ji Yong.

She feared that he blamed Hye Yoon in part way for what had happened to Seung Hyun. After all, she was the one that had shown Seung Hyun the path. That is why she refused to leave Hye Yoon on her own.

She didn’t feel safe here, not for herself, but also for Hye Yoon. In the back of her mind she was already making plans on how she was going to leave as soon as she saw the right opportunity for it.

Tonight though, Dami couldn’t sleep, and all she did was look at Hye Yoon’s sleeping face. Funny that now she was a child. What were they going to do about that? But even if she was just a child, she would wait for her to grow up again. She would always wait for her, no matter what. Till her last breath, no, maybe even in death she would wait for her. Dami wasn’t sure how powerful the desires and needs of the heart went, but she did know that they were powerful- and they could never be ignored.

She wondered if Ji Yong felt it the same way.

Weather he did or didn’t, who knows. All she knew was that Hye Yoon had decided to trade her years to Seung Hyun for the same reason. It wasn’t love of the same kind, but it was still love in its purest forms. That was really selfless of her and it made her regret for even thinking of Ji Yong as mean or any other thing. She had to wait. Ji Yong was in pain and she knew it.

She was right there with him.

Dami was about to fall asleep when she noticed that there was snow falling outside.

At first she thought that she was seeing things, and rubbed her eyes. Going as far to stand up and open the window door just to make sure. But she regretted as soon as she did. The cool chill immediately made her shiver and she closed the window once again, looking as flakes of snow covered the ground.

“What’s going on?” she wondered, pressing her hand against the chilled glass.

Dami was staring outside when a soft moan and the rustling of covers drew her attention towards Hye Yoon. When she turned to look at her, she saw a slight light surrounding her.

Dami immediately ran to her side, and pulled her to her arms. There was a harsh feeling of terror that filled her.

“She’s…she’s becoming even younger…” Dami said, her eyes locked on the baby face in front of her. It scared her though. Because she was sure that Hye Yoon was going to be unborn.

Tightly hugging Hye Yoon to her chest, she hoped, against everything, that it wasn’t true.

There was no way that she could even allow Hye Yoon to lose her life to such a fate. There was just no way. “Hye Yoon…”

Ha Yi was sitting by the river bank watching the water. Despite the cold falling snow, she sat there. She was nearly scared that the water would freeze over. But even in the dim night sky, dark clouds, the white fluffy snow seemed to glow with a light that the world itself didn’t hold, practically unearthly.  

“He should almost be here,” Hope said, before looking up at Ha Yi. There was no doubt now that Seung Hyun had made it.

It only became clearer when both of them heard the cries of a baby, floating on the river surface. Ha Yi was about to get up and rush towards the crying child, when a cool breeze brushed past her, and she gasped. Walking past her with determination and a scary look on his face was Death himself. Ha Yi took a few steps towards him, scared. “Don’t touch him!” she snapped.

Death didn’t pause, he just continued until he reached the center of the river. The crying child slowly floated towards him, and he reached out, grabbing the tiny thing into his arms. “Seung Hyun,” Death whispered. Memories of when Seung Hyun first came to be quickly filled his mind. This was his Seung Hyun, the tiny child that he loved, before things changed. Sadly enough, he knew that he couldn’t keep him.

But there was something that he wanted to give him, besides the freedom to do as he wanted.

Leaning down, he softly placed a kiss on Seung Hyun’s cold forehead. “Live a long life for me, my little love,” Death gently whispered into Seung Hyun’s ear. Closing his eyes, he whispered one last thing before he slowly turned around, hearing the sound of water sloshing, and the struggle for Ha Yi to get to where he was. She aggressively snatched Seung Hyun out of his arms, and he let her-Even if he wanted to reach for Seung Hyun and keep him just a bit longer.

“I said not to touch him!” she growled, baring her teeth. “you take him away from his only happiness, I won’t let you do it again,”

“What do you think you are going to do?” Death asked her, coolly crossing his arms.

“I’m going to return him to Ji Yong,” She snapped.

“Oh,” Death lowered his arms and started to walk forward. Ha Yi flinched back, tightening her hold on Seung Hyun’s small form. Death walked past her and she gasped, nearly falling backwards into the water when he just continued to leave. She had expected him to fight or even forcefully take Seung Hyun back.


Death didn’t even say anything else. He simply left just as fast as he had appeared. Ha Yi sighed, and then glanced down at Seung Hyun. The small baby couldn’t be more than a few months old, but his eyes were wide, deep black, and opened. They were staring up at her. Ha Yi began to tremble, shaking her head as tears filled her eyes.

It hurt to see Seung Hyun so small, and helpless. But just looking into his eyes, she could tell that he had not lost any of his memories, not his knowledge. Just his age.

It must be painful to have been someone powerful, and now to be stuck in such a small body, having to grow up again. Ha Yi wasn’t sure she could handle it.

Seung Hyun suddenly sneezed. Ha Yi rushed out of the water and towards the shore. Hope let out a shrill cry of happiness, before it turned into a small light, and vanished within Seung Hyun’s chest. Ha Yi blinked, before she smiled. She started to head towards the cabin where she had been staying for the past few days, in hopes of finding something dry as well as some warmth away from the snow.

But she halted when she heard someone running towards them. She gasped and rushed around the corner of the cabin to hide, and see who it was. She felt Seung Hyun turn his head, as he wanted to see as well. But there was no mistaking the voice.  


Ji Yong had felt it, when Seung Hyun had entered the surface of the world again. He knew that he was there, he could feel him, but where was here? Ji Yong didn’t know. So he started to search, desperately. He searched through all the city, to where he felt the pull.

He wasn’t paying much attention to where he was going, or how far.

He just wanted to be with Seung Hyun.

And when he saw the odd cabin off to the side of the river, he decided he must be there. He had to be. “SEUNG HYUN!” he loudly cried. Nearly tripping over his own two feet. “Seung Hyun,” he wheezed, trying to catch his breath as he looked at the cabin.

Ha Yi felt Seung Hyun’s small hand tighten on her shirt, and she looked down towards him.

“Please,” Seung Hyun whispered.

“SEUNG HYUN!” The door to the cabin was thrown open and Ji Yong ran inside.

“Don’t let him see me like this.”

“But…” Ha Yi was confused. She had wanted to give Seung Hyun to Ji Yong. She could hear Ji Yong tearing things inside.

“I don’t want him to see me like this,” Seung Hyun whispered, closing his eyes. Ha Yi wasn’t sure what she was going to do.



Ha Yi felt her eyes fill with more tears, now freely falling down her cheeks and nodded.

Ji Yong let himself lose control of his power, and with it blasted the cabin to bits of wood and rubble. No matter where he looked around him, he was alone. And the tug that he was feeling in his chest, he wasn’t sure what it meant, but it was starting to fade. No matter how much he didn’t want it to, and no matter how desperately he tried to hold on to it. It was gone.

Where? Why…he didn’t want it to go away. Please, not again…

“SEUNG HYUN!!” was it? I know I jumped from scene to scene...but...^^''

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lightaway #1
Chapter 47: The kids are just too adorable <3 right now i am happy and sad at the same time, because whoaa it is such an amazingly breathtaking story that i've ever read and it's finally comes to an end. I seriously enjoyed every word that you wrote <33 thank you so much for writing this and sharing this magnificent story with us ^^ i am also happy that they finally ended up together and have a stunning son along with his endearing nephew <3 all in all, keep writing, Author-nim <333
lightaway #2
Chapter 46: Ohmygosh it is so beautiful ^^
I am so in love with King's reaction ahahaha
I can't believe they finally mated. After all the struggle that they have faced :'))
lightaway #3
Chapter 45: Wow i am so curious about how they'd tie their souls together. The way Ji convinces Uncle D is interesting xD
lightaway #4
Chapter 44: Awww gtop with a baby <333
I am so happy that they are good again without all the cruelness in the world. Why is Uncle D in some woman's bed though? XDD
lightaway #5
I wouldn't want gtop to lose their baby *cries*
Those men are so cruel. After all the things that they did to Seunghyun, now they go after Jiyong
lightaway #6
Chapter 42: NONONONO ;______;
What's gonna happen? Will Ji be alright? TvT
lightaway #7
Chapter 41: Oh no, what would happen. Why is this man suddenly wants Seunghyun back TvT
lightaway #8
Chapter 40: What does Park Jae Sung want now? Why can't he let Seunghyun alone >.<
I hope Minzy won't do anything about Dae's wedding. Daesung deserves to be happy
lightaway #9
Chapter 39: Gtop were just too adorable when it comes to help Daesung. I love it when they start fighting about whether Dae should just tell Princess IU or not. Then there's Uncle D who wants to break gtop apart. >.<
I know his intention's good, to protect Ji's heart, but we already saw how sad he was while Seunghyun was taken away by Death.
lightaway #10
Chapter 38: I understand that Danny just wanted the best for his family and that he had experience such kind of relationship with someone who wasn't a vampire and it didn't work out, so he tried to warn Ji to avoid getting hurt. But i wish he gave them a chance. Like, start to know more about Seunghyun and sees that he's not bad at all. He really is in love with Ji. I agree with Dae, Seunghyun faced Death just to get to Jiyong is proof enough that he's serious about this relationship. Gtop had suffered before. I don't want them to suffer anymore TvT even Ji's that afraid that Seunghyun's going to leave him.