Let's Go before I'm caught

Melting the Ice Princess

Hana's P.O.V
Rooftop, 12:47pm

I hid on top of the rooftop (the little square thingy on top of the door) from here I could see anyone that came and went... Shinwoo was still sitting down unconscious where I left him, man my make up skills are AMAzing. -rumble, rumble- huh? Is that thunder I hear? Thunder? As in MBLAQ? OH YEAH OH YEAH OH OH OH OH YEAH! Haha ok im done, I suddenly felt water on me, I looked up at the sky to see dark, heavy clouds floating above... This just gave me an idea! Ahahaha. I hopped down from my hiding spot trying to get back to class but as soon as I landed I heard the door open 'oh cheez' im done for, I stood still and listened then crawled near the door to see what was happening. Ahahhahaha have fun Jinyoung xD have fun being stuck in the rain with CNUderella muahahaha. I made as much noise as i could and slammed the door shut, i locked the door to the rooftop and ran away feeling accomplished... But now i still have three other people to prank >:3


Gongchan's P.O.V
Cafeteria, 12:55pm

I suddenly shuddered, someone must be talking about me... Urgh it better not be bad...

"Hey hyung~ where's noona?" Sandeul asked looking around the cafeteria, after looking around he finally found her smiling to herself while looking at the food they were selling... She did something... I know she did.

"Noona!" Sandeul cheered when Hana sat beside him,

"Hey Sandeul," she said while ruffling his hair... Wait RUFFLING HIS HAIR?!?! "Hey Channie, can you meet me in the library during common period?" she asked while looking at me smiling... What? Library? Common period?

"Sure," I replied, "I mean we aren't going anything during common period." she smiled, more like smirked and then left saying something like, I'll see you both later. She's acting weird and I don't want to know why.


Hana's P.O.V
On the way to the field, 1:02pm

Hahaha Gongchan and Sandeul suspect nothing >:3 muahahaha, but now it's Baro's turn to get dead embarrassed.... Its raining pretty badly, perfect! I stole someone's umbrella while going outside, I mean we don't want anyone to know it was me who did it right? I started to walk around, forming letters with my steps, I made BIG letters that could be read from space, thank gosh the field is muddy and empty, muahahahha plan "Make Baro embarrassed" is going perfectly!


Jinyoung's P.O.V
Rooftop, 12:55pm

Did I just see Hana running away? Like after i stepped in the rooftop? That's weird i dont think she wanted to confess to me... and if she does then wow...

"Mfffghh, Where am i?" a cute girly voice said, i turned away from the door to find the back of a sitting girl, since im such a gentle man i got closer to her, bringing my umbrella along, im not stupid and it's raining.

"Excuse me miss, You alright?" I said and tapped her shoulder lightly, she was quite tall for a girl, and her hair was brown wavy and long, so pretty. She turned around and her face was...

"Shinwoo?!?!?!?!?!?" I screamed, shocked to see CNU with a face full of make up that could decieve anyone into thinking he was a girl.

"JINYOUNG!?!?!?!" He Squealed, girly voice... "You Bastard! you did this to me didn't you? You knocked me out an d then you dressed me up as a girl and and... IM GOING TO F-ING KILLYOU AND DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE THROUGH THAT DOOR!" at this point Shinwoo was soaking wet from the rain, i had my umbrella and started to get to the door, i turned the nob but it was jammed, i turned it the other way, jammed as well... we've been locked in here!

"Shinwoo, One: I'm not thatgood with make-up, two: I don't own skirts-"

"You sure?" He smirked

"Let me finish! Three: Why in the world would i put a bra on you?"


"And four: We are locked in here until someone decides to save us..." I said getting closer to CNU, "And fifth: Since the blouse is white, and it's wet, YOU CAN COMPLEATLY SEE YOUR BRA!!! xD ahahhahahahahaha, what brand is it? Victorias Secrets or something? AHAHHAHA wait.. is that....LEOPARD PRINT? LeopardOMYGOSH!!!! WHOEVER DID THIS TO YOU IS MY HERO!!!!!! THIS IS SO FUNNY!!!!" i said, bursting out laughing.

"I Hate you so badly" CNU replied, oh well we might as well sit down while we wait for someone to save us.


Gongchan's P.O.V
Common period, Library, 1:27pm

I was waiting for Hana in the library, i was just sitting there like a decent person when suddenly the lights go off, thats odd, and then i feel a pair of hands touching my shoulders ever so lightly, and then another pair of hands down near my feet, and then another set of hands going up and down my chest,  what the f, this is getting unconfortable, And then BAM all the hands started rubbing and then i felt something on my tight... it feels like.... oh dear lord... it better not be...

"EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK" snail.gif  i don't care if anyone heard me, theres something slimmy and disgusting on my leg, "HELPPPPP, PRINCIPAL!!!!! ANYBODY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S A SNAILLL HELPPP ME SOMEONE MOOMMMYYYY IM GOING TO DIEEEEE ITS AFTER ME!!!" i stood up and tried to run away, i tripped on something and out.



Hana's P.O.V
Outside the Library, 1:27

Oh man this is hilarious, i talked to the principal before hand and told her that i was getting back at my bestfriend for making fun of me, since me and the principal are the bestests of buddies, she allowed me to do it. I waswalking around the school when i found the biology classroom, i went in and most of the students were petting snails... how weird is that? well i aproached them and asked them if they could help me with my little "Revenge" they kindly agreed while yelling "FOR SCIENCE" ehehehe im glad they are nice people, i signalled for them to go in the library now since nobody was inside, they gave me thumbs up and went in... this is going to be priceless! 
I set up the voice recorder in my phone, hahaha Gongchan i shall black mail you for life!

"EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK" Gongchan screamed, kekekeke its recording, "HELPPPPP, PRINCIPAL!!!!! ANYBODY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S A SNAILLL HELPPP ME SOMEONE MOOMMMYYYY IM GOING TO DIEEEEE ITS AFTER ME!!!" and then it went quiet, mission complete, the biology club members came out and greeted me.

"Miss Hana, mission accomplished!" they shouted in unison.

"For Science!" I replied, they looked satisfied and walked off to their classrooms, each carrying a little snail in their hands, geez Gongchan why are you so scared of snails? You're even worse than Baro, tsk, tsk. I quickly ran away before Sandeul appeared and questioned my excistence. hehehe this is Daebak!



And i shall continue some other time ^^ Thank you for reading

Thankyou for subscribing : FoodFreak relee1004 I love you all -waves- 


P.S: Aren't alpacas cute?

tumblr_m52u9hAH0v1r6m2bho1_400.gif so cute >___< 

bye bye!!


tumblr_mjqdd4WIrD1rapkumo1_500.jpg Oh Kris xD

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Moon2519 #1
Chapter 18: ....... I just LOVE how you used super Junior's lyrics for this
Chapter 27: I'm so curious yeah . Haha awesome story . Wow being a prankster that was really really awesome ;D
guesswhat #3
Chapter 27: What a great way to end this first story. She misses thoses idiots already. The sequel will be even better. Right?
bunnyboo_pandaboo #4
I'll miss you~^^
Chapter 27: I'll miss you too author-nim...TT__TT ....you'll make a sequel right !!
manlyteabubbles #6
Chapter 26: Is she going to Australia???
IStoleTheCookie #7
Chapter 18: Its for me?:o I feel loved cx
Thazin123 #8
Chapter 25: Thank you hrheheheh bannesa or baro is so hilarious hahah thanks for updating
Chapter 25: Oh my god. this is just the best.
i laughed so hard.