That Should Be Me!!

!!== [My GaNgsteR FaMily] ==!!

Eunhae's POV===

" Come on Eunhae-ah" Chansung whined.

" Oppa just shut up" I shouted from inside the bathroom.

" I will if you get out right now!" He said and I sighed. That Oppa is so annoying. I looked at the mirror for the last time then went out. Chansung was laying on his side, on my bed, he was looking at me up and down.

" What?" I asked looking at myself.

" Nothing" He said then got up. " Now let's go" He said then dragged me out of my room.

" Oppa slow down" I said and he just ignored me.

On the way we saw all of them were sitting together in the living room talking, but as soon as we stepped in they stared at us with weird looks.

" So they're really dating?!" Wooyoung asked and Junho nodded.

" Actually they look good together, but if Chansung changed his white jacket into black they will match perfectly" Junho said and Wooyoung nodded. Junsu smacked both of them and smiled at us.

" Yah!! Hyung it hurts" Junho whined and his forehead while Wooyoung made his crying face.

" Eunhae-ah are you sure you're ok dating him? I mean he didn't threaten to kill you if not" Junsu Oppa said holding my hand. The whole room went silent and we looked at him like he was a freak or something.

" Come here Junsu-ah I think you watch a lot of action movies, he means 'watch out he might sound cute but he still a beast from the inside' and good luck" Jaechun Unnie said then patted Junsu's back as I giggled. Then Khun Oppa came and smiled.

" Eunhae-ah I finally witnessed this day.. you grow up too fast" He said and sighed.

" Oppa I'm not getting married" I said and giggled.

" I know, Chansung you paboo I swear if you did something bad to her I'll kill you and drink your blood" He said and grabbed him by the collar. 

" Hyung! Relax it's like you don't know me or something! I won't even THINK of hurting Eunhae-ah no matter what. Besides I like her so much to do this" Chansung Oppa said then Khun Oppa loosened his grip and looked at me while I smiled widely like a retard.  

" I know I'm actually happy.. good luck for both of you, now go" He said and pushed us softly out of the door.

Chansung Oppa turned back " Guys please don't spoil our date" He said and all of them nodded.

" Of course we won't, we promise" Junsu Oppa said and they all nodded.

" Just go… Eunhae-ah have fun" Yunhae said and winked. I giggled and nodded.

" Yeah have fun" " Good luck" " We won't do anything to spoil your date" "Yeah no matter what" "….

" We won't even follow you to check.. "

" SHUT UP WOOYOUNG" All of them shouted and kicked Wooyoung who cried painfully on the floor.  

I laughed then nodded and was about to leave when I noticed something very strange and unbelievable. Jaebeom was sitting on the couch without doing anything and he was just staring at me intensely, like his stares were burning through me. I gulped down and rushed outside with Chansung Oppa.

' What's wrong with him? Why is he mad? I didn't do anything wrong!!! Right?'  

" Wanna go to the mall?" Chansung asked breaking into my thoughts.  

" YES!" I cheered and stepped into the car. ' I'll just forget about that'

End of Eunhae's POV===  

Third POV===

" Bye, take care" Junho waved at them smiling widely.

" Ok guys what's the plan?" Nichkhun asked as they all gathered around the table. Jaebeom got up and was about to leave the room.

" Hyung, where are you going?" Wooyoung asked, but he ignored him and went up to his room. Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows. ' Maybe he went to sleep, he didn't sleep last night' Wooyoung thought then shrugged his shoulders and concentrated back on the plan.

" Alright guys.. we have to watch them very well and since Chansung-ah is good at this watching and spying things we should be very careful" Junsu said and they nodded. " We have to split ourselves and the plan apart.. let's say, Junho and Wooyoung are the first group, Nichkhun and Jaechun the second.."

" What?!!!" Nichkhun screamed. " Why me and her?" He pointed his finger at himself then Jaechun. Jaechun rolled her eyes and shoved Nichkhun's hand away.

" Because I said so.. anyways Yunhae and I will be the last group" Junsu said and crossed his arms.

" Why is it 'you and Yunhae'?" Wooyoung asked.

" Yeah why we have to be the man X man couple?" Junho protested as well.

" I can't help it, Yunhae and I are left so we have to group together" Junsu said innocently.

" Whatever guys let's go back to the plan" Yunhae said and they all nodded.  

" If that will help I know exactly what will Chansung do on this date" Junho said confidently.

" Junho how many times have I told you to stop spying on people?" Nichkhun said.

" Sorry hyung I couldn't help it" Junho said and lowered his head.

" apologize later now spill it out" Yunhae said excitedly. Junsu looked at her and smiled ' It's a date for me and you as well, it's just you don't know yet.. *Evil laugh* I will get to you Yunhae-ah just wait' Junsu thought and laughed out loud.

All of them where looking at him confusedly.

" Hyung are you on the edge of being insane?" Wooyoung asked receiving a smack on his forehead. "Ouch".

" Shut up.. say what you got Junho" Nichkhun said impatiently.

" First he's going to the mall"….



In the Mall===

" Eunhae-ah you bought a lot of stuff already" Chansung whined carrying lots of bags.

" Oppa I'm not done yet.. aww let's go to the toy store I want that big brown teddy bear that's look like you.. cute~" Eunhae said excitedly.

" I don't look like stuffed bears" Chansung said following her. " It's like you never went to a mall for years" He said dragging his feet along.

" Well it's true" Eunhae said hugging the bear.

Mean while===

" Yah where did they go?" Wooyoung asked hiding behind a big vase, peeking between the plants.

" I don't know, they were in that clothing shop" Junho said hiding behind the bench near the vase.

" Oh no! we lost them aga.." Wooyoung was saying.

" No!! they are over there.. look Eunhae-ah is holding the big brown teddy bear"

" Aww it's SO ADORABLE" Wooyoung screamed and jumped up and down. " Let's go buy another one from there" Wooyoung said and dragged Junho with him to the store.



Opposite side of Baskin Robbins===

" They're soon going to come here" Jaechun said looking around while Nichkhun stood there awkwardly.

" Ugh! Yeah" He said and looked to the other side. Jaechun sighed and kicked his foot softly.

" Why don't you look at me in the eye?" She asked and moved closer to Nichkhun dangerously close!!

" I.. don't.. you know.. Noona you're.. so close" Nichkhun said trying to get away from her but his back hit the wall.

" Don't. call. Me. noona or I'm going to cut off your legs and hang them on my bedroom's door" She said looking right into his eyes.

" W-what!!.. please we're in a public place" Nichkhun said nervously looking around.  

" I don't care" She said. " Ok if you answered me I will stop, why don't look at me in the eye?" She said and he breathed in and out.

"I.. just can't" He said and closed his eyes. ' You're eyes reflect my feelings for you, the feelings I successfully managed to hide after you rejected me' He said in his mind.

 In front of Baskin Robbins===

Chansung's car pulled over in front of the ice cream shop. He stepped out and went to the other side and opened the door for Eunhae.

" Thanks Oppa" She said and took his hand. They hold hand and walked inside the shop.

" Go and sit over there and I'll bring the ice cream" Chansung said pointing at the table near the window. Eunhae happily walked over there and sat on the table. Soon Chansung came with the ice cream.

He sat down and gave Eunhae hers. And started to eat. Eunhae stopped and stared at his ice cream with wide eyes.

" Are you going to eat all of this alone?" She asked in disbelief.

" What? It's only 3 scoops" He said shrugging. Suddenly he stopped and looked out of the window with concentration.

" Is that Jaechun Noona?" He asked and pointed outside.

" Yes! And that's Khun Oppa" Eunhae said.

Chansung looked at Eunhae and smiled he reached out his hand to and wiped the ice cream off. Eunhae looked at him and blushed.

" Khun!! Hmm I want you to give me a name like that too" He said and crossed his arms. Eunhae giggled and shook her head.

" No, Khun is only for Nichkhun Oppa" She said.

" I didn't want you to call me Khun paboo" He said and laughed. " A pet name for me" He said.

" Oh" Eunhae said and thought for awhile. " Channie Oppa" She said and laughed.

" I like how it sounds.. call me Channie Oppa from now on" He said happily.

" Araso, Channie Oppa" she said and ate her ice cream. He smiled then looked out at the couple outside.

' I hope things gone better for you too Khun Hyung' He said in his mind and then smiled.



Sunset time===

The Beach===  

Junsu was laying under a tree covering his face with a hat. Yunhae sat beside him waiting for the newly dating couple to arrive. She saw Junsu laying there looking like he was sleeping.

" Oppa" She whispered and he didn't move. " Oppa" She called out loudly this time. She yawned and pouted. She stared at him and paused for a bit. She felt so tired and wanted to lay down as well. His chest sounds so comfortable and tempting.

" Should I just lay down for awhile there!" She questioned herself and giggled. " He said he's a heavy sleeper so if I lay down, he won't feel it" She said and lied her head carefully on his chest. " So comfortable" She mumbled..

" Hey if you slept now who's gonna watch our love birds" Junsu's voice whispered. Yunhae sat up quickly with wide open eyes and pink cheeks.

" Omo! I thought... ugh! I must.. sorry " She apologized.

" Do you feel sleepy?" He asked and She nodded.

" It's not fair you sleep comfortably there while I do the whole job" She said pouting.

 " Oh so using my chest as a pillow is fair" He said then chuckled. " Fine have it then" He said and patted his chest.

Yunhae's cheeks were now heated up and red. Her heart was crazily bumping...

" Aniyo.. I'll wait for them to arrive" She said and turned around, so her back was facing Junsu. Junsu sat up, his back laying against the tree, and watched her back for a second. He reached out his hand and pulled her so she would sit between his legs and her back was laying against his chest.

Yunhae widened her eyes and tried to get up but Junsu's arms were hugging her waist tightly.

" Let's stay like this for awhile" He said and rested his chin on her shoulder watching the sunset in a comfortable silence.




Chansung held Eunhae's hand and walked towards the sea. They stood right in front of the sea watching the view in silence. Chansung smiled and looked over to Eunhae.

" Eunhae-ah" He called out softly.

" Hmm" She answered.   

" I'm still waiting for your answer" He said and looked forward.

Eunhae looked at him confused. " What answer?" She asked.

" Aigoo~ you forget a lot.. when we were at the ice cream shop I asked you if you've ever liked me or not?" He asked again

" Isn't obvious?" Eunhae asked. " If I agreed to go out with you it means that I have something for you".

" I need you to tell me" He said and held both of her hands and looked deep into her eyes. For the first time Eunhae felt this towards Chansung. In the beginning she thought of him as a friend and she wasn't sure if she liked him other than that but now her heart thought differently. Her eyes were sparkling, her lips were smiling all the way, her heart was beating in every step.

" I like you Channie Oppa" <3<3<3~



In front of their house===

" Oppa we live in the same house, come on in" Eunhae said laughing.

" No, I want to end up our first date like movies, come here Eunhae-ah" He said pulling her in front of the door, dropping carefully the so many bags that Eunhae bought from the mall. Eunhae rolled her eyes and smiled in front of him. " Did you enjoy our first date?" He asked.

" Yes! Big time" She said reminiscing her day.

" Ok then one last thing left for us now" He said and leaned closer to Eunhae. Eunhae widened her eyes and gulped down. She now knew what's coming up. She closed her eyes waiting for him.

Not very long Chansung's lips were pressed against hers. He held her waist tightly and kissed her passionately. It was a very long, warming kiss. Eunhae felt warm all over although it was very cold outside.

They broke the kiss and looked deeply into each other's eyes. Suddenly...

" YAH!! Who said you can kiss her you bastard" An angry Nichkhun was shouting and pointing at Chansung. All of the spying group were actually there looking at them with sparkling eyes.

" Aww~ Eunhae-ah just got her first kiss, did you captured that Junho-ah?" Wooyoung said holding his big teddy bear.

Eunhae then remembered something that was pushed in the back of her head awhile ago.. was that really her first kiss?!!!! Does it count as a real FIRST kiss? But Jay kissed her FIRST.. at that night. 'My very first kiss belonged to Jay?' She shook her head and shrugged off all the ideas from her head.  

" Of course man" Junho said showing the picture to the rest of them on his phone.

They all gave nice comments on their picture. But Nichkhun took the phone and started to shout in Thai that no one understood. Jaechun sighed and pulled his arms and dragged him inside.

" Come on kiddo we're going inside before you explode" She said.

" You naughty boy" Junsu said and smacked Chansung's slightly. Chansung laughed and shook his head. Wooyoung and Junho went inside quickly to play wrestling with the bear.

" Guess they were after us all the time" Chansung said.

" Yeah.. but they didn't spoiled our date like they promised" She said and Chansung nodded. He then held her hands and grinned like a kid.

" I want another kiss" He said and pouted his lips. Eunhae laughed awkwardly and pushed him away.

" Get the bags Channie and let's go inside" She said and ran inside.

" Hey what happened to the 'Oppa'?!" He said and held the bags then went inside following Eunhae.



Jaebeom's POV===

In his room===

Jaebeom was watching everything from his window. He was very sad and angry not at them, but at himself. He was the cowered one and now he's getting it all, all the pain and he was of course regretting it.

" That should be me Eunhae-ah.. holding your hands, hugging you, kissing you.................. that should be me" he whispered to himself sadly.

Awwww.. Jaebeommie T_T



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And about the sequel of My Gangster Family, i've decided not to write it. I think the story ended there hehe sorry if i kept u waiting for nothing or not idk XD


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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
ChiNoNeko #2
Keep up the good work~
GDragon24 #3
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
TeenTopLover02 #4
Chapter 21: Love this fic~ good job!!
Ilabya #5
Oh~ Oh~ Oh~
blackjacksonevipelf #7
snsdsonesoshi #8
Good fanfic~
Thank You all for commenting and supporting our fanfic ^3^ Love you guys <3