Eunhae, I...

!!== [My GaNgsteR FaMily] ==!!

Third POV===

Jaebeom was walking in the school hallways searching for a place to take a nap since Wooyoung said he'll watch over Eunhae in PE class. He found the storage room and stepped inside. He sighed and took off his jacket. He fold it and put it on the floor and laid his head on it making it as a pillow.

He yawned then closed his eyes. Turning to his right, turning to his left… not comfortable, can't sleep. He sat down and hissed. ' Why couldn't I be more careful?!! me' He said in his mind.


Jaebeom got back home late at night with Junsu… They were having their time at 'NYK'. Jaebeom had his time a bit over, so Junsu was helping him to walk properly since he was so DRUNK.

" Junsu-ah… where are you taking me?" Jaebeom asked looking at Junsu.

" I'm taking you to your room baboo, you shouldn't drink that much" Junsu said sighing.

" Shut up.. I'm your Hyung you should respect me" He said hitting Junsu's chest several times.

" I didn't say anything unrespectable" Junsu said.

" Shut up!!" Jaebeom shouted.

" Alright, alright I'm not gonna talk damn it" Junsu said and opened Jaebeom's room and dropped him off on his bed. Jaebeom smiled and pulled Junsu from his neck… He tried to kiss him but Junsu knew better how to avoid this.

It was Jaebeom's habit to do that whenever he gets drunk, he would kiss the first person he could grab.

He put his hand in front of his mouth, so Jaebeom only kissed his hand… then he laid down again on his bed closing his eyes while smiling. Junsu shook his head then removed Jaebeom's shoes and covered him with the blanket. He turned off the lights and headed off to his room.

On his way he saw Yunhae walking out of her own room.. since Taec ordered them to give Yunhae and Jaechun their own rooms. So Yunhae's room was beside Junsu's. When she noticed Junsu she jumped back a bit and gasped.

" You scared me!!" She said holding her chest.

" Sorry" He said with a smile.

" Aniyo it's ok… so why are you up and all dressed and looking so handso… " When she realized what she was about to say she stopped.

" Looking so handsome?" He asked teasingly.

" Ahahaha who said that?!!! Oh I must go back to sleep it's late, night" She said and entered her room. She was standing by the door, her back was pressing against it. Her heart was beating like crazy… ' His smile was almost melting me… Gosh!!!' she thought and smiled to herself.

He was standing by her door smiling while staring at it. ' She said that I looked so handsome.. though I hear that very often, the feelings is different with this one!!!' He thought and felt really happy then he walked to his room humming a song.



Eunhae's Room===

Jaebeom walked in and sat on the edge of Eunhae's bed… He then laid down next to her staring at her sleeping face. He smiled foolishly and crept closer to her. He caressed her cheek then he tucked her hair behind her ear.

He leaned in closer so his face was inches away from hers.

" Eunhae, I… " He said then paused. ".. Eunhae" He whispered then suddenly sat up turning around so his back was facing her. ' What am I doing?' He wondered then looked back. He focused his gaze on her lips… ' Just one kiss would do… no one will know!! Just this once' He thought and leaned in closer.. and closer.. and closer then he pressed his lips against hers and stayed like this for awhile. He closed his eyes enjoying the moment he's always been waiting. Her soft lips feeling against his was just amazing. He felt like he just had his 'real first kiss'.  

Eunhae felt something on her lips. She opened her eyes then widened them. She pushed Jaebeom away and moved back.

" You stupid jerk, what are you doing to me?" She said furiously.

" I was just.. ugh.. I don't know what's got into me?!!!" He said then got up.

" Get out!!" She yelled and he immediately got out. Luckily no one heard anything. He closed the door and leaned his back on it. He smacked his forehead several times cursing himself. Suddenly the door was opened and he fell on his back but he didn't hit the floor and he knew exactly that the floor wasn't under him.

" Oh crap!!" He said and got up quickly. " Are you okay?" He asked while holding Eunhae's hands and helped her up.

She got up and closed her eyes breathing heavily. " Jay" She called out angrily through gritted teeth.

" Sorry I swear I didn't mean to do it" He apologized quickly. She opened her eyes and glared at him.

" Get out of my way!!" She yelled.

" Ok, ok " He said and moved away. " Sorry" He apologized again hanging his head down.

She stopped and turned around glaring at him… she moved closer from him and stepped on his foot then walked off to the kitchen happily. He didn't got hurt at all but he pretended to be. He sighed and walked to his room thinking of what he did over and over again.

End of flashback===

Jaebeom got up and wore his jacket again then headed off to the school field where the PE class was held. From a far he was watching Eunhae playing football. Girls team Vs. Boys. He saw Wooyoung sitting under a big tree on the side of the field. Jaebeom walked over to him and sat down. Wooyoung looked at him and smiled.

" Eunhae-ah is a good athlete, she alone scored 3 points" Wooyoung said.

" Really?" Jaebeom asked smiling while looking at her.

" Yep" Wooyoung replied.

Wooyoung noticed Eunhae looking at him then he waved. Eunhae smiled and waved back… while she was waving she didn't notice that the ball was thrown at her direction and was about to hit her head. Jaebeom realized that and he jumped up immediately and ran to Eunhae's direction. Eunhae furrowed her eyebrows confused that Jaebeom was running like this towards her. He reached really fast and blocked the ball with his chest.

He glared at the boy who threw the ball.

" Be more careful stupid freak or I'm gonna kick your balls out" He said and the boy nodded in fear. Jaebeom went to sit under the tree beside Wooyoung not even glimpsing at Eunhae, well he couldn't after what he did last night. Eunhae didn't move and she was just blinking. Yunhae went to her and tapped her shoulder.

" Are you ok?" she asked concerned, Eunhae just nodded. Then they continued their class and of course Eunhae's team won.  



During art class===

Eunhae wasn't paying much attention at the class. She was actually thinking about her kiss with Jaebeom and the moment when he saved her earlier in PE class. She puts her fingers on her lips and blushed. ' Gosh, he stole my first kiss!!' She thought.

All day she's been trying to not think of this, but when he did what he did in PE class… she was automatically thinking of him.

" Ms. Eunhae" She was cut off her thoughts by the teacher.

" Neh" She replied.

" Were you sleeping with open eyes?!!! Please focus" She said glaring at her.

" Deh!" She replied then sighed.

" What's wrong?" Yunhae whispered looking worriedly at Eunhae.

" Nothing" Eunhae said.

" I'll pass it right now, but after class you're going to tell me all of it" Yunhae said crossing her arms then looking ahead.

Eunhae giggled quietly then nodded and focused her attention back to the teacher.



During the Ride Home===

Jaebeom was unusually very quiet today. He was just looking out the window. Wooyoung was the first one to ask.

" Hyung are you ok?" He asked putting his hand on Jaebeom's shoulder.

" Yeah" He answered shortly.

Yunhae looked suspiciously at Eunhae since she was also acting strange too. Eunhae was staring at Jaebeom shamelessly, not caring if someone caught her in action.

" Eunhae-ah" Yunhae shouted for the million time. " Were you spacing out?" Yunhae asked.

" Huh? Me? No!!" she said then looked at Jaebeom who was staring at her. She looked away immediately and didn't talk. Yunhae rolled her eyes.

" Is it related to Jaebeom?" She whispered in her ear. Eunhae shook her head violently. Finally they reached home.

Like always Eunhae and Yunhae ran inside leaving Wooyoung and Jaebeom behind with their backpacks. Wooyoung sighed and held one of them.

" We're not their servants" Wooyoung said then made his crying face. Jaebeom laughed and held the other.

" And they said they don't need us" Jaebeom said then walked in with Wooyoung.

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And about the sequel of My Gangster Family, i've decided not to write it. I think the story ended there hehe sorry if i kept u waiting for nothing or not idk XD


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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
ChiNoNeko #2
Keep up the good work~
GDragon24 #3
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
TeenTopLover02 #4
Chapter 21: Love this fic~ good job!!
Ilabya #5
Oh~ Oh~ Oh~
blackjacksonevipelf #7
snsdsonesoshi #8
Good fanfic~
Thank You all for commenting and supporting our fanfic ^3^ Love you guys <3