Chapter 4

Forget me Not


“Yeoboseyo?” You asked as you peeked at the room. It’s a practice room, but there are small rooms located around it. You finally took a step inside and proceeded to look for the room of learning languages. You cannot find it though, since there are no labels outside the doors. You’re afraid of opening one door, so you stayed at the corner of the practice room to see if anyone is gonna go out from one of those doors or a person is going to enter the practice room.

After 5 minutes, no one is still entering nor leaving the room. You gave up in waiting and tried to open one of the doors, hoping that the first one you’ll open is the right room.

You took the room near the door of the practice room. You rotated the knob and pushed the door lightly. Unfortunately, someone also opened the door. You almost fell but he caught you.

“Are you okay?” A voice coming from a boy resounded in my ears. I stood myself up and looked at the boy. “I’m okay.” I flashed my eye-smile to him.

“Your eye-smile is so pretty! By the way, what are you doing here?” He said, getting straight to the point.

“Ah, I’m looking for the room for learning languages. Do you know where it is?” You asked innocently.

“Waeyo? Wait.. don’t tell me.. you’re a trainee here?” His eyes was full of expectations. You nodded slightly and he began jumping around the practice room like a little kid. So cute.

He came back to his normal self and talked to you once again. “Mianhe, it’s just that... it’s been a long time since we have seen a trainee around here. I’m just really excited at the thought. So, the room you’re looking for is the room beside the one I came from.”

“Oh. Thank you.”

“Wait, I’m gonna ask something. How can you not know when there is a map of the rooms here?” He said while pointing at the room map near the door. When did that appear there? You looked closer and saw the directory of the rooms. So that’s why there are no labels in the rooms. Aish. Joo Neul, you’re such a pabo.

You laughed awkwardly. “I didn’t saw that earlier. Mianhe. I’ll be going now. I’m late by 10 minutes already.” You said as you excused yourself and headed for the language room.

Ms. Chae was already waiting for you inside the room. She seemed like a kind lady, since she smiled at you when you entered the room.

“I suppose that your name is Lee Joo Neul, and you’re the one scouted the other day?” You smiled and nodded a bit awkwardly. At all times, you feel awkward in front of them, but you can compose yourself after a few moments.

You sat there for an hour already and you’re starting to learn basic Japanese greetings like “konnichiwa”, “ohayou gozaimasu” and to put “-desu” when speaking Japanese at the end of sentences.


Meanwhile, outside the room where Joo Neul is studying, a group of 5 boys gathered at the main practice hall.

“Hyung! Do you know the news?”

“What news?”

“There’s a new trainee at WM!”

“Oh, that. I was told about that yesterday.”

“Eeeh? So I’m the last one to know it?”


“Aish. But at least, I met her a while ago.”

“Mwoh? What’s her name? How does she look like?”

“I haven’t asked her name yet. She looks like a goddess.”

“Sandeul, all girls look goddesses to you. Please be specific.”

“Yah! Not all girls, Baro. Well, she has brownish hair, black eyes and she has a really beautiful eye-smile.”

“Like Tiffany noona from So Nyeo Shi Dae?”

“Well, I personally think that her eye-smile is better that Tiffany noona.”

“I wonder what her age is...”

“She looks younger than us.”

“So she’s a dongsaeng?”

“She’s probably at the same age as our maknae.”

“93-liners? Whoa. I think the two of you will get along really well.”

“Aish. Hyung! You’re teasing me again. I’m the maknae, you should treat me well.”

“Well, as a leader and a hyung, I think you’ll get along. Think of it as an advice to get closer to her.”

“Jinyoungie hyung~ She’s mine!”

“Andwae~ She’s mine! I’m the oldest so I have the rights.”

“That’s not fair!”

The boys continued arguing about who will take Joo Neul. Well, except for their maknae, though.

20 minutes passed. The boys finally stopped arguing and just waited for the girl to come out from the room.

“Hyung, I’ll go to the vocal training room first.”

“Eeeh. Maknae, you’re such a kill joy. Don’t you want to see the girl?”

“Actually, I like to. But I have to train my vocal chords so I can have more lines than you.”

“Andwae~ I’m forever the main vocalist.”

“Whatever hyung. I’m going there now.”

As soon as the maknae entered the vocal training room, Joo Neul left the room for learning languages a little earlier than the scheduled time. She was surprised to see 4 boys waiting for her outside the room. The boys stood up and gathered near Joo Neul.


“You’re the new trainee, right?”

“My name is Jinyoung!”

“I’m Baro!”

“CNU here!”

“Sandeul is the name.”

Joo Neul was shocked by the sudden introductions. She doesn’t know what to say so just smiled awkwardly.

“Ne~ We told you our names, so could you tell us yours?”

Joo Neul sighed. “I’m Lee Joo Neul, and I’m the new trainee at WM Entertainment. Please watch over me.” Joo Neul bowed 90 degrees and the boys clapped their hands after Joo Neul’s formal introduction. She was thinking of the group’s name, but she’s not sure about it.

“May I ask? What’s the name of your group?”

The boys looked at each other and smiled. “Let’s fly! B1A4! Annyeonghaseyo, B1A4 imnida!” B1A4 said as they bowed. Joo Neul suddenly remembered the name after the introduction, but she thought something was wrong about the number of members.

 “So, if you’re B1A4... what does that mean?” You’re not aware since B1A4 is just a rookie group.

“We have 4 type A members and 1 type B member. CNU hyung, Jinyoungie hyung and I are type A. Baro is the type B.” Sandeul explained.

“3 members are type A? I thought it was 4?”

“Ah. Our maknae is not here.”

“Waeyo? Where did he go?” I asked. I wanted to see all of them.

“Channie is training his vocal cords at the training room right now.” Jinyoung told Joo Neul.

“Channie?” Joo Neul’s eyes widened in shock.

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Chapter 1: Ok hi. Lol. I saw this story and first chap is really good. The way you describe is just awesome. As a Filipino, your grammar is good and I can really understand it. Sorry if I offend some Filipinos out there. Your grammar is great, descriptions are awesome and I think I will love this story. And as a fellow Filipino (I'm half Filipino half Canadian), kilig na kilig ako kahit unang chapter pa lang (sorry if u don't understand my Tagalog. It's been a while since I spoke it.) ^_^
louisa_may #2

Chapter 15: Best B1A4 fanfic ever!!! Was so shock to know that this is your first fanfic. Thought it will be like a second or something cause it is SO GOOD!!!!
Chapter 15: I'm crying blood. I love this story!
Chapter 16: I kinda want a sequel since Gongchan would be the star again... but another B1A4 story sounds great too! :D
jennifer1801 #6
Chapter 15: Tnx for mentioning my name its really a good story...please do make a sequel tnx
Chapter 15: orz you did good! ;">
bambipink #8
Chapter 15: Awwww ♥ Loved this fic!