Chapter 3

Forget me Not

“So, tell me, would you like to be a trainee at WM Entertainment?”

Joo Neul is still shocked. First, a complete stranger walked in front of her. Next, he dragged her to a place where she doesn’t know. And now, that man is suddenly asking if she wants to be a trainee at WM.

Gosh. Is this fate?

Joo Neul gathered her thoughts and pretended to think, though she already knows the answer herself. She put her finger in her chin and stared outside. She sighed. Closing her eyes, she suddenly put both of her hands in the table and stood up.

“You know what? I’D LOVE TO!” Joo Neul said as she flashed her eye-smile.

He smiled. “Well then, that’s settled. You’re not going to back out, are you?” The man said to make sure.

“Of course. To tell you the truth, I’m about to audition if you didn’t scout me. Jeongmal kamsahaeyo.” She bowed.

They exchanged numbers to contact each other. They exited the café and bid their goodbyes. Joo Neul tried to find her way where she stood before that man snatched her. Wait. His name is Park Woo Jin, right? I thought I heard that name from somewhere... Never mind.

She decided to just go back home and tell her mom what happened. She found a familiar shop and remembered that her house is 3 blocks away from there. She started to walk again, though her feet hurts already because of searching for signs.


“Eomma! I’m back!” Joo Neul yelled as soon she stepped inside the house.

“I’m here in the kitchen dear!”

Joo Neul went inside the kitchen and saw her mom cooking. It’s probably our dinner.

She sat down at the dining table. She was about to talk when her mom started first. “Joo Neul-ah, someone called at our phone just a while ago. He was looking for you. I asked who he is and I think he said that he is a representative for WM Entertainment something? Do you know that?” Her mom explained.

“Eomma, have you forgotten? WM is where I’m about to audition. And I have to tell you that when I was walking a while ago, that man just scouted me and asked if I want to be a trainee at WM, and of course, I said yes.”

“Bwoh? Then why did he know our telephone number?” Her mom asked out of curiosity.

“Ah. I gave him the number a while ago, so we can contact each other.”


I looked up at the ceiling of my bedroom. I’m lying down at my bed now and trying to get some sleep, but I just can’t. I keep thinking about him. I held the necklace and opened the pendant once again. I started to get teary. I miss him. I miss all his messages. His husky voice that I hear every night, his eyes, nose, lips, jaw line, his everything, I miss all those.

Soon enough, I didn’t notice that I already fell asleep while thinking about him.


A morning call broke Joo Neul’s peaceful slumber. She saw the caller’s ID and found out that it’s the man from yesterday. She quickly pressed the ‘answer’ button.


“Finally. You finally answered! I’m calling you 6 times already. What are you doing?”

Joo Neul tried to fix her voice. “I just woke up, mianhe.”

“Now that you mention it, your voice somewhat sounds like someone who just woke up.” He laughed. “Ah, I’m just going to say that you will be living in a dorm starting today. I got a call from the CEO a while ago and said that you’re accepted as a trainee. Apparently, he watched some videos of you. He was amazed by your voice and decided to take you in as a trainee. You’d better be ready this afternoon! I’ll be the one picking you up at 2PM.” He talked so fast that Joo Neul only understood that she have to live in a dorm and he’ll pick her up at 2.

“Bwoh? Why do I have to live in a dorm? I’m just a trainee!” I exclaimed.

“The CEO just... want to give you some kind of special treatment. AND YOU CAN’T SAY NO TO HIM.” He emphasized the last sentence. I sighed.

“Aish. Okay. Will I have dorm mates?”

“Nope. You’re alone at your dorm. It’s kind of small though.”

“I’m alone? Aish. Like I could complain. Sure.”

“Be ready okay? I’ll explain your schedule later after you put your things at the dorm.”

After that, he hung up. Joo Neul started to fix her things. Joo Neul’s mom saw her preparing her things and helped her to make it faster.  They ate breakfast shortly after they finished fixing her things. They talked about what she might do there. Soon, the man arrived in front of their house to pick up her. Joo Neul promised to call her mom every other day.

They got off in front of nicely painted house. The man made his way inside and Joo Neul followed right behind. They entered it and they saw a really neat interior. Furnitures inside are nicely arranged. She looked inside the kitchen and many cooking utensils can be seen. The refrigerator is full of foods. This is something unusual for a single person living in a dorm.

“Umm, is this my dorm?” Joo Neul asked shyly.

“Yep. Amazing, right?”

“Are you really sure? Did we barge in at a wrong house?” Joo Neul still can’t believe that she’ll be living in a perfect dorm.

“The door was locked a while ago. I used the keys given to me to open it, and it opened. We’re at the right dorm. Ah, I won’t be able to help you with your things, since I have something to do. Here is the schedule, I’ll explain it to you later if you don’t understand it yet.”


Once again, Joo Neul is fixing her things on the cabinet. She only brought a few things with her this time to prevent her from spending too much energy on fixing it.

Upon finishing, she sat down on the couch and looked at her schedule.

8:00 AM - Wake up

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Foreign language (Basic English, Japanese and Mandarin)

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Practice in writing lyrics

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Lunch and free time

12:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Vocal Training

4:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Dance Practices (breaks every one hour)

“Looks like I’m going to be tortured every day, eh?” Joo Neul said to herself. She put down the paper at the table and prepared my dinner. It’s 6PM already.


The next day, Joo Neul woke up earlier than 8AM, so she decided to walk around the area to familiarize herself. It’s her first time visiting and living in Bangbae-dong, after all. She jogged around her house and memorized the streets and buildings surrounding it. Shortly after, she went back to the dorm and had her breakfast. Once again, she stared at the schedule placed at the table.

Today is gonna be a tiring day.

All things, including the schedule, the dorm, the scouting, and the CEO are all made up. Well, it's a fan fiction, after all. :3

SHINee's Why So Serious! OMG I love it *o*

D-8 to B1A4's comeback ♥

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Chapter 1: Ok hi. Lol. I saw this story and first chap is really good. The way you describe is just awesome. As a Filipino, your grammar is good and I can really understand it. Sorry if I offend some Filipinos out there. Your grammar is great, descriptions are awesome and I think I will love this story. And as a fellow Filipino (I'm half Filipino half Canadian), kilig na kilig ako kahit unang chapter pa lang (sorry if u don't understand my Tagalog. It's been a while since I spoke it.) ^_^
louisa_may #2

Chapter 15: Best B1A4 fanfic ever!!! Was so shock to know that this is your first fanfic. Thought it will be like a second or something cause it is SO GOOD!!!!
Chapter 15: I'm crying blood. I love this story!
Chapter 16: I kinda want a sequel since Gongchan would be the star again... but another B1A4 story sounds great too! :D
jennifer1801 #6
Chapter 15: Tnx for mentioning my name its really a good story...please do make a sequel tnx
Chapter 15: orz you did good! ;">
bambipink #8
Chapter 15: Awwww ♥ Loved this fic!