Chapter 10

Forget me Not

After the ‘incident’ a while ago, Chansik and I were really awkward. It’s like, our first meeting, where we are still using honorifics and such. We also bow to each other whenever we meet. I’m sure the other members of B1A4 have noticed this, that’s why they are here in front of me now, carrying a truck of questions.

“Ya. Lee Joo Neul, why are you being like this to our maknae?” Jinyoung started.

“Did something happen between the two of you?” CNU asked.

“OMO! Did you guys do something?” Sandeul asked with a surprised face.

“Why so awkward?” Baro asked.

“Okay please, one question at a time. I don’t have 4 mouths to answer all of those.” I stopped them from asking another question.

“Sure. Please answer mine first.” Jinyoung said. 

“Aniyo! Hyung, she’s my bestfriend! She has to answer mine first.” Sandeul retorted.

“I’m the oldest. I have the right to be answered first.” CNU’s voice sounded like a commander.

“I have the weirdest question! You’ll answer mine first, right?” Baro said while using aegyo.

“Aish. Oppa, please stop! You’re arguing in front of me again.” I pouted.

“Lee Joo Neul, just choose one of us and answer it~” Sandeul oppa said.

“You decide, with rock-paper-scissors.” I said. I know that they decide things using rock-paper-scissors, since I saw them playing this every time they have an argument or something.

They smiled at proceeded with the game, and turns out that CNU won. Good thing that Chansik is not here, he can control this game according to his likes. That boy is just amazing. 

“Hyung! You cheated!” Sandeul began to argue again.

“Lee Sandeul! Stop it juseyo~” I said. 

He laughed at my cute action and moved aside. CNU is now in front of me.

“So? What happened between the two of you?” CNU asked once again.

I made a thinking expression. “Molla.” I shrugged with closed eyes.

“Ya! We even argued on who will you answer, but you’re not going to?”

“Well, why do I even have to answer it?” I smirked at Sandeul and walked away. I just can’t say it to them, after all. 


I’m here at the composition room now, writing lyrics, as usual. I have to write another song by today and submit it to Ms. Chae. She said something about making it an official song to be used by someone. I wonder who is that someone though?

While writing the lyrics, I can’t help but think about Chansik. Why, of all things, does he have to forget our high school memories together? Can’t he just forget something else, like when he spilled chocolate over himself or something? Or maybe when he dumped some fangirls of him?

Thinking about those things, I managed to complete the song in no time. Ms. Chae checked the lyrics and she once again praised me for writing good ones. She dismissed me earlier since that’s the only schedule I have for today.


I still have 30 minutes before lunchtime. I’m not hungry yet, so I thought I’ll do something before I took out my lunchbox. That said, but I still can’t think of anything to do. B1A4 is on a photoshoot today, they said that they will be shooting the teaser videos and pictures today. I do hope that they’ll have a great time there, though.

Thinking about what to do, I lied down at the practice hall. B1A4 said that they always keep this clean, since the teachers have scolded them for a hundred times already. I took out a book from my bag and started reading it.

“Oh? Wae is this character popping out now?” I said and laughed to myself.

“Aish. She should’ve said that she’s the promised girl. She looks like it, anyway.” I talked to myself again.

“Ya! Lee Joo Neul, you’re talking to yourself again. Is this the effect of being alone? I also do this when I’m at the dorm.” I said to myself and giggled. I should stop this; someone might hear me and think that I’m crazy.

I read again and kept the thoughts to myself, being aware that someone might hear my self-talking. Without knowing it, I fell asleep.


“Joo Neul-ah! We’re back~” Sandeul yelled while closing the door.

“Hyung! Your voice is too loud. She can hear you alright, it’s a closed room.” Chansik pointed out.

“Aigoo~ Our Chan is being too strict~” Jinyoung hugged Chansik.

“Ya! Don’t spill your sweetness here alright? Aish. The two of you are always too close, we might think of you as a couple.” Baro said.

“Like you’re one to talk, Baro. You and Sandeul are always too close, you even fed each other a while ago!” CNU replied.

“Are you jealous, hyung?” Sandeul smirked.

“I’m not! I’m just saying it since people might think of you as couples.” CNU disagreed.

“It’s okay hyung, you’ll find your perfect match~” Baro smirked as he walked into the room.

Sandeul looked around the room to find Joo Neul, but he can’t seem to find her. He was about to shout when CNU stopped him.

“She’s here.” Chansik said, or more like whispered, while pointing at the place where Joo Neul was sleeping.

“Oh.” Sandeul said. He walked near Joo Neul and sat beside her.

“Her face is so angelic even when she sleeps, ne?” Jinyoung praised.

“Yeah. I bet she even looks good when she was young.”

“She must have been tired. Aigoo~” 

“This scene reminds me of something, what’s that called?” 

“Eh? Deullie-ah, what is it? Give us something like a clue or whatever.” Baro asked.

“I don’t know, I think it’s something I watched in a play... Oh! I remember!” Sandeul exclaimed.

CNU raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it?” 

“Oh oh! Is it the scene where you lean in and kiss the girl?” Chansik excitedly said.

“Oh. The thing that I can’t do on our Baby I’m Sorry MV.” Baro face palmed himself.

“Yep! Channie got it right~” Sandeul said.

“But why? Do you want to kiss her? We know that you have a crush on her, but aren’t you a little advanced?” Jinyoung asked while drawing a smirk on his face.

“Aniyo! I just remembered that scene.” Sandeul defended. 


I woke up upon hearing Sandeul oppa’s voice a while ago, but I thought that I’ll pretend to be asleep so they can wake me up. But that’s not the case, they just sat next to me and talked about something like a scene from a play? But what’s surprising is that, I found out that Sandeul oppa has a crush on me. OMO! Is this true? I also had a slight crush on him, but I didn’t know that he also has a crush on me. But that doesn’t matter now, since I fell for Chansik again.

I still kept my sleeping face and listened to their conversation more.

“Aigoo~ Sandeul hyung is blushing~” Chansik said. It hurts me though, but I don’t have to show it to them. I can’t say it, since Sandeul hyung likes her already.

“I-I AM NOT!” Sandeul shouted.

I can feel that they looked at me as soon as Sandeul oppa shouted, and since I can’t keep up the sleeping act, I just pretended to wake up by the noise.

“What’s not?” I asked while fake stretching.

“N-nothing Joo Neul-ah. Sorry to disturb your sleep.” CNU oppa bowed.

“It’s okay oppa. I haven’t ate my lunch yet, and I still have practice later.” I said.

“Eh? Why didn’t you eat your lunch yet?” Chansik asked worriedly.

“I accidentally fell asleep. I got dismissed earlier than expected and I was reading a book, but before I knew it, I fell asleep.” I said.

“Oh. You shouldn’t read while lying down, it increases the rate of sleepiness.” Baro oppa chuckled.

“Ya! Why are you saying it like a professor or something?” Sandeul teased Baro. 

I sat up and they also stood up. “I should start eating now.” I laughed. “By the way, thank you Sandeul oppa, your voice woke me up.” I flashed my eye-smile at him.

“Y-your welcome.” Sandeul kind of stammered while saying it. I saw Chansik look away, but I didn’t bother to know why.

Sorry for not updating! Well, I should only say that if someone is really waiting for updates...

I'm too busy at school since I'm aiming to retain my top 3 ranking at school~

Oh, and by the way, I already finished writing the whole story ^^ It's 15 chapters long. I think I can update faster now since I just have to copy what I typed on MS word. ㅋㅋㅋ

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Chapter 1: Ok hi. Lol. I saw this story and first chap is really good. The way you describe is just awesome. As a Filipino, your grammar is good and I can really understand it. Sorry if I offend some Filipinos out there. Your grammar is great, descriptions are awesome and I think I will love this story. And as a fellow Filipino (I'm half Filipino half Canadian), kilig na kilig ako kahit unang chapter pa lang (sorry if u don't understand my Tagalog. It's been a while since I spoke it.) ^_^
louisa_may #2

Chapter 15: Best B1A4 fanfic ever!!! Was so shock to know that this is your first fanfic. Thought it will be like a second or something cause it is SO GOOD!!!!
Chapter 15: I'm crying blood. I love this story!
Chapter 16: I kinda want a sequel since Gongchan would be the star again... but another B1A4 story sounds great too! :D
jennifer1801 #6
Chapter 15: Tnx for mentioning my name its really a good story...please do make a sequel tnx
Chapter 15: orz you did good! ;">
bambipink #8
Chapter 15: Awwww ♥ Loved this fic!