

'Oh my god,' gasped Sungjong when he remembered about the papers. He immediately ran dashing out off the room. He had a hard time opening their house's front door even if it was overly so familiar to him; he used to be able to open it even with eyes closed but at that moment he was fumbling. When he finally got out, he ran staight ahead to the mansion; not caring who he might encounter along the way. He has sinned, that was what he was thinking. I have sinned.

All his life, he had always admired Mr. Kim, the man was generous; kind; sweet and everything a son could ask for. But, on some occasions, Sungjong has seen him get mad and it wasn't a nice sight at all. Sungjong thought that he would see the anger being directed at him at any minute then. The thought made him shiver but despite that he continued running to the mansion.

When he entered through the kitchen door- that was the nearest entrance to their house  the cook gave him a questioning look. Sungjong was known to be the 'always composed kid' but the maids were seeing someone disoriented that moment. Sungjong made eye contact with them for a second then kept walking. When he reached the living room; which he had to pass because Mr. Kim's office was on the far end of the house   the maids who were fixing the curtains also gave him weird looks but again he refused to stop.

Sungjong didn't know, but as he was nearing the office, he got more nervous than he already was. He knew Mr. Kim had a soft heart towards him but the fact that he was already 'married by papers' to his 'only son' 'without his consent' frightened him to bits. And, the fact that he was drunk when all that has happened almost made him want to cry. He was careless. So careless.

He was cut off from his reverie when he hit someone along the way; it was Myungsoo. Sungjong didn't look him in the eye; he didn't even look up at all. He was staring at his feet all the time. He could recognise the shoes Myungsoo was wearing and when the latter spoke, it only proved that it really was him.

"Sungjong," Myungsoo said, his voice full of concern. Just like the rest of the workers in the house, it was the first time Myungsoo seeing this Sungjong. Instead, of answering Sungjong just push passed Myungsoo and approached the door to the office. Leaving Myungsoo there staring at his back.

He knocked two times, that had always been a sign that it was him who was knocking. Other people would knock three times, and his dad, as he was told, knocked once. He didn't open the door until he heard a soft, 'Come in.'

Sungjong opened the door hesitantly, he was really nervous then, it was kicking in. He never felt nervous. Sungjong and the word nervous in one sentence was never right, Sungjong is composed. Sungjong had elegance, how could he be nervous? But right then, as he was opening that door; Sungjong was nervous.

When he was finally inside; he didn't look up, eyes staring at his shoes. He just couldn't make himself to look up. But when he heard his father calling out his name then he finally looked up. He didn't even realise that his own father was there. He shot his father a pleading look; trying to give the message that he needed some guidance but all his father gave him was a hard gaze.

Sungjong wanted to seek for forgiveness; to apologise for his carelessness but he couldn't utter a single word. When he looked up, he immediately came in contact with Mr. Kim's eyes and he couldn't break off from the gaze.

'Well, Sungjong, have a seat,' Mr. Kim said. Sungjong took a seat hesitantly, on this occasion before he would refuse the offer but today he didn't even say a word and just sat. If he kept standing he wasn't sure if his feet would be able to support him, he might as well sit down  rather than collapsing like a damsell in distress.

'Mr. Kim..' Sungjong started hesitantly.

'Sungjong I know already. Myungsoo told me everything.' Mr. Kim said monotonously. Sungjong dreaded this; he wanted to run outside already. The way Mr. Kim said it sounded so threatening to his ears. He wondered why his father wasn't saying anything then remembered- why would he?




He was making his way back to their house when he met Myungsoo in the living room once again. Sungjong didn't even consider the fact that maybe, maybe Myungsoo was waiting for him all this time. All he wanted was to get home and be alone.

'Sungjong, are you okay?' Myungsoo came rushing to his side when he saw how crestfallen Sungjong was.

'No, hyung,' was his short reply.

Myungsoo didn't want this, the Sungjong he knew would at least fake it; a part of him was glad of course that the latter was being open to him but this only proved how disoriented Sungjong was.

'At least tell me what happened in there. Did he say something? I'll talk to him again,' Myungsoo offered but Sungjong only shook his head. And once again, he was staring at his shoes, Sungjong didn't want to make eye contact with anyone at the moment   especially not Myungsoo.

'Sungjong look at me,' Myungsoo demanded, cupping Sungjong's face; forcing him to look up.

Rather than looking at the other's eyes, Sungjong closed his to avoid contact. 'Come on Sungjong, I want to help you but you won't let me. Let me,' Sungjong sensed desperation in his hyung's voice but he still refused to open his eyes or even talk.

Instead of saying another word, Myungsoo decided to hug the other. He didn't want to force Sunngjong onto telling him what was wrong; he'd say it whenever he'd be ready. To his surprise Sungjong hugged him back, clutching at the his clothes.

I won't be always by your side anymore. I won't be there wherever you will go. I won't be there helping you when you're in trouble. You won't be there to nag me when I'm concentrating on something. He told me to quit. He told me to quit my job.

'Sungjong, I want you to quit being Myungsoo's butler.'


Permalien de l'image intégrée

we connect through Rubix' cube~
and see this? he looks a bit like Suzy omg
so you know, Myungsoo's 'ideal type' is Suzy as he said in JTBC High Society
lol, don't believe Myungsoo, that was a decoy
he only thinks that Sungjong looks a bit like her so he said that :']
come on, boy and boy relationship is still a taboo issue in Korea~
so you know, Myungsoo's just being cautious
he doesn't want to hurt 'his' Jongie <3


//140605// deleted other parts of this a/n except ^ because ha im ridiculous about myungjong and i like it

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 12: I missed you ate, so much. Thank you for coming back and put an end to this story.
Chapter 12: Cute Story!!!!!! Thank for your work!!!!
U did great Author nim <3
Chapter 12: Yes thank you for updating author-nim! I really enjoyed this fic
Chapter 11: please update author-nim! I really love this story <3
Chapter 11: Please update!!!:)