Chapter 5

Kpop Hunger Games

"Ladies and gentelmen, i present to you, CUBE district's tributes for the 74th Hunger Games; Kim Hyuna and Yang Yoseob!"

Yoseob shot up from his terrible dream. The same moment kept playing over and over again in his head. He prayed that this wasnt real, that this whole thing was just a dream. He prayed that this wasnt true.

But it was true. Yoseob and Hyuna are CUBE District's tributes.


[Minho's Point Of View]

So here i am, at the remake center. Both Jessica and I have stylist doing their duties; preparing us for the day ahead.

I start to shivver, because of the cold temperature. Its really cold here.

My stylist, Jemmi starts laughing because i am shivvering a lot. I'm suprised that she's not cold too? Well she must be used to it i guess. After all, she does live in this horrible place.

After an hour or so, i find myself in tights and a white long sleave shirt. I look stupid.

"Do i really have to we--"

"Yes." Jemmi affirmed after cutting me off.

i sighed as i looked at my reflection in the mirror.


Hours passed, and i am now standing on a chariot with Jessica.

I start nervously gripping the edge of the chariot as i stare at the other tributes who are in my view. They all look so beautiful in their outfits. Nice colours, shining and all.

While Jessica and i look like . We look like potatoes compared to them! Jessica is dressed in a black unitard from head to two. Like what the heck is that thing anyway?! its hideous.

Our chariot starts moving towards the city, and i know, its time.

i heard Jessica gulp and i can feel her shaking beside me.

I looked down at her and nudged her shoulder.

"Keep your cool. Smile." i whispered.

She nodded and took a deep breath.

I began to hear cheering as we got closer to the city. But of course everyone were cheering for the other districts.

No one cares about our district anymore. Not since SooHyun has become who he is now. a drunk idiot.

i stared at the chariot infrount of ours. It read "YG district."

I had a closer look to see who the two tributes were.

My eyes widened and was followed by a smirk. The two tributes for YG are Sandara Park and Kang DaeSung?

No offence, but they dont have a chance. Sorry YG, but your tributes are going down.

Behind us were another set of easy targets. After School's Lizzy and NU'EST's Ren. Poor Pledis district dont stand a chance.

I didnt get to see who the other tribues were. Since the chariots were a fair distance away from each other.

So i guess i'll have to wait till later, to find out who my compitition are.


[Jessica's Point Of View]


So many questions are floating around my head, that i didnt even notice that the announcer had already announced SM. Both Minho and i awkwardly stand on our chariot in front of everybody.


I smiled awkwardly and gave a little wave at the audience. The crowed started cheering loudly for Minho. I looked up at him. He looks pretty good actually. His tight clothing makes his muscles show and he looks twice the size he was before. His skin was glowing and his hair shon brightly by all the lights.


Then Minho does the unthinkable. He wraps his arm around me like we're a brother/sister duo. The audience cheer goes wild. I hear the crowed chanting Minho and my name.


The other districts have stopped smiling and are looking at us now. I looked at the screen that enlarges our faces.


We look... cute. Like the perfect brother and sister.


I smile even brighter and even give the audience a thumbs up. I stay like this until our chariot arrives into the Training Center.


We steped off and are escorted into the building that will be our homes until the games start. I entered an elevator with Minho and he presses the 12 button on the panel.


"That was clever," i say to break the ice. "what you did there"


Minho shrugs. "The people are always looking for something to entertain them."


We stepped out of the elevator when it finally reaches the twelth level. I made my way over to my room and stopped in front of the door. I took a deep breath before cracking it open.


I stared at the gigantic room. It had a big bed with silky sheets. The bathroom was the size of my entire room. It had bright white walls with mini pictures of President Snow painted on the border. Each one had a different face of him. I rolled my eyes and plopped on the bed. I wanted to just melt away in the sheets and have a lovely nap, but before i even tried to fall asleep, Hyori called me for lunch.


I silently move down the hall into the dining room. All eyes were on me as i entered. I took a look around to see that every tribute for each district were sitting at tables. How awkward.


I managed to take a look at the tabel labled 'NH Media'. My eyes filled with confussion as i saw the two tributes. It was AJ and Kiseop from U-Kiss. No girl? Two guys as tributs? Thats not fair at all!


I saw Minho sitting at a table eating, with his styleist from before. He signal's me to join him. I smiled and sat down. We all ate silently for a while before Jemmi- the stylist blurts out:


"What you did in the ceremonies was unforgettable."


i exchange glances with Minho, who just smiles. SooHyun who randomly joined us, nodded.


"It's true. The brother/sister duo thing you pulled has really got the crowed going. Now they think you two want to protect each other in the games. Genius." SooHyun said.


I looked at Jemmi, she smiles and gives me a thumbs up.


"So what are we going to do about the training sessions?" Minho asked. I look up as well and wait for SooHyun to respond.


"I cant tell you anything specific, i have to wait to i coach you personally, but for now i'll just say dont upset them. Dont say or do anything that you aren't sure is right. When i was in the games, there was this girl who decided to stab one of the Gamemakers in the back with a knife." SooHyun starts.


I shudder to myself. The thought of being stabbed in the back got to me.

"Luckily, he didnt die, but as soon as she stepped one foot off her platform during that Games, she was blown up immediately. The Gamemakers dont fool around you know."


I sit back in my chair and shudder again. Just the though of seeing someone blown up right before your eyes could scar anyone.


After dinner, i made my way back to the room. I crawled into bed and stared in the darkness. I started to think.. 

What if i cant contol my temper and throw a knife at someone? I'll get blown up!  

What if i dont get good scores in my training session? Then i wont get any sponsors. 

What if Minho abandons me!?

"Arrgh!!" i shot up from my laying position and ran my fingers roughly through my hair. I could feel my nerves taking over my whole body.

I am scared.

My mind is spinning, tossing and turning around in my head. Oh how i wished i was at home right now. I wish i never had came to this stupid place! 

Why does it have to be me!?

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Onesecond22 #1
Chapter 19: Minho... But... Why... No way. He cant just die like that. No freakin way...
Chapter 19: U killed minho DX I hope jessica can make it through the games
I wonder how the members of shinee will react...
Chapter 19: :O MINHO! OMG! NUUUUUUUUU ;______;
Chapter 18: woah, this was an intense chapter! I would feel the same if I was in Jessica's position. And when Hongki was pleading for help, it was so sad. He's usually the strong one and I love how he was protective over Jessica!

Minho O___O I hope he'll be okay!! He's already so weak T___T
Chapter 18: No....Minho!!
Chapter 12: Im just saying this cause like you author nim,i have read and watched the hunger games and i realised something......minho is like katniss who volunteered and jimin is like rue!somehow i linked up to all this......but awesome fic you have here!^^
Pooch-50 #7
Chapter 15: Cool chapter ^^
Poor Minho, he's always getting badly hurt isn't he?
I really thougjt he might die in this chapter though O.O
Chapter 15: Hongki acts as a nice new character! I don't know why, but I just really like that you added him into the story too. I wonder why he helped them but I guess we'll find out soon!
Chapter 15: Minho D: thanks for updating I don't want him to die or jess >.<