Chapter 4

Kpop Hunger Games

[Jessica's Point Of View]


I slumped down on my bed and stared out the window. How i longed to go home, and be with my Girls again. Even better, be at my actual home with my family. and Krystal.

If only SM district hadn't rebelled. If only the Hunger Games hadn't been Invented. If only my name wasnt chosen.

"Jessi, may i come in?" A silent voice says. I open the door to see Minho smiling at me.

I scowl. "Only Krystal can call me Jessi." I say.

He nods and proceeds to the bed. He plops down and pats the seat next to him. I roll my eyes but sit down.

" Jessica, i want to talk to you." He states.

I roll my eyes again. "Obviously." i mutter.

He sighs and looks away. He stays like that for a while before closing his eyes and turning back to me.

"Jessica.. I love your sister." he begins.

I widen my eyes and drop my mouth.

He nods his head and sighs. "It's true. I've loved her for a very long time now..." he started.

" and i'm going to protect you for Krystal. I'm not going to let anybody hurt you. I want you to win" He finishes.

I shake my head. I stand up and look him in the eye. Suddenly, i embrace Minho. I wrap my arms around his waist and curl my fingers. Tears silently slip down my eyes. Minho looks down on me.

"I'm never going to see Krystal again, Minho. Never! I dont want to be here. I want to go home!" i cry into his stomach.

Minho softly rubs the top of my head. I hear him quietly weep. We stand there, hugging each other, crying. Minho stops crying and sits back down. I stand infrount of him, wiping the tears remaining on my cheek.

"Like i said, Jessica, i will not let anything hurt you. I dont want you to lose in the Games." He says.

I sniffle, "But what if i dont win? what if theres no time for you to save me?" i ask.

Minho hushes me. "You ask too many questions," he says, a soft smile forming on his lips.

He hugs me one last time before we go to speak with Soo Hyun.


[Minho's Point of View]

We decide to go over to Soo Hyun to ask for some advice. Since thats what he's ment to do anyway..

I Hugged Jessica one last time. The she speaks. "Minho.."

"Yes?" i answer her.

"You're so brave" she mumbles

i smirked back at her.

On the outside it seems like i am fearless, but on the inside. I am ting bricks.

"Taking Taemin's spot to be here.... so brave. SHINee are lucky to have you by their side"

"Actually.. I, i didnt do this for Taemin. I did this for Krystal. and for you.."

She smiled at me.. "So if i wasnt chosen, you wouldnt have taken Taemin's place? you would have just let him go? sending the maknae of SHINee to hell?" she questioned.

"Probably." i answered.

She crossed her arms and pouted. Then lightly punched my shoulder.

"What was that for?" i questioned while rubbing the area of where i got hit.

She pressed her eyes together, giving me a glare. She was trying to look angry, but it was actually kinda cute.

"What?" clueless of why she was angry, i asked again.

"Hmpht." She flicked her hair over her shoulder, turned her whole body around and stormed off out of the door.

I laughed. She's so childish. I followed along after her.


[Jessica's Point of View]

Soo Hyun was sitting at a table, mindlessly shaking his empty wine glass, as if that would make more appear. He was drunk.

He spotted us coming and stared at us as if he's never seen us before.

I pulled up a chair across from him and Minho sat down next to me.

"Soo Hyun, we need you to focus for us" i state.

Minho and i exchange glances. He nods his head of approval, and i go back to Soo Hyun.

Soo Hyun poured another glass of red wine, before tossing the cup down and drinking straight from the bottle.

"Focus? Why? You guys are as good as dead." He says with his words slurred.

I gritt my teeth to keep me from punching him. Minho took the bottle from Soo Hyun and placed it next to him.  

"Not if you help us. Advice. We need advice on staying alive. give us tips? anything." Minho begs.

"Nothing will help a couple of weaklings like you two" Soo Hyun says.

I leaped across the table and knocked Soo Hyun out of his seat. I raised a knife and jammed it into the the floor just missing his head. Soo Hyun eyeballs the knife from the corner of his eye. He stares back at me and smirks.

"Well, we certainly do have a little spark in you. But i dont know about your friend." He says as his eyes flicker over to Minho.

Minho stood up and grabbed another knife. He aims it towards Soo Hyun's head and throws it, having it land only inches above his head. Soo Hyun's eyes widened and smiles with fear, then nods his head.

"We have a little bit of spark in both of you, i see."

Soo Hyun uneasily lifted himself from the ground and held onto the table to catch his footing.

"You two might have a chance in the arena.. But lets talk about that later. It's time i head to bed" He said then staggerd away out of the train cart we were in.

I sat in my chair and started thinking about what Soo Hyun said. We both have a little spark in us? Thats good, right? It means i have a chance in the arena. He did say 'both' though. Meaning Minho had just as much a chance that i did.

But what if Minho is pretending to care about me? What if he's lying to me about loving Krystal? He say's he is going to protect me, but what if when were in the arena he kills me off? Or leaves me to defend for myself while others try to kill me?

Aish, why are all these questions roaming through my head?

"Arrgh" i shook my head and glanced up.

While having my moment of thinking i didnt even notice that Minho had already left?

I got up from my chair and headed back to my room. I should get some sleep and clear my mind a bit.


[Minho's Point of View]

I woke up the next morning to Hyori screaming down the hall calling us to breakfast. I stagger out of bed and put a red and black shirt on with some jeans.

I headed over to the next car and sat down for breakfast.

A small plate of bread, eggs and bacon was placed before me.

"Jessica, Minho, have you discussed the games with Soo Hyun yet?" Hyori asked us.

i noded.

"It didnt go as well as we planned though.." Jessica says

Soo Hyun who was sitting across the table from us gave Jessica a small scowl and took a drink of the wine in his hand.

"Well you know, Soo Hyun is your mentor. He's the one who's trying to get you sponsers. You might want to try and cooperate with him" Hyori says.

I rolled my eyes and swolled my bacon.

"He's a drunk mess. It's impossible to cooperate with him!" Jessica let out then shut instantly.

Hyori pressed her lips together tightly. But before she could speak the train began slowing down.

I looked out the window and saw the Capitol's bright lights ahead.

I looked at Hyori who was also glancing out the window. "We're here!" She cries in her loud-pitched voice.

We were pulled up to the station and were immediately escorted to the Remake Center. I saw Hyori waving to us and smiling "Have fun! I know you'll enjoy it~!" She cries.

If only that were true.

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Onesecond22 #1
Chapter 19: Minho... But... Why... No way. He cant just die like that. No freakin way...
Chapter 19: U killed minho DX I hope jessica can make it through the games
I wonder how the members of shinee will react...
Chapter 19: :O MINHO! OMG! NUUUUUUUUU ;______;
Chapter 18: woah, this was an intense chapter! I would feel the same if I was in Jessica's position. And when Hongki was pleading for help, it was so sad. He's usually the strong one and I love how he was protective over Jessica!

Minho O___O I hope he'll be okay!! He's already so weak T___T
Chapter 18: No....Minho!!
Chapter 12: Im just saying this cause like you author nim,i have read and watched the hunger games and i realised something......minho is like katniss who volunteered and jimin is like rue!somehow i linked up to all this......but awesome fic you have here!^^
Pooch-50 #7
Chapter 15: Cool chapter ^^
Poor Minho, he's always getting badly hurt isn't he?
I really thougjt he might die in this chapter though O.O
Chapter 15: Hongki acts as a nice new character! I don't know why, but I just really like that you added him into the story too. I wonder why he helped them but I guess we'll find out soon!
Chapter 15: Minho D: thanks for updating I don't want him to die or jess >.<