Chapter 17

Kpop Hunger Games

[Jessica's Point of view]

Minho fidgets in the position he’s in, trying to sit up. "Poisoned? What do you mean it’s poisoned?"

"What could it mean? The water will kill us if we drink it! Haven’t you ever heard of poisoned before?" Hongki snaps.

I roll my eyes and stumble my way back over to him. "Be nice." I say to Hongki. "and yes Minho, the water is poisoned.

Minho grumbles. "How do you know the animal didn’t eat something earlier and died from that?" he asks.

I pick up the water and it to Minho. "Do you want to drink whats left and see if its really poisoned?" I ask.

Minho puts the water down and cutes his eyes at me.

Hongki laughs. "Both of you just shut up and go back to sleep. I’ll watch now." He says.

I fold my arms and shake my head. "No. I still want to keep watch." I say.

Hongki stares me down until he gives in and says alright. My girls back home always told me that I was the queen of stubbornness. It always came in handy.

"Alright, but just don’t wake us up if you see a squirrel running, ok?" Hongki snaps.

I watch him lie down and drift to sleep. For someone who wants to be our friend, he’s sure mean. Why does he even want to be our friend now? The games will be over soon. There really isn’t any time to form alliances. There has to be a trick up his sleeve or something.

By morning, I’m exhausted. I didn’t once sleep once. I was afraid Minho would get hurt if I didn’t keep an eye on him. I feel bags beginning to form under my eyes. I rub them sleepily and try shake it off.

"I’m going hunting." Hongki announces and leaves.

Minho laughs at me.

"What’s so funny?" I ask.

He smiles. "Nothing."

It’s silent for a while. Minho is lying down in a ball, like he’s really cold. It’s actually kinda cute. Then finally, he says something that catches me off guard.

"So Hongki wants me dead, huh?" he asks with a little smile on his face.

I snap my head to him. "How did you know?" I stammer. He shrugs his shoulders and rolls his eyes.

"I was awake when you were talking about getting rid of me. You thought I was asleep." He says.

I bite my lip and stay quiet. "W-well, I tried to protect you." I say.

Minho smiles and nods. "thanks. But never mind him, just remember who the real enemy is."

I nod. Sunggyu. Sunggyu’s the one we need to take down. I still can’t believe that I let him go the other day. What was I thinking?

Minho sits up and sticks his arms out to the sun. "It’s so cold." He whispers.

His cuts have stopped swelling, but they’re still freshly red. I take the ointment out and rub some more on him. He half-smiles at me.

"What’s next Doctor Jessica?" He asks. I shake my head and continue to rub the ointment in. "I’m no doctor. I’m just helping you out." I set the ointment down and stare at the wounds. I wish I could fix them. Its times like these when you need exo-m’s Lay; he has healing powers.

Minho looks down at the wounds for a quick second then back to me.

"Was Krystal ever good with healing?" he asks. I giggle and shake my head. "Krystal? Nope. She couldn’t even stand to see blood." I say. Minho nods.

"How long have you liked her?" I ask suddenly. Minho’s smile drops and looks down. "Oh I’m sorry, was that too personal?" I ask. He grabs my hand and shakes his head.

"You have a right to know, I guess." He begins. "I’ve liked her since I saw her pretty much. We’ve done shows together and stuff. We get along really well."

I look up at him and see him drifting away in a gaze. I can feel this strange feeling forming up in my body. Minho and I get along way better than him and Krystal. I’ve spent more time with him than she has. Wait, is this feeling… jealously?

"There was something about her. Something mysterious. I didn’t know what it was but I liked it. I wish I could see her again." He says.

I look down and twitch the corners of my mouth. "Well you’re never going to see her again! She’s gone forever! So just get over her!" I suddenly snap.

Minho’s eyes widen is shock. And a long silence echoed until finally he spoke. "I’m sorry." He begins. "you’re right. She is gone.." his voice trails off.

Tears start forming in my eyes. And before you know it, water comes gushing out and I am crying yet again.

Minho reaches in to cuddle me but I push him away. My stubbornness is taking over me again. Krystal was the closest bit of family I had, and now I am betraying her with a bit of stupid jealously. I miss Krystal. I miss her so much.

Suddenly the bushes rumble and Hongki steps out with a couple of squirrels in his hand. "Oh good, we’re all up." He says. I quickly wipe away my tears. He tosses the squirrels next to me and tells me to cook one. "we’ll save this guy for tonight." He picks up the dead squirrel and smiles.

"We cant eat that." Minho says.

Hongki drops his smile ans snaps his head to Minho. "Why not?" he snaps.

"He died from poison. If we eat him we will die too. Just go kill another one." Minho says, shooing Hongki off with his hand. Hongki glares at him.

"They are all gone. Others have killed them." He says. Minho shrugs his shoulders. "well, were not eating that."

"Stop it. Hongki, don’t eat it. Minho’s right, it’s probably full of poison." I say.

Hongki rolls his eyes and throws it away in the bush. "fine." He mumbles.

I begin to make a fire so I can cook our food. Hongki wanders around the trees and taps the bark. "I wonder if all the water is poisonous." He says.

"Try it then you’ll know." I say. He hold the knife up to the tree ready to stab it. "I was kidding." I stay, stopping him. He lingers his eyes at the tree then back to me. "But I’m so thirsty." He whines.

"We’ll find water eventually." I say. I grip onto my side and groan. My broken rib is moving again. I try to shake it off but fail miserably.

"Ow!" I cry out, clutching my side. Minho scoots over to me and sets his hand on my back. "Jess, are you okay?" he asks. I don’t answer. I feel tears coming out again and I lie on the ground.

"Jess? Jessica? Answer me!" Minho’s voice cries out. I feel another arm wrap around me. I am lifted up so I’m sitting. I squeeze my eyes shut and bite the inside of my cheek to keep me from crying. The last thing I want is for someone to find us from me screaming. Hongki feels through the fabric around my hip and feels my side. I begin to scream again, but bite my cheek so hard I feel blood coming out.

"Please don’t touch it!" I scream. Hongki lets go of my side and unwraps the fabric around my waist.

"Jess its ok, I’m here for you. Minho says.

Suddenly I hear an explosion. I look to Minho and Hongki, thinking that the noise came from halfway across the field. But they’re staring at the trees, about thirty yards away. Before I can say anything, another explosion erupts from behind us.

We turn our heads forwards and see more trees on fire. I look up to the sky and see what looks like fire balls fall from the sky. I gasp in horror as one lands in front of us and we are blown backwards.


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Onesecond22 #1
Chapter 19: Minho... But... Why... No way. He cant just die like that. No freakin way...
Chapter 19: U killed minho DX I hope jessica can make it through the games
I wonder how the members of shinee will react...
Chapter 19: :O MINHO! OMG! NUUUUUUUUU ;______;
Chapter 18: woah, this was an intense chapter! I would feel the same if I was in Jessica's position. And when Hongki was pleading for help, it was so sad. He's usually the strong one and I love how he was protective over Jessica!

Minho O___O I hope he'll be okay!! He's already so weak T___T
Chapter 18: No....Minho!!
Chapter 12: Im just saying this cause like you author nim,i have read and watched the hunger games and i realised something......minho is like katniss who volunteered and jimin is like rue!somehow i linked up to all this......but awesome fic you have here!^^
Pooch-50 #7
Chapter 15: Cool chapter ^^
Poor Minho, he's always getting badly hurt isn't he?
I really thougjt he might die in this chapter though O.O
Chapter 15: Hongki acts as a nice new character! I don't know why, but I just really like that you added him into the story too. I wonder why he helped them but I guess we'll find out soon!
Chapter 15: Minho D: thanks for updating I don't want him to die or jess >.<