Chapter 3

Kpop Hunger Games

The two tributes of the SM District were taken into a white white car with beautiful white seats and soft carpet. The door's were locked behind them as they entered in.

[Minho's Point Of View]

I sat down on the seat, running my fingers through the soft fabric. It's so rich, i have never seen anything like it before.

I sat there with millions of thoughts filling up my mind. My head felt like it was spinning in every direction. But in reality i was just sitting normally in silence.

I could hear Jessica sobbing and panting, i turned to her and saw that she was huddled up into a small ball on the other side of the soft car seat.

I blinked a few times, then turned my head back the other way.

I felt like a idiot, just letting her sob and cry like that. But there is nothing i can do for her? After all we are about to be sent to hell. The only thing that is on my mind right now, is caring for myself. Sorry Jessica.

[Jessica's Point Of View]

"we're here!"

I looked outside the windows to see exactly where we were. Weare parked in front of the train that is going to be taking us to the Capitol. I stepped out and dust clounds were all around us. Minho slid out after me and pushed me to the side like i'm some little kid.

"Yah! watch it!" i snapped at him.

He gives me a slick smile then looks at the train.

"Okay, why dont we get you two inside into your rooms?" Hyori says as she comes over to us.

She leads us inside and started telling us how even though we're going into the Hunger Games, we should be thankful for all the delicious meals we're receiving and that we'll have so much fun. Yeah right.

Hyori directed us to a hall of two rooms, one on each side. I took the one on the left while Minho took the one on the right.

I gently sat down on the raggedy mattress and sighed in relief. The mattress brings me back home to my bed. I thought of the nights when i would sneak into Taeyeon's bed when i was too scared to sleep alone. Taeyeon was like a mother to me.

But rightnow,i'm not worrying about Taeyeon, or SNSD.

It's Krystal; my beautiful little sister, i'm worrying about the most. I wonder how she's coping without me being there.

I slide my finger over the cheap mattress and take deep breaths to calm my nerves.

Hyori comes in and tells me luch is ready. I get up and head into the dining area of the train.

"Bon apetite!" Hyori says.

I have no idea what that means, but i hope it means 'eat now' because i am starving! I cramed down the noodles that were in the bowl. They're so warm and tasty.

Minho tries making conversation with Hyori about the games, why were they created and if there was any chance we could stop them.

Hyori replies to Minho with a direct answer, but i wasnt paying much attention so i didnt quite get what she was saying....

"Is lunch ready?" a random voice slurred.

I turned to see that it was a young man. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt and you could see his ripped up body through it. He seems familier. I think i have seen him somewhere before but I have no idea who he is. He seems pretty hot though.

"So you're the two tributes? Huh, good luck winning with the way you guys look."

Both Minho and i exchanged glances, because of the fact of how rude this guy was tawords us.

All my feeling tawords this guy changed in seconds.

He is now officially a jerk!


[Back at the SM District]

The rest of the SHINee member's were at they're basketball hangout. They were all worried about Minho.

Onew forced a fake encouraging smile onto his face. "It will be okay. Minho is the strongest and most competitive member among us. He will be alright"

Taemin, who was the most effected with this, looked as if he was almost crying. "But that should have been me..." He wollowed.

"It's okay Taemin-ah, he would have done the same for any of us" Onew mentioned.

"No he wouldnt have! He only did this because i am the maknae. Everyone thinks i'm weak. But i'm not! i would have aced that !" Taemin argued.

"Calm down" Jonghyun spoke.

"How can i calm down when my Hyung took a ticket to hell for me!" Taemin yelled from the top of his lungs.

"I am not a weak target.. i could have done this!" Taemin continued with his argument.

"Shh.. They are watching us" Key hissed under his breath while looking over at the peacemakers in the distance.

Onew walked over to the messed up makenae and put a comforting hand on his back. "Just be greatful.."


[Minho's point of view]


They are sending us off into the Hunger Games and all they have for us is noodles? Pathetic.

I stared at my food and circled them with my chop sticks.

"Are you going to eat that?" Jessica asked.

I knew exactly that she wanted to finish off my noodles. Judging by the way she devoured her noodles earlier, i could tell she was hungry.

Without saying a word, i grabbed her bowl and replaced it with mine.

"Thanks" She thanked me as she dived into the food.

Who knew a pretty little Jessica could become such a pig when it comes to eating?

"Someone's hungry" The man with the black shirt spoke, mentioning his comment to Jessica.

Jessica rolled her eyes. "I eat when i'm nervous alright."

And before he could reply back at Jessica, i spoke.

"Ah.. May i ask, who are you?" i questioned.

"Who me?" he pointed at himslef and raised an eyebrow at his own question.

"Yes who else.."

"Oh.. I forgot to intoduce myself.." he laughed.

"I am here to help you guys with your sponsers and stuff like that. Here to give you advice. My name is Kim Soo Hyun!" he blurred out with a smile.

Jessica chocked on her noodles.

Both Soo Hyun and I glanced over to the chocking Jessica.

She cleared . "Wait. Your Kim Soo Hyun?? The actor?"

Her eyes widened.

"Yeah thats me.. I'm suprised you guys didnt reconise me.."

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Onesecond22 #1
Chapter 19: Minho... But... Why... No way. He cant just die like that. No freakin way...
Chapter 19: U killed minho DX I hope jessica can make it through the games
I wonder how the members of shinee will react...
Chapter 19: :O MINHO! OMG! NUUUUUUUUU ;______;
Chapter 18: woah, this was an intense chapter! I would feel the same if I was in Jessica's position. And when Hongki was pleading for help, it was so sad. He's usually the strong one and I love how he was protective over Jessica!

Minho O___O I hope he'll be okay!! He's already so weak T___T
Chapter 18: No....Minho!!
Chapter 12: Im just saying this cause like you author nim,i have read and watched the hunger games and i realised something......minho is like katniss who volunteered and jimin is like rue!somehow i linked up to all this......but awesome fic you have here!^^
Pooch-50 #7
Chapter 15: Cool chapter ^^
Poor Minho, he's always getting badly hurt isn't he?
I really thougjt he might die in this chapter though O.O
Chapter 15: Hongki acts as a nice new character! I don't know why, but I just really like that you added him into the story too. I wonder why he helped them but I guess we'll find out soon!
Chapter 15: Minho D: thanks for updating I don't want him to die or jess >.<