Chapter 1

Kpop Hunger Games

Chapter 1

A blood curdling scream echoed through the SM district.

Nightmares whispered to each idol, "It’s going to be you. It’s going to be you."

Minho shot up in bed with his eyes wide and his fringe glued to his forehead by his sweat. He knew exactly whose scream it was – Taemin; the maknae always had the worst dreams when it comes to the reaping. If it was a normal night, SHINee would have rushed to his room. But tonight, everyone had their own worries. He glanced at the clock beside his bed. It read 03:30. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He laid back into his bed and stared at the ceiling.

"It can’t be me. There are heaps of names in that bowl. It won’t be me," he silently reassured himself, shook the thought out of his head and closed his eyes. But a nagging voice at the back of his head told him otherwise.

For most of the night, he laid awake. The night seemed to go on forever, slowly devouring his hope.

But Minho wasn’t the only one laying awake. Hundreds of them, even thousands lay there in bed, staring at the ceiling, thoughts filling up the silence with worry. After all, 24 of them would be picked out soon to "have the honour" of representing their district in the Hunger Games. It’s an invitation to a torturous, manipulating death. 24… But only one comes out alive.

Though slow, time ticked on. And the night passed by, with the occasional screams breaking the deadly silence.

Minho was up before 10. Many people preferred to sleep in on reaping day since the actual reaping doesn’t happen until 3 in the afternoon. But Minho thought otherwise. If you’re about to be sent to hell, why waste the chance of spending time in the peaceful heaven of your own district?

He sighed and walked out of his room, only to crash into Onew and the rest of SHINee. Not a single word of conversation was exchanged but every single feeling hung in the air, haunting them – worry, despair, fear.

Before they knew it, they were at the ruined basketball courts; their favourite hangout. Onew was the first to speak. As the leader, he had the responsibility of keeping his team in shape. If he couldn’t, the Capitol would get him.

It was simple. "Couldn’t sleep?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Onew forced an encouraging smile onto his face. "Come on. We won’t be picked out that easily."

Jonghyun let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Don’t kid yourself, hyung. We are one of the only ones eligible for this shi-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Onew had slammed his hand over his mouth.

"Watch it," he hissed under his breath. "The peacemakers are watching," he softly reminded.

Jonghyun glanced at the men dressed in clean white suits who were now glancing at their group. "Dogs of the Capitol," he thought. He shot a glare at Onew and shoved his hand away before angrily looking in the other direction.

Nobody else spoke a word. The tension in the air was just too strong.

Onew heaved a sigh. "How many times are all your names in this time?"

Everyone just looked down. This was the hard part of the Hunger Games. This is what feeds the Hunger Games; the desire for fame.

Each time you want an activity on your schedule, you would have to pay for it by entering more slips of papers with your name written on it. Each time you’re hungry for fame, you’re adding to your chance of having your name pulled out of the bowl.

"Mine’s only in there four times," Minho spoke up. "I kept it low this year."

It was true. Ever since risking it last year and having 90 slips with his name in the bowl, he didn’t want to risk it again. Boosting his fame once was enough for him. Besides, Onew threw a fit about it last year.

Onew approvingly nodded and turned to Key who glanced up at him. "32," he muttered before pulling his hood over his head, hiding himself in his own world.

"Mine’s in there 64 times," Taemin said with quivering lips. "Hyung, what have I done? I shouldn’t have been so greedy. I shouldn’t have taken that role in BoA's MV. Hyung, what should I do?" The maknae was on the brim of a breakdown now. But all the other members could do was put a comforting hand on his back.

Suddenly, Jonghyun said, "Mine’s in there 100 times this year."

SHINee looked up with shocked eyes. Could they have heard wrong? 100 times?!

Onew scanned Jonghyun's face with concerned eyes. "I knew I should have stopped him when he always wanted to be the main vocals of our songs."

Before he could flip , a siren went off, signifying the start of reaping preparations.


And there you go! The first chapter yayayay! xD

I know its a short chapter but meh. I hope you liked it so far! :D

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Onesecond22 #1
Chapter 19: Minho... But... Why... No way. He cant just die like that. No freakin way...
Chapter 19: U killed minho DX I hope jessica can make it through the games
I wonder how the members of shinee will react...
Chapter 19: :O MINHO! OMG! NUUUUUUUUU ;______;
Chapter 18: woah, this was an intense chapter! I would feel the same if I was in Jessica's position. And when Hongki was pleading for help, it was so sad. He's usually the strong one and I love how he was protective over Jessica!

Minho O___O I hope he'll be okay!! He's already so weak T___T
Chapter 18: No....Minho!!
Chapter 12: Im just saying this cause like you author nim,i have read and watched the hunger games and i realised something......minho is like katniss who volunteered and jimin is like rue!somehow i linked up to all this......but awesome fic you have here!^^
Pooch-50 #7
Chapter 15: Cool chapter ^^
Poor Minho, he's always getting badly hurt isn't he?
I really thougjt he might die in this chapter though O.O
Chapter 15: Hongki acts as a nice new character! I don't know why, but I just really like that you added him into the story too. I wonder why he helped them but I guess we'll find out soon!
Chapter 15: Minho D: thanks for updating I don't want him to die or jess >.<