Crystal Guardians

C H A P T E R  F I V E

T R A P – 2 [ F I N A L ]




As soon the crystal key tossed to the air, both Yongguk and Tao colliding their weapons. Sehun created a barrier between them, preventing the others from interfere their battle, it’s 1 on 1, only Yongguk and Tao. The metal sounds echoed around the area, both of their powers are competing, who’s the strongest and who’s the intelligent one. The battle between power and time, strength and skill.

Yongguk swung his blade with a full force, as he grabbed the key before it breaks on the ground, his blade targeted on the lower parts of Tao. He swiftly jumped over Yongguk’s blade, with a full blow, he strikes his ivory pole on Yongguk, aiming his head to knock him off. With Yongguk’s quick reflexes, he covered himself with his armored arm, making the pole hit his arm instead of the critical point. Yongguk pulled Tao’s iron pole, and he hit the other’s stomach with his knee, right on the guts. That impact made Tao stumbled backwards, clutching on his stomach. Not giving any chances, Yongguk strode forward, his blade on his right hand, dragging it against the ground but then, something happened. Suddenly his steps getting slower and slower, when his hands trying to slash Tao with his blade, his movement went slower than before. ‘Time Control..’ Yongguk found out about Tao’s ability, this is going to be hard on him.

Tao stepped forward, a sly smirk plastered on his face as he swung his iron pole to Yongguk’s waist, sending him to the rocky wall with a strong and loud thud. “Revenge is sweet.” He said with a mocking tone, seeing his opponent fell on the ground. Yongguk stands on his feet again, spitting blood to the side. “Sweet and fun, Tao.” The name slipped out from Yongguk’s lips, made Tao’s eyes widened in shock, how did he know his name? He didn’t told him or anything. “H-How did you—“ Yongguk spun his blade and stabbed it to the ground, cutting Tao’s words by sending a huge wind wave to him, this time, Tao was thrown to the wall behind, and fell to the ground like what he did to Yongguk. “You didn’t answer my question..” Tao said, holding his weight with his iron pole to help him up standing on the ground and cracking his neck. “What question?” Yongguk rhetorically asked, gripping tight on the gate key, oberving Tao’s movement. As Tao walked to the side slowly, Yongguk also do the same, but to the opposite direction, avoiding Tao.

“You scared, Guardian?” Tao’s voice challenging him, walking slowly around the area, only sounds of water dripping, their breaths, and water splashing as their foot stepped on the water puddle, and Yongguk’s rapid heartbeat. Yongguk slowly placed the crystal key on the ground, protecting it. Without waiting Yongguk’s answer, Tao run towards him, swinging his iron pole to smash Yongguk’s head with it. The leader quickly detached another weapon from his blade, now he got a smaller blade on his left hand, while his right hand holding the main blade. Yongguk defended himself from the hit with his small blade, and twisted it to make Tao’s grip on his iron pole loosen a bit. With a swift move, Tao kicked Yongguk’s knee, making it dislocated and made Yongguk stumbled backwards. Tao pushed Yongguk back with his foot, and because of Yongguk’s weakened knee, he fell backwards. Tao’s smirk grow wider, and he stabbed the iron pole to Yongguk’s stomach, the knife on his pole passed through Yongguk’s hard armor, and went through his flesh. His brothers tried to went pass the barrier but they cannot get through it. “Yongguk!” Himchan shouted, his fists banging on the barrier. Daehyun tried to cast a healing spell but it cannot pass through the barrier. Youngjae gritted his teeth as he watched his brother in pain, he couldn’t watch this. Sehun smiled in victory, seeing the Guardian is weak below their feet. Tao tilted his head to the side, seeing Yongguk groaning in pain as he twisted his iron pole. “Look at you.. Pathetic Guardian.. It’s only the beginning and you already weak like this? How come Etro chose you as the Guardian? She could chose me. Tsk..” Tao stepped on Yongguk’s hand, it made him lost his grip on his blade. Tao kicked Yongguk’s blade from his left hand to the side, a soft chuckle came out from that evil mouth. He twisted his iron pole again, making it go deeper inside Yongguk’s flesh, blood gushing out from his body, staining his armor and leaked to the ground. “I wonder how your fellow Guardians react when you die here.. They’ll lost their leader, crying over you, giving up.. That would be nice..” Tao’s eyes showed that he’s going to win this battle, and Yongguk groaned louder as he could feel more pain throbbing inside his wound. “And you.. You won’t have that chance.. Because..” Yongguk gripped on Tao’s iron pole before continuing his words. “Because I’ll protect them and Gran Pulse..” He bit his bottom lip as he tightened his grip on the pole, and giving all of his strength to pull the iron pole from his body. Tao shocked at Yongguk’s strength after all the attacks he gave to him. “And I know.. Etro chose me because I—Us, Guardians..” Yongguk struggling to pull the iron pole out, since Tao restraining it by pushing it again to Yongguk. But Yongguk’s will to fight is greater than Tao. “We’re capable and Etro trust on us.” He managed to pull the iron pole out from his body.

“Sweet dreams.” Yongguk said, this time a smirk plastered on his face. He swung Tao’s pole to the side, making him tossed to the ground next to Yongguk. The Guardian stood up, seeing Tao is a bit unconscious, he took the chance to stab his blade on Tao’s shoulder. “Revenge is sweet, like what you said to me.” With that, Tao screamed in pain as Yongguk’s blade went through his flesh. Yongguk pulled out his blade and Tao screamed again, making the blood leaking out from his shoulder, and his arm went numb. Sehun quickly removed the barrier and went next to Tao, helping him up. “Yongguk!” Daehyun quickly helped Yongguk, supporting him on his shoulder. Yongguk clutching on his wounded stomach, glared at the Cie’ths, then looked back at Jongup who's finally awake. Yongguk's eyes were filled in concern and worry about his young brother after the Leviathan attacked him. "You okay, Jongup?" He asked, with a slight relieved smile as his eyes caught on Jongup, standing with both feet and flashing his smile to Yongguk, replying his question with a nod. "Thanks to Daehyun. No critical damages.".

But then, Tao moved a bit, slowly reaching his iron pole and positioned to stab Yongguk from behind. Again, that's a failed plan for him, since Himchan and Jongup found out his act quick. 

Himchan and Jongup pointing their weapons to them, preventing the Cie’ths from attacking them again. “You better not move or I’ll shoot you to death.” Jongup threatened, his eyes shows no mercy.

Youngjae and Zelo went to the Water God statue, while Zelo holding the key and Youngjae trying to find out where’s the gate. His hands roamed around the statue until he could move the statue to the side, revealing a Gate. “Decode it, Youngjae.” Daehyun said, helping Yongguk walked to them. Youngjae picked up the key from Zelo, and suddenly the key was absorbed to the Gate, opening another dimension from it. “Done. Daehyun, go first and treat Yongguk’s wound. Go to this place..” Youngjae whispered the next destination to him, and replied with a slight nod from Daehyun. The Medic stepped inside the gate slowly, bringing Yongguk to another part of Gran Pulse. Followed by Zelo and Youngjae, Himchan and Jongup slowly backed to the gate, but still pointing their weapons to them. Himchan disarmed his bow and turned his body away from them. At this chance, Sehun picked up Tao’s iron pole, and he throw it to Himchan. Jongup quickly shoved Himchan to the gate quickly and he shoot Sehun right on his chest, making him fall next to Tao, dying. “That’s what you get, bro.” Jongup said, following the others behind, then the Gate closed permanently.









“Look at you guys..” Kai, walked closer to Tao and Sehun, then he squatted down to their levels. Kai let out a long sigh and glanced to the closed Gate. “You didn’t even buy us time. I wonder how Kris will react on you guys.” Kai said, tilting his head to the side while imagining how mad Kris will be. “Let’s get back. You guys needs to be fixed.” With that, Kai grabbed their clothes and pulled them up roughly. They disappeared again in a black smoke, returning to their base.


double update!

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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/