Crystal Guardians


"Her Providence made nothing.

She but looked on, silent in Her sorrow.

The Goddess pitied mortals, destined as they were to die, and so She deigned to intervene in the hour of their greatest peril.

She averted cataclysm that was to be, and put to rest the ones who would have robbed so many of what time fate had ordained.

Her compassion did not end at this.

The Goddess pitied also those subjected to that fate of Focus, crueler still than death. 

To them She sent Her messengers, to deliver hope when all was lost."


Wake up, Guardians..

I, Etro, Goddess of Fal'Cie, calling the six of you

All of you are the Chosen Ones

To bring peace for both Realms, Valhalla and Gran Pulse.

To guard all the Crystals in the universe

To guide others, balancing the realms

There will be no chaos, no war, no catastrophe


Wake up, Guardians..

Borders between Valhalla and Gran Pulse starts to crumble

Cocoon is not stabilised as previous

The universe is in danger

Crystals are shattering, 

while the soul trapped inside, waiting for you to be freed

They need you, they need their Guardians


Wake up, Guardians, wake up from your eternal sleep..

There's one Crystal

This soul will complete your journey

She will be the key to our hope, the universe's hope

Find her, protect her

I shall give your Focus and I'll grant you the eternal life

In the name of Etro, I will pray




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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/