Crystal Guardians


C H A P T E R  1 0

T H E  H E A R T L E S S  K E Y





After 10 minutes waiting, the medic-carrier were right above them, floating in the sky as the aircraft torched them up with its’ light. Jongup’s hand trembled as he tried to reach Yongguk’s arm, smiling weakly. “Are..Are they—“ “They’re here, Jongup. You’ll be safe now..” Yongguk said as calm as possible. The aircraft lowered themselves and a group of medics running to them. They opened a box full for vaccine and a syringe, and spreading out a hologram palanquin. Yongguk picked up Jongup gently and put him down on the palanquin. As they bring Jongup inside the medic-carrier, the Guardians and Naya followed behind, getting inside the carrier as well.

“Venom phase 3. He’s on the critical condition, but he’ll be alright in the next few hours.” The doctor said, injecting a white liquid from the syringe to Jongup’s right arm. Slowly, his vein’s color turns back to normal. “Welcome, Guardians. I suppose, we don’t have much time to introduce ourselves back at the Academia.” A male’s voice was heard from the main control room. With sudden, the door slides open behind them. “I’m Silv.” The man introduced himself, and the Guardians turn around to face him, the man with silver hair. Silv is wearing a white metallic jacket, with blue glasses. He’s tall and have a great posture.

“Ah Youngjae. Long time no see.” He smiled to Youngjae, patting the latter’s shoulder. Youngjae just nodded, because his eyes still glued on Jongup, who’s lying on the palanquin, fragile like a thin glass. “Are you form the Academia? How did you know about Youngjae?” Himchan asked, crossing his arm in front of his chest, resting his back on the metal wall behind him. “I know him, because my Father, Hope Estheim, wants to recruit him as the General Scientist in Academia. To help him observe the Gates.” Silv answered, his eyes looking at the Guardians, until stopped to Naya. “Etro recruited him faster than my father did.” He approached Naya. “So you must be, Naya. Naya Farron.” He smiled.

Farron? Does that means she have connection with Lightning? Lightning Farron? All of them taking glances at each other. Didn’t realize about this connection would happen. If she’s one of the Farron, she might have a chance to be a Guardian as well. But first, they need to find out why she went into Crystal Stasis?


“H-How did you know my last name?”


That hit the Guardians right on their heart. She’s one of the Farrons.

“Your mother and my father is a close friend. That’s why I know you.” Silv answered, turning around and heads back to the main control room. Before he slides the door close, he turned his head back. “I recommend all of you to take some rest. It’s been a tough day for all of you.” He said, then closes the door.

“I had enough rest.” Naya said, taking a seat near Jongup’s body. She scanned him from top to bottom, how young he is, how brave he is, risking his life to protect his fellow Guardian. “Naya.” Yongguk called, making her to turn aroud to face the tall leader. “May I have a minute with you?” He asked. Naya nodded and followed Yongguk to a certain corner of the aircraft. “All of you can accompany Jongup now..” The leader said before walking further away from the group. As they reached the corner to have a private talk, he sighed and looked straight to her.

“Who are you?”

Naya’s shoulders slightly tensed as Yongguk asked her, about her identity. The name Farron on her last name is making him scared. Either it’s a good thing that they got the main key for saving Gran Pulse and Coccoon, or it’ll turn out bad because the Cie’th will hunt them down with all their might. Even there’s a slight chance they won’t make it.

“Naya Farron. The lost sisters of Farron family. Lightning and Serah are my older sisters.” She paused. “They thought that I was terminated by the times of Golden War. They saw I was stabbed by Kris.” Naya turned her back and saw the black velvet sky, while stars are glittering the cold night. The view from the aircraft is beyond amazing. Just the way how their family gather around with their friends below the shining sky.

“I managed to hold on, Kris failed on taking my soul away and changed me. So he took me away while I was unconscious.” Oh how she wished that Lightning or Serah could find her at that time. It was miserable. Tortured and they tried to kill her so they could change her soul. Terrible days.

“But you escaped? How?” Yongguk crossed his arms in front of his chest, almost disbelieved that she managed to run away from a group of killers. Deadly killers. After all, not everyone know where is the Cie’th ‘s hide out. Even the Academia tried to search where it is, earning nothing but a waste of time.

“Etro guided me back to Gran Pulse, after being lost for years and finally they declared that I was dead. When I woke up, I was lying in a large green field.” Naya rested her back on the thick glass behind her, sighing silently as she looked down, having the urge to burst into tears, recalling the memories when everyone left her behind. “But there’s something Etro took from me before I was born, ” Naya said, slipping down her shoulder armor, revealing a huge scar right on her heart.

“Heartless.” Yongguk breathed out.

“I’ve found out I was made for being heartless. That’s why Kris couldn’t change my soul.” Naya put on her shoulder armor back, slightly relaxing the tensed muscles.

“Heartless key. You know that you’re the one who can save this apocalypse, right? You understand your duties?” Yongguk walked closer to her, his eyes didn’t let go her warm look in her blue-greyish eyes.

“I understand, and I know it’ll risk my own life.” Naya give a firm nod to Yongguk, walking to the resting chamber. Before she slide the door open, she turned around to face Yongguk. “And do you guys know about your future, your destiny?” She asked.


“As a Crystal Guardian? Yes?”


“It’s more than just a Guardian. I can see it in my sleep.” Naya said, bid a good night to Yongguk and entered the resting chamber.


a filling chapter while i'm still trying to install a wifi connection here in my apartment. sorry guys OTL

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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/