Crystal Guardians

C H A P T E R  T H R E E

T H E  C I E ' T H , E X O



Another part of the Border Rift, the lost realm, and everyone called this place, the Void Beyond.  The place is dark, only got one ruins and it was held by 6 human Cie’th. They called themselves as EXO.

“Kai. You went out for too long. What did you get?” A hoarse voice called out a person named Kai, a young man, with a tanned skin and his muscles are well built. Kai just smirked and shrugged his shoulders lightly, taking a seat on the stairs below his fellow friend of his. “Hmm.. If you let me spying on them for a little longer, I might get a perfect informations for you, Chanyeol.” Kai’s mocking tone really tickling the taller ones anger, Chanyeol, the Fire, he’s like half Ifrit and half human. “Don’t you dare to let my Ifrit come back to life right now, Kai. I might turn you into ashes..” He said, taking a big step to Kai, sending death glares at him. The heat between them rising up, and Chanyeol’s hands already covered in fire, ready to burn Kai right on his flesh.

“Now.. Now.. Calm down boys. Kai, spill it out now. We don’t want to waste any seconds.”  A blonde haired guy walked down the stairs, his eyes were calm, his body language also saying that he’s the one who leads them. But his aura, is more deadly than Chanyeol’s. Both Kai and Chanyeol darted his eyes to this man, then the fire on Chanyeol’s hands quickly disappeared, stepping back from Kai. “You’re lucky this time, Kai. Next time, I won’t give you any mercy.” Chanyeol shoot a last glare to Kai and walk passed the blonde guy. “You don’t have to do that, Wufan.” Kai crossed his arms in front of his chest, and leaned his back on the railing behind him. “Talk. Now. And call me Kris, dump that Wufan name. I’m not him anymore.” Kris said with a strict and deep voice, signalling Kai to spill the information that he got from the Guardians. “They’re going to the Water Temple, seems like they’re going to open the Gate there and the Academy is still alive.” Kai finally said everything he got, making Kris furrowing his eyebrows, thinking about the Guardian’s plan. “What the hell are they thinking.. Well, it make us easier to destroy Valhalla—“ “It’s easy. Kris.” A soft voice cutted Kris’s words, all of them turned their heads to the source. A small boy, a face of an innocent child, inside, there’s a monster in him that he held. “Luhan? What do you mean?” Chanyeol looked at Luhan, didn’t catch what he mean by easy. “They’re going to save the Last Crystal, Kris. The one who’s going to sweep us out from here.” Luhan said it, the main problem from EXO. The Last Crystal, if she wake up in the Guardian’s hands, they will be in danger. Kris clenched his jaw shut, thinking about a plan to held them from getting closer to the Crystal. Kris’s lips slowly tugged up into an evil smile, looking ahead to another part of their fortress. “Tao. Sehun. Your turn to shine, boys.” He called s, revealing a red haired boy and another one with a slight icy blonde hair, their eyes are empty since they turned into a Cie’th on their young age.

“Go and slow down the Guardians as we get the Crystal. Location, Bresha Ruins, but they’re heading to Water Temple. Don’t let them pass the Gate. Off you go.” Kris commanded them, and without saying any words, they disappeared into a Portal, heading straight to where the Guardians are.

“This is going to be fun..’’ 4 of them smiled, as they got the same thoughts as Kris.


HELLO! This is going to be a filling chapter. I'm going to update and plan some more fun yet crazy things ahead. Stay tune and........

Here comes the chosen EXO boys, well, I'm not going to insert all of the 12 boys here since it's going to be hard for me to type them all... OTL.

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I feel this one is so crappy. I'm very sorry for dissapointing all of you. /bows/

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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/