Crystal Guardians

C H A P T E R  S E V E N

M I S S I N G  G U A R D I A N




“Everything happened at the War between Valhalla and Void Beyond. And Lightning is still a Guardian like us.” Yongguk started the story, while others are sit right next to him, pay a full attention to him. Himchan joined the group, flashbacks are starting to come to his head, and his heart aches remembering them. “Wait. Void Beyond is real? They’re a country before? I thought it’s only a dead Realm..” Daehyun mumbled, sure everything changed really fast after the War. “Yeah. But there’s no good people living at Void Beyond. Cie’th are mainly live there. And there’s Tao. The youngest Guardian among of all. He’s really skilled. Even myself, admit it.” After Yongguk finished his sentence, he let out a long sigh. How could he couldn’t protect the youngest, he rushed with guilt as he remembered the painful scene.





Sounds of metals colliding, and the sky is roaring with anger, thunders are clapping as the rain poured down the battle ground. Cie’th and Guardians are fighting with each other, protecting their Goddess, home, and pride. Power and strength they let it all out, extinguish all the Cie’th who’s trying to kill the Guardians away from their way to take Valhalla. And there stood 5 Cie’th on a big boulder that floats in the air, flashing a smirk as they watch the battle scene. Lightning leads Yongguk, Himchan, and Tao to fight over the 5 Cie’th. They dashed through the Cie’th and others, as they clean out the way to them. “Lightning! Don’t you think, Tao is too young for this?” Yongguk asked as he swung his big blade to a Cie’th next to him. “No. He’s capable for this one. Don’t worry Yongguk.” Lightning calmly said as she kicked a Cie’th down and shoot its’ head with her gunblade. She glanced up, saw Kris whispering something to Kai, and Kai’s smirk grew wider and he nods. Kai’s eyes darted to see Tao, whipping his iron pole to the Cie’ths, killing them away instantly. There’s something that they planned. Why would they look away to Tao? Are they going to kill him? Lightning’s thoughts were cut off as she was attacked from behind, making her fall down flatly on her stomach. Himchan quickly backed her up, shooting his arrows to the Cie’th who attacked her. “You okay, Lightning?” He asked, changing his bow into auto setting. “I’m fine—Yongguk! Watch over Tao!” She shouted as she saw Kai is walking behind Tao, with a small silver dagger on his hand. How could he went down to the ground that fast? She gritted her teeth as she stood up, dashed to Kai.

Yongguk turned his head to Tao as he heard Lightning’s order. ‘.’ He cursed in his mind as he saw Kai behind Tao, ready to stab him from behind. He neglected the Cie’th in front of him, and run to Tao. “Tao! Behind you!” He shouted, and Tao quickly turned his body to face behind, revealing Kai who’s smiling to him. “Hello, Tao.” He calmly greeted the surprised Tao and with a quick move, he shoved his knife to Tao. Luckily, Tao dodged it and defended himself with the iron pole on his hands. Kai sighed and he sensed Lightning is right behind him. But he’s no human, he’s already a Cie’th, but different ones, he’s more powerful like the fellow humanized Cie’th than the monster-like ones. He back-kicked Lightning behind, throwing her down to the ground again. Yongguk quickly hid Tao behind him, and Kai chuckled in sarcasm. “What do you want, Kai?” Yongguk glared at the latter in front of him, but his question only replied with a shrug. “I just want him. That’s all.” Kai pointed his dagger to Tao, didn’t intimidated by Yongguk’s deadly glare. “W-what do you want from me?” Tao’s words came out weak, but he felt secure as Yongguk is protecting him. Kai smiled and twirled his dagger onto his fingers. “I want you to join us, Tao. It’s more fun with us, rather than being trapped inside your duties as a Guardian.” Kai stepped forward, and Yongguk stepped backwards, still protecting Tao from front. Lightning stood up, and swung her gunblade to Kai. Surprisingly, Kai disappeared in a black smoke and appeared behind Tao.

“Yongguk!” Tao screamed the older’s name as he was pulled roughly by Kai. Yongguk’s eyes widened in surprise and his eyes filled with worry and anger. He reached Tao’s hand but it quickly disappears in black smoke. “No! Tao!” He shouted and whipped his head to the big boulder that floats in the air. Kai is already back there, holding Tao tightly with his hands, smirking in victory. Sehun clicked his fingers and all of the Cie’th disappeared quickly. Himchan blinked his eyes in confusion and he realized, it’s only a decoy. Yongguk, Lightning, and Himchan quickly finds a way to reach the boulder up there, trying to save Tao from them. Kris smiled at Tao, caressing his hand onto Tao’s pale cheek. “Look at you. Young and full with skills, but you trapped here. No freedom..” He mind-boggled Tao with his words, in attempt to make Tao join them. Luhan gave Kris a silver dagger which same like Kai’s. Chanyeol scoffed as he saw three Guardians are jumping from boulders to boulders to reach their place. “Kris, do we need to—“ Chanyeol pointed at them, glancing to Kris who’s scanning Tao from top to bottom. “Make them occupied.” He replied quickly, taking the silver dagger from Luhan. Tao squirmed on Kai’s tight grip, and his eyes is filled with tears of fear. “Ssh.. Don’t you be afraid of us. It won’t hurt, well, a bit, but you’ll be fine afterwards.” Kris smiled, wiping the tears that rolled down on Tao’s cheek with his thumb.

Lightning covered both Yongguk and Himchan as a boulder were thrown to them, she gritted her teeth at the huge impact, but it didn’t made them fall back to the ground. Chanyeol just sighed and created an orange orb on his hands, which is a fire ball. Chanyeol threw it to them, making the boulder below them shattering into pieces, and there they are, falling back to the ground below. Lightning groaned as her back hit the hard ground, alongside with Yongguk and Himchan. Their ears catched a scream from the sky, and it’s from Tao.

All of them were shocked, their body is numb, their heart aches seeing the painful scene right in front of their eyes.

Kris stabbed the silver dagger right on Tao’s heart, and the soul spheres gushing  out from the place where he stabbed. Tao’s heart.

“No—No! Tao!” Yongguk shouted, he quickly stood up again, but Himchan pulled him back. “There’s no use, Yongguk!” himchan held Yongguk from going away further more. Lightning fell down on her knees, she’s failed being a Guardian, failed on protecting the other. Tao’s screams are gone now, and his eyes is empty. He got no soul, no emotions, no feelings. He’s not the Tao they used to know, not the Guardian. Kris pulled the dagger back and a flashed a winning smile to Yongguk. “Thanks for the prize, Guardians.” He said, and all of them disappeared in a black smoke. Yongguk fell weak on his knees, unable to say any words. Himchan shook his head in disbelief and sat on a boulder behind him, he felt weak only for seeing that. Tears starts to roll down on his cheeks, he bit his bottom lip to not letting out his anger.

And that’s the day which he wants to erase from his memories.





“So.. He’s literally dead? But he’s alive in physically?” Youngjae asked, they’re practically confused yet they finally found out about how Yongguk knew the Cie’th’s name. “Yes, and his memories are wiped out. So he’s basically just a puppet.” Himchan stood up, dusting off the dirt on his pants. “Go to sleep now. We’ll have a long way to go tomorrow.” Himchan continued, and then propped himself on the ground next to the bonfire to warm him up. Youngjae and Daehyun whined, but they listened to the older’s orders, and fixing themselves on the ground together. Zelo put his staff  down and leaned his head on the log behind him, slowly drifting off to sleep after the rough days before.

Jongup still sitting on the ground, didn’t go to sleep like others. Yongguk tapped the younger’s shoulder lightly, making Jongup turned his head to Yongguk. “You’’re not going to sleep?” The oldest asked. Jongup just flashed his shy smile to Yongguk and shook his head. “I’m not sleepy yet, Yongguk.” He answered, looking back straight to the bonfire. Yongguk nodded and laid his back on the ground, crossing his arms at the back of his head. “Yongguk.” Jongup called, hoping that the older didn’t fall asleep yet. “Hm?” Thank goodness he’s not. “I wonder if.. We have different Focus.. What will happen to us?” Jongup suddenly asked, pretty hard yet simple question. “Well.. Maybe it’s like usual, going back into Crystal? Why is it, Jongup?” Yongguk tried to answer, maybe it’s the good answer. “I don’t know.. I just.. Nothing. I’m going to sleep, good night Yongguk.” He quickly stopped their conversation, and he laid his back on the ground, closing his tired eyes.

Yongguk sat up straight, looking at his fellow brothers. His eyes stopped at Zelo, and his heart suddenly aches. Zelo reminds him of Tao, young, skilled, and tall. He sighed and back lying on the ground again, he’s determined to not lose his chance again.

He won’t let the Cie’th touch his brothers again, not after the incident on Tao.




A rustling sound itched on Jongup’s ears, he shifted his positions while sleeping, trying to get rid the annoyance as he hoped the sounds is just only his feelings. But it doesn’t go away. Jongup sat up straight, with his eyes still closed. He groaned softly and rub his eyes open. Looking around, there’s nothing weird around the bushes. He grabbed his gunblade and walked to the rustling sound. He shoved the tall bushes away as he walked closer. Something popped up from a bushes with a quick move, making Jongup flinched backwards and stumbled down. His eyes widened as he saw something scary but then turned into a confused face.

“W-what the…”






YO. I'm back in business yo.

sorry for the late. /super/ late update.

and there's a quick flashback, and Lightning is there. ILOVEYOULIGHTNING.

and-- ALL OF YOU /who plays FF/ YOU KNOW WHO'S GOING TO APPEAR RIGHT? With that "Kupo" sounds. LOL

and... OKAY I KEEP SAYING 'and' this one is last one..

silent readers.... you better appear now. or i'll bite your cheeks, like Daehyun noms on his cheezeucakeu.

comment, feedbacks and subscribe!


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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/