Crystal Guardians


C H A P T E R  1 1

L E A P  S T E P




“Jongup?” “Is he awake yet?” “I don’t know..”

Jongup’s eyes still closed shut, but her fingers are twitching. He’s slowly regaining his consciousness and he could hear the other’s whispers. He tried to roll his body to the side, but he doesn’t have enough energy to do that.

“Jongup, wake up please.” Yongguk’s voice was heard clearly right next to him, the older one gently grabbed his hand and squeeze it. Himchan was right behind Yongguk, waiting patiently for Jongup to wake up. Daehyun and Youngjae are at the main bridge, probably amazed by the Academia scenery. Zelo is preparing some things with Naya and Mog. And yes, they reached Academia a few hours ago.

“Uh..” Jongup let out a small groan as he fluttered his eyes open, and a sudden light hit his eyes. “Wh-where am I? Yongguk? Himchan?” He called his brothers, scared that he’s still inside his nightmare. He tried to move his body, but the stinging pain quickly shot right inside his veins. He let out a shaky sigh and opened his eyes. He could see Yongguk and Himchan right beside him and another guy he didn’t know on his left. “Where—“ “We’re in Academia, Jongup. You’re safe here.” Himchan said, managed to flash his relieved smile as he saw Jongup regain his consciousness. Silv turned to look at Jongup and introduced himself before looking at Yongguk and Himchan. “The venom inside his veins are currently fighting against the medicine. But he should be alright in a few hours.” Silv said, then gestured Yongguk and Himchan to follow him somewhere. “I’ll be right back.” Yongguk patted Jongup’s weak shoulder and the younger nodded, then he followed Silv to his private office room.

“He won’t be able to go with you guys for now.” Silv said, turning his back to both of them as his fingers clicking on the glass table in front of him. Hologram screens appeared right in front the three of them, showing different locations, and Yongguk assumes that these are where the Crystal fragments located. There are ruins, forests, mountains, towns, and a tower. “These are the locations that you need to go. And the Cie’th are three steps ahead from us.” Silv turned around to face Yongguk and Himchan, as he took off his glasses. “We need to get the other fragments which they don’t have it right now.” Himchan mumbled, “And get the others by fighting with them.” Silv continued Himchan’s sentence and he nodded. “The first location, is Aisenfield. Where the dragoons are. I connected Academia’s tablet with Youngjae’s. Every single information we updated and you need, we’ll give it to you. We’re going to set the aircraft while you guys prepare your things.” Silv let ous a faint sigh and smiled to them. “I know you guys can do the job.”

“Leave it to us, Cocoon will be safe.” Yongguk smiled and glanced at Himchan, determined face were painted on their face before they go out from the room to gather the others on the main hall.


“Daehyun! Wait up!” Youngjae chased his annoyingly energized brother all through the bridge of the Academia. They passed Zelo, Naya, and Mog who’s preparing the supplies and weapons, in case they need to move now. “Guys, gather around.” Yongguk called, and Daehyun abruptly stop, making Youngjae bumped into his back. “Oh geez you rhino!” Youngjae slapped Daehyun’s back before dragging Daehyun from eating the cafeteria foods again and gathered with the others.


“Listen up, we need to move fast and Silv already prepared the aircraft for us to go to the next location. It’s Aisenfield.” Yongguk paused. “Which rumored of a mysterious diamond rain. We assume that one of those diamonds is the fragment we need to search. The things is, the Cie’th are moving faster than us and we need to catch them up. Are the supplies and weapons ready, Zelo?” Yongguk asked the youngest of them all and he nodded quickly. “Alright, we’re going now.” Yongguk finished his briefing and looked at the others who immediately aboard the aircraft outside the Academia.

But Yongguk quickly sprinted to the emergency ward and saw Jongup still lying there, risking his life while recuperating from the venom. “Jongup. You’ll stay here, okay?” He said, slightly panted with his heavy breath. Jongup looked up to Yongguk with his sad eyes, and tried to lift his body up. He groaned in pain, which made Yongguk’s heart broke, he couldn’t bear to see one of them suffers this kind of pain, especially the youngest. This is his very own weakness. “Yongguk, I can fight with—“ “No, you need to heal and after you’re feeling fine, you can come with us.” Yongguk gently pushed Jongup back to his bed and smiled faintly. “We’ll be back soon, Jongup. We won’t be long.” He said, before leaving the second youngest again for boarding to the aircraft.

The aircraft’s door closed and Zelo was waiting for Yongguk to bring Jongup, but his shoulders dropped as he only saw Yongguk. “We’re going to leave Jongup here?” He asked, gripping tightly on Jongup’s gunblade. “Yes, we’re going without him. He needs to rest, Zelo. I’m sure he’ll appear as soon as he’s alright.” Yongguk said, ruffling Zelo’s hair before moving to the control room. “To Aisenfield, sir?”


“Yes. And make it fast.”



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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/