Crystal Guardians

C H A P T E R  S I X

T H E  H I S T O R Y - 1



Daehyun and Yongguk stepped inside the new side of Gran Pulse, and the fresh air hit their nose, and their feet stepped on the soft grass. It’s a little bit foggy, and the air feels a little bit cold. Daehyun slowly helped Yongguk to sat on the ground, leaned his back to the tree behind him. A soft groan slipped out from Yongguk’s mouth as he felt his wounded stomach is burning in pain, his hands holding the wound, giving it a pressure so the blood won’t come out quick. Daehyun kneeled next to Yongguk and removed Yongguk’s hands from the wound instead, Daehyun placed his hand on it, and all of the sudden, a light glow shine from his palm. A warm feeling slowly filling up Yongguk’s body, and the wound slowly closed on itself, he feel no pain anymore after Daehyun used his power. But exhaustion struck him, so he just lightly patted Daehyun’s head and smiled. “Thanks.” Only one word, and it made Daehyun smile in relieve. They looked to the Gate, revealing the others came to them. “How’s our leader doing right now? Feel any better?” Himchan said, placing his bow on the ground as he sat next to Yongguk, taking a short break after the Border Rift travel. “Better than before.” The leader replied, pushing his body up to shift his position comfortably. Youngjae opened his tablet and scanned the surroundings, a slight smile crept on his face, is there going to be any good news today?

“The Crystal is safe. No signs of harm around it. And we’re going to meet her tomorrow.” Youngjae smiled, showing his tablets to others. The Crystal still glowing like usual, as beautiful as the stars. A petite female trapped inside the Crystal, looked like she was sleeping peacefully. Her hands clasped tight as like she was praying, with a necklace hanging around her wrist. “She’s pretty.” Zelo took Youngjae’s tablet and watched the Crystal with Jongup, admiring it. “What do you mean tomorrow?” Daehyun tilted his head a bit to the side, slightly confused. And then, feels like something struck their minds altogether, thinking a same thought. “Are we--?”

“Yeah. We’re arrived at her place. Sunleth Waterscape..” With that sentence, all the smile of the Guardians lift up, making their faces brighter than before. After a long years researching and protecting her, finally they’ll meet in person. “We should take a rest, especially you, Yongguk.” Youngjae said, pointing his finger to Yongguk, making the older chuckling softly. No wonder why Youngjae is the second mother, but Himchan will remain on the first position as the mother. Himchan stood up and prepped his bow and arrows, looking at Youngjae who’s preparing his gauntlets too. “Time to go hunt, Youngjae.” Himchan said, pulling Youngjae’s collar even though he’s not finished on preparing his stuffs. “Wait—wait!” with that, both of the mothers walked far from the group. “I wonder what will they get for today..” Jongup softly mumbles, playing with his gunblade and looked down. He suddenly felt guilty on shooting someone, but he need to do that for protecting Himchan. Yongguk realized Jongup’s uncomfortable mood, only by looking at his facial expression since they arrived here. Yongguk looked around, saw Daehyun and Zelo are playing with Youngjae’s tablet and seems like they’re busy on their own. He thought this is the best time to have a nice pep-talk with Jongup. He pushed himself up, and walked next to Jongup who’s currently setting up a campfire. Deciding to help, Yongguk gathered a dry leaves and arranged it neatly on the bonfire. Jongup looked up and slightly smiles as Yongguk helped him, he could feel the fatherly presence from him. Jongup suddenly missed his family, he never meet his family since he was picked to be the Guardian. Yongguk lit up the bonfire and slowly the cold air turned into warm ones. Both of them sit side by side, didn’t say any words or so, just staring at the orange fire, only sounds of crackling twigs and soft laughs from Daehyun and Zelo. “What’s bothering you, Jongup?” Yongguk decided to start the conversation, looking at Jongup who suddenly flinched, maybe he’s daydreaming for a while. He fidgeted on his seat, and looked straight to the fire, letting a soft sigh before he speaks. “It’s just.. The Cie’th before. I felt guilty on shooting him..” He finally said what’s bothering him to Yongguk. “What happened? Is that after I went inside the Gate?” He asked, scooting closer to Jongup. “Y-yes. We just checked them if they made any movements, but when Himchan turned his back away, one of them almost threw the iron pole’s blade to Himchan. I-I need to shoot him before he could hurt Himchan..” Jongup’s voice getting soft and the last sentence it’s like a mumble. Yongguk nodded, understands Jongup’s condition back then, but he’s proud because Jongup could take a risk and protected his brother. Yongguk patted Jongup’s back gently, “It’s alright. Even though we’re Guardians, yes we can kill others, but that’s if they try to harm us. It’s normal for us to defend our self and others. Okay? You’ll be fine.” Yongguk softly spoke to him, and Jongup replied with a nod.

“We’re back! Look what we’ve got for today~” Himchan singed his sentence, dragging something behind his back, with a happy smile plastered on his pale face. Youngjae’s face tell the other thing, he’s tired yet afraid. He put off his gauntlets and glared to Himchan, “You better cook it good, or else…” Youngjae hissed, throwing himself on top of Daehyun. “Get off you fatty!” Daehyun squirmed below Youngjae, but the latter one ignored him. Jongup and Yongguk looked what’s behind Himchan and their jaw dropped. “A—A miniflan?!” They all screamed in fear, this is going to be a long dinner. Himchan smirked and nodded. “Yes. A HEALTHY Miniflan.”




After a super long dinner, with their face scrunches as they took a sip of the food that Himchan made, but at least they finished all and thank goodness Himchan didn’t bring the bigger ones, or they choose to be starving as hell than eating the giant orange ooze. “Aw guys, it’s perfectly fine. You guys won’t have food poisoning.” Himchan nags, took the bowls from them and piled it next to the bonfire. Zelo, Youngjae, and Daehyun glared at Himchan, how could he’s fine eating that thing?

“Yongguk..?” Jongup called the older softly, tugging his sleeve to get his attention. Yongguk turned to face Jongup, “What is it?” He asked, shifting his position again. “I’m curious.. How did you know about—The Cie’th before? The one who named..”

“Tao?” Himchan interrupted Jongup’s sentence, and he looked at Yongguk. “Yeah. That one.. How did you know him?” Jongup asked again, this time the others turned to face their leader, also curious about it. Yongguk looked at Himchan, his eyes shows that he’s unsure what to tell to the fellow brothers. Himchan already knew about it, he just lightly squeezed Yongguk’s shoulder. “You better tell them. It’s the time.” Himchan said, propping himself down to sit on the ground, closing his eyes. Yongguk sighed, clearly know what to do and what to tell. He could see his brothers are ready to hear this story, and might they’ll be shocked about this one.

“It’s all occurs before Etro chose the four of you to join as the Guardians. Both I and Himchan already chosen by Her..” they all waited for Yongguk to continue his sentence. Yongguk brushed his hair back, letting out a long sigh before he continue his story.


“He—He used to be one of us.”




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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/