Crystal Guardians

C H A P T E R  1 2


p a r t  1





“Hey. Yongguk.”

“Bang Yongguk!”

Yongguk flinched at the sudden voice, snapping him back to reality. He looked around and saw Naya looking at him, her hands placed on her hips. “I’ve been calling you for the last 10 minutes. We’re going to arrive—“ Naya stumbled backwards as the air craft shakes really hard. Yongguk immediately caught her hand to prevent her from falling flat on her back. “What happened?!” Youngjae stood up from his seat and went to the control room. Daehyun gripped on his axe and followed Youngjae behind but stopped as he saw something outside of the window. With a faint mumbled, he pointed to the window with eyes widened in surprise. “Dragoons.”

They’re the tribe who lives in Aisenfield, human who live with the power of dragons, which made them able and perfect on aerial combat also controlling dragons like their horses. Zelo’s shield couldn’t handle the impact between the dragon and the air craft. “We’re going to crash landing guys. We’re going to—OH IN THE NAME OF ETRO WHAT IS THAT.” Youngjae slammed the door open and shouted as he saw a dragon head smashed the metal wall next to him and he could touch the snout if he want to. “Dragoons and dragons, Youngjae. Zelo, cast Protega for us now!” Himchan barely managed to hold onto something as the air craft starts to fall down, and turned over to the side. One by one, the Dragoons smashed the air craft’s engines, and they’re completely in matter of life and death.

Daehyun swung his axe to the dragon’s snout, but it only make a faint scratch on it’s snout. “You just made him more angry than ever, idiot!” Youngjae scrambled to the front and grabbed his knuckles. He charged it into the maximum level of electricity and waited for his chance to attack. The dragon opened it’s mouth and Youngjae quickly electrocuted the tongue. It paralyses the dragon, but leaving a huge hole on the metal wall. It’s like a black hole and only in seconds it everything out from the aircraft. The aircraft quickly lose it’s balance and energy, making it fall even more faster than before. Another impact from the dragons, and they stumbled to the side altogether, Zelo lost his grip on his staff, and it dropped to the end of the ship. He braced himself and grabbed onto the handle bar attached on the wall. He quickly moved to the end of the ship, but the floor breaks as soon another dragon lunge into it. “Damn it!” He extend his long arm as long as he could, didn’t care about the dragon at this point.

“Zelo! Hurry up!” Daehyun clinging onto his axe, which stuck into the side of the wall, while Youngjae is wrapping his body tightly onto Daehyun’s waist. Mog is flying around to evade the dragon’s bite, and the Dragoon’s spear which poking the metal walls. Yongguk holding onto one arm while the other is holding Naya tightly, he couldn’t let her die if she’s the key on saving the Cocoon, and no one will die at this rate, he thought. “Guys! I can’t reach my staff!” Zelo shouted, trying to reach his staff which fall into the end of the ship, he lost his grip when the dragon breaks the wall. “Mog! Help me get the staff!” He shouted again, and Mog made a quick turn to grab Zelo’s staff, within seconds after Mog grabbed his staff, another dragon’s head smashed the wall and almost bite Mog. “Zelo! Zelo! Zelo!” Mog flew quickly to Zelo, threw his staff. With long arm, Zelo caught his staff and casted a protection shield to each one of them, at least when they crash landing, they won’t broke into pieces and hopefully managed to be alive.

And in seconds, a loud sound of crash achoed through the hills of Aisenfield, and a thick black smoke appeared from behind the forest. Yes, the aircraft crashed into the land of Aisenfield, broken and flames everywhere. Dragoons and their dragons descended to the ground and hopped off from their rides. With spears pointing at the broken aircraft, they slowly searched their hostages, in this case, the Guardians with Naya and Mog. They’re still alive, with minor wounds, thanks to Zelo who managed to cast a protection spell seconds before they crash landed. Their heavy breaths was clear to the Dragoon’s ears and with a quick move they pointed their spears to them, surrounding them all around. “Tie them all!” One of the Dragoon commanded.  Still trying to regain composure, they quickly tied the Guardians and Naya, then threw Mog into a small cage box. “Wait—We’re not the bad guys!” Youngjae exclaimed, as he coughed the smoke out from his lungs. “Shut up, we don’t care.” One of the Dragoons knocked Youngjae out with the back of his spear, then tossed him to the back of the dragon. “Yah! Don’t you dare to hurt him! You’re going to pay for this!” Daehyun shouted as he saw Youngjae was knocked out by one of them, but Himchan kicked Daehyun’s leg to shut him off. “You’re going to make everything worse if you say that, Daehyun!” Himchan said. “Just, listen to them for now. We’ll figure out this.” Yongguk said, then he was pulled up by the Dragoon that tied him, forcing all of them to walk to their village.

They walked a few hours, with weapons being held by the Dragoon, turns out to be hostages for a while. They start to get a little bit tired, being pulled harshly by them which is not their liking. Naya glanced back to Yongguk behind her, and he only smiled faintly to her, assuring that everything will be alright. The youngest, Zelo, glancing around the forest, then silently walked closer to Yongguk. “Yongguk, I’m—scared. What are they going to do with us?” He whispered, so the Dragoon won’t hear him. “They won’t do anything to us. We just need to explain who we are and everything will be okay. They’re just too overwhelmed.” Yongguk simply said, but inside his mind, he’s currently setting up plans for them to convince the Dragoons that they’re here not to attack them or maybe escape plans.

For another few minutes, they arrived to a massive wooden gate in front of them, and it opened slowly with a creak sound, revealing a nice yet alive town. “Lock this girl, that flying creature, and this idiot man.” One of the Dragoon, whom Yongguk assume the General, tossed Youngjae from his dragon’s back to the guards and shoved Naya and Mog altogether. “Wait—Where are you taking them to?! Wait!” Naya shouted, but she’s dragged with the guards to the prison, leaving the others. All eyes of the villagers glued to the Guardians and it irks Himchan so much. “Are you going to separate us form her or what, I don’t even understand—“ “Himchan.” Yongguk glared to the moody cracker Himchan, and he quickly shut his mouth. The General looked down to Himchan and smirked to him. “At least, I won’t skin you alive at this moment, I just want to spare your life for a moment to meet our King.” The General said, before moving again towards the metal-like castle way in the north side of the village.

Whispers of the villagers buzzing around them as they walked through the main road, and all eyes looking at them it just feel so weird for them. As if the villagers didn’t know they have a good purpose to come this place. They walked inside the castle and their footsteps echoed through the metal halls. The walls are glistening and reflecting their shine as it covered with diamond wall. Zelo’s jaw dropped as he saw how big is this main hall. The sun shine comes through from the pillars on the top side of the hall, and a diamond sphere-like roof right on top of the throne. “I bet the King is rich as—“

“Kneel.” The General pushed Yongguk’s shoulder and his sidekicks did the same to the other Guardians, making them kneel as the King walked to his throne. The King observed them carefully before nodding his head to the General. “Well, who do we have here, Raschkan?” The King asked the General, with his silky and soft voice as if honey with a hint of poison inside. “Trespasser, my King.” The General bowed his head. “My, my. If you want to visit, please do inform me, young warriors. But, I’m afraid that you’re not aware of my land rules.” The King slowly sat on his throne, and Zelo slightly looked up to the King, curious about what he looks like. His hair is long and smooth, with silver streaks on his raven black hair, he didn’t wear any royal garment or else, but he wear a diamond armor around him and his crown—a crystal fragment on top of his crown. He mistook it as a diamond. His eyes widened and quickly looked down, carefully nudging Yongguk’s back with his index finger. The King rambles about something Zelo didn’t understand, so he just ignore it. “Yongguk. Crystal Fragment. King’s crown.” He whispered softly to Yongguk and he could see Yongguk’s head moved, glancing to the King just like what Zelo did. Yongguk’s heart dropped instantly as he didn’t expect this moment to find the fragment.


How do we get that Crystal Fragment off from the crown?


Sorry for the super late update from what I expected to be, anyways..

I'm back now, got my muse and inspirations coming back and ready to bombard with updates.

I hope you still enjoy this story so far, since I'm starting to grow fonder with this story better than the others /sobs/

comments, feedbacks are welcomed! And in case you're bored, bombard the tumblr with questions!

Happy jolly holidays, everyone! Have a great Christmas and new year!

Don't forget to subscribe!

and one last thing,

in the late 2013/coming on 2014, I'm going to start working on Youtube!


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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/