Crystal Guardians

C H A P T E R  E I G H T 

A  N E W  C O M P A N Y , A  N E W  D A N G E R





That unidentified flying creature approach Jongup closer, which made him crawled backwards. He quickly drawn his gunblade, and pointed to the creature with his hands shaking both in fear and panic. “W-What are you?” He stupidly asked, monsters can’t talk, right? But the creature looked at Jongup in its’ confused face, and gently lowered Jongup’s gunblade.

“My name is Mog, kupo~” The creature called Mog speaks. Jongup blinked his eyes, didn’t believe that a creature just talked to him. He tilted his head a bit to the side, well, clearly he’s not dreaming nor he didn’t get his head smacked by Zelo’s staff. “Did.. Did you just talked to me, Mog?” Jongup put his gunblade down, and slowly stood up. Mog replied with a quick nod and he flew around Jongup, scanning him from top to bottom full 360 degrees. “You’re not a Cie’th, are you?” Jongup asked again, and Mog smacked Jongup’s head with his mini-staff and a white smoke appeared from Mog’s head, signaling that he’s offended by Jongup’s words. “Of course I’m not, kupo! How can I be a Cie’th if I always helped Lightning and her sister Serah? Kupo~” Mog crossed his tiny arms in front of his chest, annoyed. “Wait—Lightning and Serah? You helped them? So….” Jongup trying to find his words, “I was sent by Etro to guide all of you, kupo~ Now now, don’t be scared of me. I’m not gonna bite you, kupo~ But I might smack your head again, kupo..” Mog patted his staff on Jongup’s forehead, and the latter flashed his cheeky smile to Mog. “Alright then Mog. Let’s meet up with my brothers there. I bet you’ll like them.” Jongup Mog’s head and lead the way back to their camp.

The sun rises as Mog and Jongup walked back to the camp, and a commotion was heard as soon as they reached closer. “Where is that kid?!” “Goodness sake, I wish I woke up when he shook my shoulders!” “Jongup! Where are you?!” “Oh please Etro, protect him..”. Five of them are panicking after they woke up, finding Jongup is gone without any trails. “Guys? Guys, I’m here.” Jongup calmly said, walked out from the forest and Mog is hiding behind him. The rest of the Guardians quickly snapped his head to Jongup, letting out a big sigh of relieve as they saw Jongup is fine, no scratch at all. “Where have you been?! I opened my eyes, and you’re gone without any trace!” Yongguk exclaimed, really worried about Jongup, it’s his hidden trait, gone without any trace and just pray he didn’t get lost like a lost puppy. Zelo quickly dashed to Jongup and jumped to him, hugging him like a koala. “At least you’re fine and alive and didn’t get lost back here.” He said, snuggling to Jongup’s neck. Jongup lightly patted the younger’s head, and Zelo looked up, straightly to Mog’s eyes.

Zelo quickly jumped off from Jongup and pointed his finger to Mog, same reaction like Jongup when he first met with Mog. “What is that creature?!” His shout making everyone’s attention darted to Mog, who’s slightly moving behind Jongup’s back, hiding because seeing everyone is ready to beat him up. Jongup looked behind his back and chuckled, “He’s Mog—hey, don’t be shy. They’re not going to harm you.” He softly said, pushing Mog’s back gently to meet his brother’s glare, with their weapons ready on their hands. “G-Good morning?” Mog said with slightly unsure about Jongup’s words regarding his brother won’t harm him.

Their jaws dropped, their weapons also dropped to the ground, their eyes widened in surprise.





“Okay. So you’re sent by Etro to guide us? Sounds—okay for me.” Yongguk’s voice sounds a little bit calm after Mog explains about himself, what is he, where is he came from, what he’s doing in the past and now, literally explaining himself like an encyclopedia. “Yes, kupo! I heard about Crystals being destroyed and a group trying to mess with Cocoon?” Mog asked, floating in the air—and Daehyun poked Mog’s side since he can’t contain his curiosity. Mog smacked Daehyun’s head with his staff, and changed into angry Mog. “Stop poking me, kupo! I’m not squishy like those flans out there and I’m not a toy that floats around with wire hanging on my head! Kupo!” Mog flails his tiny arms and then returned to Yongguk and Himchan who sat in front of Mog, Daehyun and Zelo. “Well, that’s make seven of us going on this quest. The more the merrier, right?” Himchan stood up, smiling warmly to Mog so he won’t get to tensed around them. The rest nodded, and there’s Youngjae shouted happily as he waved his tablet to them with Jongup smiling widely next to the brainy Guardian. “Asa! Found it!” Youngjae exclaimed, approaching the rest of the group. “What did you find, Youngjae?” Daehyun asked, standing next to Youngjae, taking a look on what’s on his tablet.

“First, the Crystal is still alive. Second, I got the signal to Academia. Third, I found a shortcut to the Crystal.” Youngjae explained. Thank goodness they already packed their things back and discard their camp traces, incase—the group before tracking them down as both of the group are racing to reach the Crystal. “We should get going now, guys!” Jongup said, waving his hands as he start to walk first. “Jongup! Wait for me!” Zelo shouted, running to follow Jongup from behind. “Yah yah yah! Don’t leave me! Come on, Daehyun! Don’t be a slow tortoise!” Youngjae grabbed Daehyun’s wrist and catch the other two in the front. “It’s good to be young, right?” Himchan chuckled, seeing his young fellow brothers before glancing to Yongguk who’s smiling at the scene in front, “They can be this happy with this situation, it’s rare and—good, to be honest.” Yongguk calmly said, flexing his wrist as he walked side by side with Himchan and Mog. “At least, they’re ready for what in front of them..” Himchan replied. Another companion, probably another level of challenge?

It’s already hours they walked, now they’re inside a forest, sunlight’s are barely pass through the trees. Are they tired? No. Are they patient enough to get through this forest? Maybe, not.

“Youngjae. Is it still far away?” Jongup asked, already dragging his lazy feet through the tall grass. Zelo used his staff to help him walk, his legs are tired. Daehyun’s stomach—growling and screaming for food, he even steal glances to Mog, wondering if Mog’s meat is tender enough to eat. Himchan is nagging on Yongguk, because he didn’t want to give him a piggy-back ride. Of course Yongguk didn’t want to, already heavy with his large blade on his back. “Youngjae. I think we need to rest for a while. Everyone’s mind is pretty messed up here.” Yongguk said, dashed through the others to grab Youngjae’s shoulder. The latter just sighed and nodded. “Alright. You guys go rest, I’ll search for a way.” Youngjae said, didn’t take a glance on the others. “Youngjae—“ Yongguk didn’t finish his sentence and Youngjae already left them. “That kid is have a temper disorder.” Himchan said, taking a seat on the ground, straightening his legs. “Let him be. Maybe he could calm down with his own way.” Daehyun speaked, brushing his hair back with both of his hands, “I need food.” He mumbled. Zelo heard what Daehyun said and throw a granola bar to him. “Eat up, Dae. I know you won’t fight properly with your empty stomach.” With a grin, Daehyun took the granola bar and take a big bite while nodding. “Mog? You look uneasy?” Jongup called, poking Mog’s side. “I said don’t poke me that way, kupo!” Mog facepalmed and shook his head before continuing his words. “I feel something—something moving really fast..”



“GUYS! GUYS! HELP!” Youngjae screamed as he run back to the group, running with all his might. Fear and panic written all over his face.



The rest quickly stood up, already armed with their weapon, even Daehyun eat all the granola bar in one bite, now his hands gripping tight on his axe. A loud monster-like shriek came from behind Youngjae, and their eyes widened.


The monster is blind, but it can find its’ prey only by fear-pheromones which produced by humans and by hearing the heart rapid beats that caused from fear.

“Guys, calm down. Don’t be scared. Take a deep breath and steady your heart rate.” Yongguk ordered, looking calm as he could as he prepares his blade. The others nodded and slowly took a steady breath, hoping their heart rate didn’t raise as the monster is reaching them. They quickly hid behind a tree nearby and wait for Yongguk’s signal while Youngjae sprinted pass them, quickly climbed up a tree in an instant.

The Ursa didn’t realize Yongguk and other’s presences except Youngjae who’s fear is tracked by the monster easily. It tried to crawl up the tree, jumping to reach Youngjae’s leg. “Guys?! Help, please!” He shouted, clearly confused why the others are still like a statue, then slowly turned around to face the monster. Jongup looked up and mouthed ‘You’ll be fine’ to Youngjae, earning Youngjae’s eyebrows twitched up, confused. “What?!” He climbed further, reaching a branch.

Himchan aimed his autobow to the monster and shot an arrow straight to its’ neck. It screeched in pain and turned around to find who did that, running towards where the arrow came from—which is where Himchan stood. He quickly dodged to the side, shooting another arrow to its’ neck again. Jongup came from behind, jumped right on Ursa’s back, stabbing his gunblade to its’ back. It growls and swaying its’ back trying to make Jongup fall off to the ground.

“Thundara!” Zelo casted a spell, making lightning sparks out from his staff and he shoot it right to the monster, electrified it also Jongup as well. He fell off from Ursa’s back, making a loud thud right next to the monster. “Darn you Zelo!” He snarled, making the monster jumped to him. Jongup rolled his body to the side, avoiding its’ bite. Yongguk swung his blade, slashing its’ leg. “Four to go.” He mumbled, targeting to its’ leg again. But Yongguk didn’t realize that his heart beats faster as he feel the thrilling fight. ‘Shoot, I must remain calm or—‘ His thought were snapped to reality as the monster spits venom from its’ mouth to Yongguk. He defended himself with his huge blade, covering him from the venom. Because of the large blade covering his sight too, the monster already jumped to Yongguk, making him stumbled backwards and fall on his back.

Daehyun jumped to the monster, with his axe in the air and Zelo decided to cast a spell for enhancing Daehyun’s strength since he knew that Daehyun won't have enough strength after taking one granola bar. But before he manage to cast a spell, Daehyun already swung his axe to the monster’s neck, and the axe went through the neck, splitting into two. The monster fell down, lifeless, and the head rolled to the side.

All of them stoned in their place, didn’t believe what just happened. “Zelo? What kind of granola bar did you give to Daehyun?” Himchan asked, placing his bowgun back to its’ case on his back, approaching the dead monster while taking a glance to Zelo. “Just a normal granola bar..” Zelo said, shrugging his shoulder. “That was close..” Yongguk sighed, slowly standing up and gave Daehyun a pat on his back which he replied with a faint smile. Jongup looked up to Youngjae, “Can you go down here, Youngjae? Your climbing skill is awesome, by the way.” then he high-fived Mog, letting out a small chuckle mentioning about Youngjae. “Shut up. You don’t know how scary it is.” Youngjae glared both to Jongup and Mog, before jumping down to the ground.


“Youngjae, tell me. What did you find when you wander around at the forest until you met this guy?” Himchan asked, pulling Jongup’s gunblade which still attached to its’ back and gave it back to the owner. “A shortcut.” Youngjae paused, gaining everyone’s attention to him. “Through Ursa’s Lair.” He said, biting down his bottom lip.



hola friends.

finally I updated after such a long time. sorry for the wait and finally I get my muse back on writing. 

I was like this in the past months...


"what to write for a new chapter...."

but then--after playing all my FF games and brain storming in the toilet while taking a dump.

finally I manage to update OTL


and all Daehyun need is~

oh yeah, you want to see what Ursa looks like?

/spoiler alert for After Earth movie/

say hi to him. isn't he cute? c:



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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/