Crystal Guardians

C H A P T E R  O N E

N E W  H O P E




Sounds of heavy metal boots echoed around the long empty hallway, with light steps, a blue-haired young man walked lazily to the command room. His long legs made his steps further and fast, even though his pace is pretty slow than his usual steps. His placed his pale palm on the door, until it beeped and the metal door slides open, revealing a big chamber, covered with steel, metal, and silver. A tall figure stood on the large balcony, with a giant window in front of him, with the sight of Cocoon floating in the blue sky.

"Yongguk." The young male called, approaching the taller guy in front of him, named Yongguk, or people called him as the Commander, his job as the leader and the one who attacks with the inhuman strength.

"What is it, Zelo?" Yongguk responded, but still he's facing to the window, paying attention to the Cocoon. The Synergist whose job to support his allies with magic enhancements, sighed, ruffling his blue hair. Being the leader of Holy Guardians of Valhalla sure stressed him out from time to time. Battle between Valhalla and Gran Pulse may cause a chaos in the universe, and that's their task given from Goddess Etro to them. Six guardians. For Yongguk, they are his Brothers.

"She's still in her Crystal Stasis. We tried, even Youngjae gave up to wake her up. It's impossible, Yongguk." Zelo said, his sentence made Yongguk turned his eyes from the Cocoon, which soon going to crumble and war will begin, his eyes diverted to Zelo, the young man in front of him. "When there's will, there's a way." He said, walking down from the balcony, closer to Zelo. "Lead the way, I want to see her." Still, his voice came out soft and calm. Zelo nodded and walked outside from the Commander Room, followed by Yongguk, heads to Main Control Room.

The door automatically slides open, and there's 3 other guardians, pacing back and forth, busy with their own business.

Yongguk looked around, and saw one of his brothers, Youngjae the Saboteur, his job to slowing down any enemies who charged his allies, swiping his finger quickly on the glass board, showing a huge Crystal on the screen, with so many datas and informations next to the picture, tapping his fingers quickly to grab more updates from the Crystal. "She's still dreaming, hm?" Yongguk stood behind Youngjae, and he quickly nodded. "We can't wake her up. I mean. In this time, we really need her, right? Isn't the Stasis will be over when someone needs them?" Youngjae replied with slight of panic in his tone. "If she doesn't wake up now.. That means it's still not her time to wake up, right?" Jongup, the Ravager, the one who charged the enemies with concentrated attacks, walked closer to the group, playing with his Gladius, his gun-blade. "Be patience, Youngjae. She WILL wake up." He said, patting Youngjae's shoulder to calm him down.  “But.. But what if..” Youngjae looked back at Jongup, his eyes saying that he’s not sure about this Crystal, which Etro said to them in their dreams while they’re sleeping in eternity. “Trust Etro, she’ll wake where the time comes.” Said the feline-eyed man, Himchan, the Sentinel, his job to protect his allies from the enemy’s attacks, crossing his legs calmly as he played with his bow. “Until when we should wait for her to wake up? It’s been 100 AF!” Youngjae snapped, abruptly stood up from his seat, slamming his hands on the glass board. “Calm down, Youngjae. Anger will not bring us anywhere.” Yongguk glared at Youngjae, being the leader, he needs to lead all his brothers, not to danger, but to their answers. “Umm.. Yongguk. Where’s Daehyun?” Zelo suddenly asked, finally realising the Medic is gone from their basecamp. “Aish, that kid.. I’ll get him.” Himchan stood from his seat and walked out the door. They know where Daehyun went, he always gone like a ninja, to this one place where he always went to.


The temple, where there’s only one throne placed in the center of it. Surrounded by Crystals, even though the sky is dark, but the Crystal shines bright, lit up the temple inside. One young man kneeled in front of the throne, looking down the the ground and his eyes closed shut.

“Divine Etro, guide us to your Crystal..” He mumbled, praying to the only one Goddess, the one who wake the six of them.


“There you are! You always gone like the wind, Daehyun.” Himchan placed his hand on the pillar next to him, holding his body weight. Himchan’s breath is unsteady, because he had to go about 1000 stairsteps.  Daehyun, the Medic, the one—well everyone should known that he’s the one who heals. He sighed and turned his head to see Himchan, approaching him closer. “We should get back, Youngjae snapped again.” He calmly said, looking at the empty throne. Daehyun stood up and dusted any dirt from his pants, still looking at the throne. “Is it about the Crystal?” He asked, confirming about Youngjae’s sudden anger, he never get angry since their ‘sleep’. “Yeah. About that one. Always that one. I wonder why she never wake up..” The taller one mumbled the last sentence.

“You remember about Lightning?” Himchan suddenly asked nowhere, remembering about the previous Guardian before them. She saved Valhalla all by herself, wonder how she did it. “Yeah. She’s real, right? I mean.. Her Crystal..” Daehyun didn’t continued his sentence, remembering about the Crsytals suddenly shattered, including Lightning’s. “She’s real, but.. She’s gone now. Only her spirits remains here.” Himchan responded, they clearly remember Lightning’s Crystal, sitting on Etro’s Throne, holding her sword as she’s guarding the Throne.

“If she’s still here..”

“We won’t be here, Daehyun..”




A sudden light flashes through the sky, and loud thunder breaks the cloud.

Both Daehyun and Himchan flinched at the loud sound, and their eyes widened after what they saw.

Cocoon falls.

The sky splits into two, and thousands, millions of Cie’th flies down to Valhalla. Those are the L’Cie who couldn’t complete their Focus in time, and failed the task given from Etro. It’s the Guardian’s job to extinguish them from the universe, protecting the Crystal from them.



Both of them run to the temple’s balcony, looking at the frightening sight of Valhalla. Soldiers of Valhalla scattered around to fight with the Cie’th. Their breath was stopped at the sight, and they exchanged looks before they ran back to the Guardian’s place.

They quickly ran down the stairs, eager to inform the sudden attack to their other brothers. A winged Cie’th shoot some thorns targeted to Daehyun and Himchan. The Sentinel quickly shoved Daehyun behind him, protecting Daehyun from any harm. Himchan got cuts from the thorns, making his skin bleed a little. “H-Himchan..” Daehyun stuttered seeing his brother got hurt, but Himchan quickly dragged him to run as fast as they could. “Mediguard..” He mumbled, and soon a layer of green shield protecting them from any attacks.

Soon as they got into the grounds, they looked around as the Soldiers already running to defend the front gate of Valhalla. Panic rushing all over their bodies, but they keep running, all way back to their place.

“Himchan!” A deep voice shouted from far, revealing Yongguk, swinging his large blade, slashing the Cie’th who surrounding 4 of the Guardians. Himchan and Daehyun ran towards Yongguk and the others, Daehyun swinging his axe, attacking the Cie’ths while running. “Guys! Come on! The Gate won’t hold any longer!” Youngjae shouted, punching the Cie’th next to him while holding the gate open. The Gate that mentioned from Youngjae is the gate connected to Gran Pulse and other side of the world as well, they need special keys to open the gates, and only the Guardians could find it.

“Guys! Come ooooon!” He shouted again, now placing back his knuckles right on his belt. “You guys go first! I’ll wait for them!” Yongguk shoved Zelo and Jongup to Youngjae, and both of the younger line walked inside the Gate, vanishing through the Border Rift. Himchan and Daehyun finally reached Yongguk, breaths unstable and the Cie’ths already trapped them. “Youngjae! Go with Jongup and Zelo!” The Commander ordered, hiding Himchan and Daehyun behind him. “You know where to go, right?!” Youngjae shouted back and Yongguk gave an OK sign to him. He nodded and jumped to the Gate, following behind Jongup and Zelo. “Yongguk.. We’re—“ “I know. Trapped. Himchan, hold Daehyun tight.” He ordered and stabbed his blade to the ground, making an air wave, throw all the Cie’th away to the sides. Yongguk quickly pulled back his blade and ran with his fellow brothers to the opened Gate.

The Gate almost closed, but Daehyun managed to pass through. Yongguk still holding the Cie’th attacks, “Yongguk! Get in here now!” Himchan pulled Yongguk’s heavy armor with his hand, while shooting arrows with his auto-bow. “Commander! Just go! We’ll hold them!” One of the soldiers shouted, and Yongguk flashed his proud smile, then he turned his body to the Gate, with Himchan, they walked pass the Gate, stepping inside the Border Rift.




"Divine Etro. Go peacefully to your rest. I will stand guard over your legacy."


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omg sorry for the super late update. good news. new chapters are coming right up today!


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Chapter 4: This sounds like such an AMAZING concept???? I don’t know much about FF, but I always love combining K-Pop with video game worlds. And your writing is superb!!!
Chapter 4: I dont play ff and i dont know BAP, i'm so done with this! Give me SNSD fic! Huahahaha you know who this is. Please dont tell anyone. X)
Chapter 18: is it bad if I was expecting to see more C'eth moments? LOL.
hey! btw good luck in Singapore ladeh, Im sorry I didnt say this earlier but I hope Im not late! Hows things going btw?
Chapter 16: so i finally manage to catch up.....and guesa what. im glad i just read it now bcs ur hiatus wont cure my curiousity lolol. youll update soon, right? i know you wont let jongup die. you love bap anw. you wont let any of your fav boy die.

ps. im warning you. if kai is killed, ill stop reading.

Chapter 13: LOL at all of them when they surprised that Mog can talk. Hahahaha....
Luckily Mog comes to help them. Yay! \^0^/