What to do

Your POV

Taecyeon oppa kncoked on the door. Seungho opened it with a smugged look. 

"Well well. Look what we have here. Why did you bring him along babe?" Seungho gave me a look that gave me the chills. I hid behind Taecyeon oppa and looked over his shoulder. I saw anger flashed through Seungho's eyes. He gritted his teeth as I cowarded behind Taecyeon oppa.

"What the hell are you doing babe. You should be standing next to me, not next to this guy." Seungho gave oppa a angry look. I wanted to say something to him but Taecyeon oppa gave me a gentle nudge, telling me he was going to handle this. Taecyeon oppa took one step towards Seungho. Seungho saw this but he didn't back down.

"Why were you at Jini's house this morning?"

"I wanted what was mine back." Oppa took another step.

"She isn't yours anymore. She broke up with you." I could tell he was trying to hold in his anger by the way he was clinching his fist. I tugged his shirt. 

"Lets go oppa." I wanted to leave so badly. Seungho is the type of guy that won't step down that fast. If I'm right, he'll most likely start a fight with Taecyeon oppa and I don't want to get oppa hurt. If we leave now, nobody has to get hurt. Taecyeon oppa looked back at me with a hesitant look. I gave him a begging look. He sighed. He turned around, held my hand and started to walk away.

"Where the hell are you two going. We aren't done here." He walked towards us while he was talking and grabbed oppa's shoulder, making him turn around. He punched him square in the cheek. He fell on the floor and Seungho started to kick him in the stomach. I started to scream at Seungho, to have stop hurting the man I love. I ran to Seungho and pushed him away, knocking him off his feet. Oppa had pasted out so I gently shook him but he his eyes wouldn't open. I stood up and started to drag oppa to my car. I was able to get him into the front passenger seat. I buckled his seat belt and walked over to the drivers seat. Before I sat down, I pointed a finger at Seungho.

"If anything happens to him, I swear to god, I'm going to kill you. Just you wait." Without hearing his reply, I sat down and started the car. I drove as fast as I could to the closest hospital. I left oppa in the front seat since I couldn't carry him and ran to the emergency room.

"Please! Somebody help! My friend is hurt!" I saw a nurse from the desk run to me and asked me where he was. I took her to my car and helped her carry him out. A doctor came running with another nurse who was pulling a hospital bed. I helped the nurse put him on the bed. The staff pulled him towards the door and I walked with them. Along the way, I could hear the doctor giving orders to the nurses and saying medical gibberish that I couldn't understand. When we got to the examination room, I was forced to wait in the waiting area. After a hour, the doctor came out and walked towards me. I stood up.

"How is he doctor? Will he be okay?"

"He'll be okay. Just a couple of fractures ribs but nothing to serious. He started to awaken while we were examening him so we gave him a shot of  Also he has a brusied stomach and so he won't be able to eat anything sold until the brusing heals. If his ribs heals fine, he'll be able to leave in a couple of days." 

"Can I see him?"

"You can but he's asleep right now." The doctor gave me the room number oppa was staying in and walked away. Oppa had a IV drip attached to his arm and bandages wrapped around his arms. I dragged a chair next to the bed. I sat down with a sigh. I gently took oppa hand into mine. I started to rub soothing circles on his hand with my thumb without me noticing. Tears started to roll down my cheek but I didn't cry.

"I'm so sorry oppa. If I wasn't so weak, you wouldn't be in this hospital bed right now." I raised his hand and brought it to my cheek and I kissed his palm. I gotta do the right thing now. I'm sorry oppa. I released his hands and placed it back to the original position. I walked out of the room with a final look at oppa's sleeping form.   

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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 8: Wait, is that seriously how it ends????
omg!! I liked it, a lot!! ^o^