Perfect dinner

I'm your nanny


It was Saturday. Finally.


Jessica could already hear the birds chirping from the garden outside. That was the thing about this house. It was huge, white and beautiful. Not to mention it has literally everything any girl could wish for. Except their impossibly big garden has so many birds that its scary. Once she had to walk through it with an umbrella for fear that they would peck her scalp or something. The incident last night was no doubt still replaying in her head. How could anyone Jonghyun’s size had beaten up all those boys? More importantly, she had learnt last night that Jonghyun had been paying for Se kyung’s family debt all these while and it just felt so weird for her. How could anyone live like that? Eating off from your boyfriend was just unacceptable. Looks like this girl could get more detestable.


As she hop down the stairs she could hear unusually loud noises from the kitchen. That was strange. One being that the chefs do not come in till about noon on weekends. Secondly these super highly paid chefs wouldn’t make so much noise considering that they trained in some paris cooking school.


Then she found the culprit. But she looked slightly stunned.


“ What are you doing?”


Jonghyun, who would have thought it was obvious, said, “ Cooking.” Proudly as he added, “ Heavenly breakfast.”


She walked around the kitchen counter, getting nearer to where Jonghyun stood. Then she opened the refrigerator to pour herself a glass of milk . “ I mean what are you doing up? It’s barely even 9 in the morning,”


“ I haven’t been to bed. Damn- “ he lowered the stove fire.


Jessica looked puzzled, “ Why on earth not?”


“ I’ve been playing video games.” He replied, focusing on cooking.


“ Weren’t you the very least traumatized by last night? We were almost killed! “


“ It happens a lot all the time, before you arrive I guess. And come on, it was more like they almost died. You don’t have to worry when you’re with me. I am the badass around here, “ he sung proudly. Jessica laughed. He really did have a way of turning everything serious to silly.


Then she looked over at what he was cooking again, “ You’re not supposed to eat deep fried food for breakfast”, Jessica said, picking up the cereal box on the table.


“ Nothing is wrong with eating deep fried food in the morning,” Jonghyun replied, from where he was without looking at her.

“ Yeah,” she said before adding sarcastically.“ Who wants to live till they’re 30 right?”


“ I’ve made your share. Don’t say I’m selfish. It’ll calm your nerves from last night“ He looked over at Jessica, who had winced at the sight of the greasy food being cooked in the pan, then he added, “ You know what they say, what doesn’t kill you-“


“ just takes longer to kill you, “ Jessica finished and turned the stove fire off. Jonghyun spun around, staring at Jessica with an annoyed face.


She grabbed the packet of fries, holding it behind her back and handed him the cereal box.

“ Give me that, “ he said and grabbed for her. Jessica gave him a mocking face. Jonghyun pounced towards her again and she realized he was seriously gonna hurt her because of a packet of fries.

 She shriek and tried to run away towards the living room but immediately tripped over the rug and went down with a thump. In an instant, Jonghyun was on top of her and grabbed her wrist.


Jessica held her breath nervously, not really sure of what was really happening here. All she knew was that his face was so close to her that she could almost feel his lips touching hers.

Jonghyun grinned and said, “ Let go of ze friez,” in a stupid Mexican accent. Geography was clearly not his best subject, matter of fact, he doesn’t have any best subject.


“ No! “ Jessica retorted. Jonghyun wasn’t pressing down on her with his full weight, but still Jessica was breathless. She felt uncomfortable with their close body contact and thought that it wasn’t really the best position to be argueing with him.


Jonghyun thought about a comeback for a second. “ Or else I weel keess you.”


Jessica paused a little too long before gulping down her saliva.

“ Get off me ! “ she pushed him up and Jonghyun finally got off her.


“ Ze friez is nize you know?”

“ Shut up, your accent is annoying! “




“ So.. so what’re we going to do today? “ Jonghyun said between his breath, they were still panting.


Jessica was too busy gulping down water to even look at him. It was already 10.30am by the time they were done with jogging around their whole house. Jonghyun regretted eating those fries, which she argued was the very reason why he needed to jog to burn the fats away and more than that, he regretted lying about how she was getting fatter. She was as skinny as a skeleton! Now he was permantly stuck with this whole morning jog with her.


“ Well since your test is coming up we’ll need to revise a little bit. “ she said finally.


“ AGAIN? “ jonghyun threw his hands up in the air, unhappy with the plan for the rest of his possibly boring Saturday afternoon.


“ If would help if you weren’t this stupid. “ She said, walking through the big door.


So the whole afternoon were spent painfully in his study room, revising his work and a whole lot of violence were included because Jessica couldn’t stop whacking him everytime he fell asleep.


“ FOCUS! “ she screamed for the hundredth time.




By 6.30pm, it was clear that he was miserable. To top it off, his parents had seemed to forgot to call the chefs in since they were out of the country.


“ I’m hungry! Let’s go grab dinner or something.. “ he said as he flipped on his couch. Jessica was lying on the other side, laughing loudly at the cartoon she was watching. Sometimes he really wasn’t sure if she was already completely grown up either.


“ It’s pouring outside. Let’s order pizza! “


“ Whatever happened to your slimming down plan? “


“ Argh forget it. I figured if I was fat you must be a freaking hippo.”


Jonghyun threw a pillow at her. She shriek and jumped on his feet, hitting him with more pillows. Jonghyun retorted for awhile till they both grew tired. Now they were both just sitting on the couch with their head rested sloppily on both sides of the couch arm rest.


“ Why don’t you teach me to cook? Nanny. Let’s see if your cooking is as good as your grades.” Jonghyun said from where he sat. His eyes were on Sergent Keroro as well.


Jessica felt her body stiffened suddenly. Then putting on her best I-couldn’t-be-bothered-voice, she said casually as she could “ I’m too lazy to cook.”


“ You do know how to cook right/ “ Jonghyun asked, narrowing his eyes. He hardly ever heard her said lazy infact, maybe never! There was something suspicious about this..


“ y-yeah of course! “ she stammered.


Jonghyun grinned.


“ Okay come on, trying cooking for me.”, he challenged.


“ no. I told you I’m lazy! “ she defended.


“ Okay.. fine. You could just admit that you don’t know how to cook. I can always cook for both of us because I can.”


Was he challenging her?!


“ Fine. “ she took on the challenge. How difficult can cooking be anyway? It’s just pots and pans.. fire stove and uncooked food. “ What do you want to eat?” she asked as she got up and walked towards the kitchen.


“ Alright. I won’t make it difficult for you. I just want lasagna”

Jonghyun said as he climbed onto the kitchen counter.


“ Sounds easy.” Jessica remarked and turned around, frantically searching for any recipe in her brain that she might have come accidentally come across in her whole entire life.

God. This can’t be right. She can’t not know how to cook!


Calm down, calm down. She figured the first thing she should look for is a…

Jonghyun was already throwing his head back laughing. He knew it. There must be something she didn’t know how to do. And of all the things, cooking was what he was good at. He have never honestly felt so happy winning until now. He couldn’t even stop laughing.


Meanwhile, Jessica frown thoughtfully, as though the solution in on the tip of her tongue. Maybe she needs to make the pasta first, or wait do the flat pasta comes in packet already?! She can’t seem to remember whether supermarkets sell that big square pieces of pasta for lasagna.


Finally, she decided that they do sell them. So she reached for the food storage shelf, looking for it.

But the truth is, she can’t even visualize how it looks like. Have she ever actually seen it before?

He looked at her expectantly, holding back even more laughter. Truthfully, she do look a little cute like that, lost and confused. Like a little girl that refused to admit that she couldn’t spell the word that was given to her.


“ Are you sure you know how to cook?”

“ Yes of course! “ she defended angrily.

“ Do you even know what to do first?”

“ Yeah.. “

“ What?”

“ Well.. “ she gulped. “ You will firstly, need to.. “ oh god oh god, she don’t know!

“ Do you even know what lasagna is?” he taunted.

“ YES” she snapped and continued scanning through the whole shelf full of pasta. This is insane! How big do their food storage need to be? She knew that had personal chefs, but still, this was too exaggerating! Don’t they ever think of the kids in Africa?!


“ Do you know what pots look like?”


She started to feel quite insulted here. Does she look like someone who can’t cook at all?! Jessica wanted to grab a pan and knock his head off. But afraid of killing someone, she merely turned around and jab him hard in the stomach before retorting defensively, “ just because I can’t cook well and you just so happen to be able to doesn’t mean you’re better than me in any other way OKAY!?”


“ Alright alright..” he trailed off and watched her.

She’s really quite pretty actually, he suddenly realized. From the side view.


“ Do you need me to teach you? Because you sure as hell don’t know what you’re doing”

“ Just shut up. I need to focus okay?”

“ On what? Remembering how a bowl looks like?”


OK, she think she might terminate this conversation right now.

“ Just get out of the kitchen okay! Wait in the living room! Go watch soccer or something! I’ll cook it and bring it out to you! “ she said hurriedly, pushing him out of the kitchen.

She’s not gonna let him faze her. She’s perfectly capable of cooking a meal.


Once he was out, she stood in the middle of the kitchen with her hands rested against her hips. There must be some way out of this..


Who says I don’t know what I’m doing? I’m a straight As student with an IQ of 167 how hard can this be?!


Then an idea hit her. Carefully, she made sure that Jonghyun wasn’t looking. Then she quickly took out her blackberry, googled for the recipe, looking back at Jonghyun even 5 seconds to make sure he was still watching the damn tv.


“ There! “ she smiled and began moving.

But just when she began to have a slight success as the aroma of the beef slowly filled the kitchen, Jonghyun’s head popped in.


“ Smells good. Good job for not burning the kitchen yet.” He nodded a little.


“ Of course. I told you I can do it.”, she said with a little pride in herself. This was going quite well, considering that 45mins ago she didn’t even know how to pan fry anything.


“ You wanna taste the beef?” she sung happily.

“ Okay, I will risk my life and try it. “ he laughed.


Jessica turned around, looking for the spoon. Gosh. Where is it? Why are there so many drawers and cabinets everywhere?!

Jonghyun pointed towards her right.

“ And you don’t even know where the utensils are.”

“ Oh. Right.” She lurched sideways towards the drawer and grabbed a spoon inside it, “ Yes. I knew that.”


Jonghyun makes a face at her and shook his head. “ No you didn’t”

She looked at his mocking face. This ingrate…


“ Taste not bad.. anyway what’s up with all this mess?! Aren’t you supposed to be neat and ? What’s with the clo- ,this,” Jonghyun picked up a white cloth and look at her, “is meant for wiping the plates dry not wiping the table. It’s common sense! “.


Wow. Now since when Jonghyun is the domestic guy and orders her around, telling her what’s right and wrong?!


“I know. But I intentionally used it because it helps with with my cooking,” she blurted out stupidly. Jonghyun wanted to laugh.


“I have my own style of working, “ she added, lifting her chin. “ But thank you for your invaluable advice”.


“ You have 0 IQ in kitchen,” Jonghyun hung the towel on her tiny shoulders, smiling. She pulled it down, pouting.

There’s no good keeping him around her, he’s just gonna make her lose her head and start whacking him with all the damn pots she could find in this kitchen.


She stared at him for a second before stepping on his feet and chasing him out.


 “ HEY HEY OUCH!!! “ he hopped around, jumping out of the kitchen finally.


She look down uncertainly at the cloth. What’s wrong with this one?! Anyway, what is he, the cloth police?!




Another 15 minutes had gone by, Jonghyun’s stomach was growling louder than before.


“ Are you done yet?” He yelled towards the kitchen.


“ Almost!! “ Jessica replied loudly, she sounded excited like a little girl again. He turned around, subconsciously smiling for no good reason. Maybe she sounded so happy that it made him.. happy too. Who knows why, Jonghyun shrugged the feeling off.


Another 5 minutes gone by and out of a sudden he heard a loud clanging sound. Before he knew it, he heard Jessica screaming.




He jumped off the couch immediately, almost running to the kitchen.

And there she was, sitting on her two feet on the floor, pouting and whining like a little kid among the whole red mass of beef on the floor. The pot on her left still had some left over inside while most of the content was spread all over.


“ What happened?!” Jonghyun was shocked.


“ I dropped it.. I was gonna finish it already.. “ she grumbled sadly. She knew it sounded stupid, but she really wanted to cry. She had worked so hard for it ! And just this close, this close! She just had to spill it!

And to make it worse now she can’t prove to Jonghyun that she can cook, and he’ll probably again. She began cleaning the mess as she still sat on the ground, trying to ignore whatever Jonghyun is gonna say to her.


“ Get up. Go get cleaned up I’ll deal with it.” Jonghyun said, pulling her up by her two arms. She was still pouting.


He reached out and wiped the sauce of her hair. She laughed a little, despite the disappointment she had. It wasn’t really the time to smile. But somehow Jonghyun is surprisingly nice about it and she couldn’t help.


“ You sure?”

“ Yeah, it’s proven that you’re a kitchen disaster. Just go get cleaned up because you smell like beef. I really might eat you. “ he joked.


As Jessica made her way up, Jonghyun returned to the mess.

“ Ahh.. What the hell am I gonna do with this?” he scratched his head.




25minutes later, Jessica was making her down when she smelled.. lasagna?


“ What is the smell?” she asked as she approached the kitchen.

Then she saw.. on the kitchen counter was Jonghyun sitting down, facing her with two plates of lasagna infront of him.


“ You made it?” her eyes widened in shock.

“ Yup. Come on try it,” he urged her.

She took a seat, still shocked by his .. kindess today. That happened not once, but twice.


She took a bite, and wow, it really taste good! Who knew Jonghyun was even capable of something like that? Without realizing, she was gobbling down her food hungrily.

Jonghyun watched her and laughed. She was such a pig. He wondered why Se Kyung was so afraid of eating so much. Its really a waste because everytime he cooks for her she wouldn’t appreciate it so much or even bother to eat it since she claimed it made her fat.


“ Omg this is so good. I’m serious! “ Jessica said as she ate.

“ How can a girl not know how to cook? How are you gonna whip up meal for your boyfriend next time?” he commented. “ Slow down! You’re gonna choke on it! “ he patted her back. It was times like this that he felt more like her nanny.


“ I won’t have to. My ideal of a romantic meal is a candlelit dinner prepared by a restaurant by the beach~” she said dreamily. She was practically smiling like an idiot the whole time as she spoke. Jonghyun could swear he could almost see her floating.


“ Yeah yeah. And your boyfriend has to be insanely rich to do that, “

“ Yeap I guessed so. Don’t worry I will find him somehow”

“ Don’t all the sand get into your food? How is it romantic? It’s gross …”

“ Just.. shut up okay?! It’s my dream not yours!”


” Okay okay.. nanny. Just eat your food. We’ve still gotta clean this place up you know because other than that red mess I have not touched anything else. “


Jessica rolled her eyes. “ Don’t you even worry about that. I am really domestically inclined for your information. I’ll clean everything up in no time.“


“ Wow. I did not know that cooking has officially been removed from domestic work! “


Still eating, Jessica managed to reach out a hand and hit Jonghyun’s head. Jonghyun grumbled a little but continued eating his anyway.


The rest of the evening didn’t go downhill, fortunately,contrary to what she had expected ( because Jonghyun was being too nice to be real). They had spent almost an hour cleaning up the kitchen despite the workload not being a lot. This was really because Jonghyun began splashing water on her as they wash the dishes then the next thing Jessica was splashing back even more. Jonghyun retorted by grabbing her both hands to stop her then began splashing even more, Jessica shook out kicked him on his as a result then it went on and on.


It was really fun that they both kinda had this lingering feeling of not wanting to stop playing. But because both their hands were drying and all wringgled up so badly they eventually stopped.


“ I didn’t know you were such a good water fighter! “ Jonghyun remarked, wiping the plates clean.


“ Oh I bet you didn’t know that I could cook so well too right?” Jessica looked at him and laughed.


“ Yeah that’s true. I never realized what a lousy cook I am till today! “ He put the all the dry plates back. Jessica was almost done too. He turned around, leaning against the sink as watched as Jessica wipe her hands clean.


“ Anyway.. you know tomorrow is se kyung’s birthday. And she’s having this party tomorrow night… “ he began carefully.


“ And?”


“ Yeah.. So its probably gonna end pretty late. And you know my parents have been strict about the curfew.. well thanks to you.”


“ What is it that you want?”


“ See I knew you were smart. I just need you to help me cover up for a couple of hours okay? I’ll be back before 2am. Promise. And they wont even know it! “ He reasoned with her.


She knew she shouldn’t allow him to do that and she shouldn’t even be helping him at all. It’s her responsibility and they’ll both be in serious trouble if they get caught.. But then again, it’s his girlfriend’s birthday party and he had been really nice tonight..


“ Okay. “ she began walking out of the kitchen.


“ Okay? So it’s a yes?” Jonghyun walked right behind her.


“ YES.” She affirmed him. She felt.. disaapointed. And she didn't even know why. It was to the extent she might even feel sad and to think, this was jonghyun she was talking about. Why should he going out with his girlfriend makes her sad?

“ Promise you won’t sell me out? “ They were reaching their rooms now.


“ Okay I promise I won’t sell you out no matter what. Happy?”


“ Yup. You’re the best nanny “ Jonghyun stuck out his two thumbs as he took back steps towards his door. Jessica just turned around, opened her doors and went in.


Tonight was really nice and she hope it wasn’t only because he was just trying to get her help for tomorrow.

Another point to note: her parents were visiting them to note. Now that’s tricky.


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tinyspaceworld #1
@jongsicaForever thank you ;) that really means alot to me ! you've been one of my biggest supporter and i absolutely am grateful for that! so glad that my old writing could still bring happiness to you! im currently working on exo fanfics, if you're a fan of them do give them a shot :) thanks again, you are really the sweetest!
Chapter 25: Just Reread it and it still makes me smile like an idiot
You're amazing!! Never forget that!
Chapter 25: Ohmygod. THIS IS THE PERFECT STORY. I've read this story over and over repeatedly for like the last year or two years. I can't believe it's ended but at least is ended beautifully. Thank you <3 you have a talent in writing, please keep writing!
cihuiminyul #5
Chapter 25: more jongsica please!
Chapter 18: omg when you posted on my wall i was so happy omg thank you for the wonderful story ^^
jessica222 #7
Chapter 25: Such a pleasant surprise! Suddenly so many chapters uploaded! :D this is definitely my favourite Jongsica fic! I'm glad you finally finished it ^^ I would love to see a sequel :3 My fav boy/girl pairing from exo is krissica! :D They have very similar personalities and they look so good together ;)
nerdscandy #8
Chapter 25: Awww I can't even describe how I feel <3
I hope you feel better after your depression, and thank you for taking the time to update again after recovering! It really means a lot, and I hope you continue to write! :)
4ever9 #9
Chapter 25: Finanly finish reading the updates. I seriously love all your fics. Hope you will write more, esp Jongsica fics. And thank you for complete this fic
4ever9 #10
Chapter 25: wow wow wow wahhhhh 7 chaps??? I
love you author-nim. This is my fave
Jongsica story. <3 <3 <3