The after

I'm your nanny

Thanks to the food they had at the rest stop Jonghyun was having the worst time of his life trying to battle his way to the toilet every 15 minutes without actually dying first. He honestly wanted to kill Jessica for it but he realized he couldn’t really, considering that Jessica was running into the toilet every 10 minutes too.

This also resulted in both of them having to miss school on Monday and that got Jessica complaining all day about how she was now not gonna get a perfect attendance record and whatnot. Of course Jonghyun couldn’t even understand why anyone would get so upset over it.

“ I need to drink milk. Right N.O.W “ Jessica whined from where she lazily slouched, diagonally across jonghyun on the living room’s couch. She was kinda disappointed that she couldn’t get to drink that little milk carton she would always take from her locker. And the fact that she wasn’t there to day just makes her wonder even more what could possibly happen to it.


“ Just get it from the kitchen.. “ he mumbled senselessly as he watch the tv.


“ Nevermind.. not like you’d understand.. “ she replied, still thinking about her mysterious milk boy.


A couple of hours later and they were still stuck in the same cyle.


“ I’m in so much misery. God. I shouldn’t have chose that place to eat! “ Jessica whined from where she sat.


Jonghyun smirked, flipping through the channels. “Hate to say I told you so,”.


“ No you don’t.” Jessica said, staring unappreciatively at him. “ You don’t hate it, you love it. You love saying I told you so.” --


Next day came soon enough and thankfully they both had already recovered from their food poisoning. The morning drive to school was a little torturous for Jessica as Jonghyun couldn’t stop going on about how it must have been that rest stop that he insisted they shouldn’t have ate it.


But then she began feeling a little better as the day went on, proving for once that a bad start with Kim Jonghyun doesn’t mean the day could only get worse.


“ Why did you go yesterday? “ a note read from the little milk carton that was hanging from her locker. Jessica picked it up, then she realized it was still cold. That means… he must have just hung it here! And that means she could find him! Jessica  grabbed the milk, running along the corridor frantically but no one seemed .. right. Everyone was just talking to their friends, heads dugged into their own lockers and no one even look like they cared to even look at her at all.


Who could he be?


Then as lunch break came by, it was crystal clear to Jessica that today was her lucky day. She took a seat next to Yuri and the girls were bombarding her with questions about the camp, whether they were okay and mostly they were telling her about what a Se Kyung was yesterday, throwing a fit at the fact that Jonghyun and her were both absent that Key had to tell her to “ deal with it and eat your lunch”.


“ is that why she’s not eating here today?” Jessica asked, sounding a little guilty but not completely sympathetic since she knew what a Se Kyung actually was. After getting to know Jonghyun better during the camp and all these while she actually thought that he really do deserve a better girl and she couldn’t understand what he sees in her at all.


“ Probably.. who knows.. not like she actually eats anyway. “ Tiffany said, taking another bite from the sandwich that Onew was feeding her.


“ Oh and by the way,” Yuri smirked.” TOP was looking for you during lunch yesterday,” Yuri said.


“ OMG.” Jessica’s eyes widened at her, mouth barely closing. “ Seriously?! Why?”


“ I don’t know, he didn’t really say.. maybe he was just concerned about you?” Hyo yeon grinned teasingly. Jessica couldn’t already help smiling silly ear to ear.


Why is she smiling like an idiot.. Jonghyun mumbled to himself as glance at her from the other side of the table.


“ Stop it! ,” Yuri laughed. “ You’ll hyperventilate again and I don’t have a bag for you to breathe in! “ She nudged Jessica.


“ Any luck with your mysterious milk boy?” Taeyeon asked, suddenly remembering about it.


“ Nah.. wish I knew.. “


“ Who do you think it is?”


“ Jang geun seuk?” The girls gasped. Then they cuddle together in giggles.


“ But he doesn’t even know me! It’s like we hardly see each other..”


“ Kim Jaejoong?”


“ Omg.. “


“ Min Hyuk?”


“ No way.. he’s cute though.. “


“ Eunhyuk?”


“ Whoa that’s just impossible! “


“ OKAY GIRLS STOP IT! “ Jessica said finally. “ Whoever it is.. it better not be Justin bieber. “


“ WHY?!” a few girls cried in unison.


“ I’m just kidding! “ Jessica laughed, as a few light hitting came her way. Whoever it is, please please appear soon!




It was finally History of Arts lesson again, and truthfully it has been what Jessica was looking forward to all week because that meant she could see TOP and stare into his dreamy eyes and just.. day dream.


But turns out today wasn’t exactly on her side as the teacher was acting pretty much like a making them watch an incredibly boring film that didn’t allow her to even interact with her project partner. Which was ridiculous! Isn’t being partner all about interaction and working together?!


“ So please get started on your project soon and I hope to see fantastic work from you all, “ the teacher said just as the bell rang.


“ yessss “ the draggy replied came as everyone gathered their things and began pouring out towards the corridor to meet their friends for their afternoon practices or just hanging out.


“ Hey, “ Jessica felt a tap on her shoulder.


“ Yeah?” she spun around, a little too fast that she didn’t even realized it was..



“ Are you free this afternoon? It’d be good if we could get started on our project. I know a good place we can go, “ he took a step closer to her, so close she could smell him. God he smell so y,even. Then he leaned down and whispered into her ears, “ our school library . “


Then he stepped back, face plastered with a notorious yet y smile. How could anyone resist this?! Jessica didn’t even realized how stupid she looked, just smiling weakly at his invitation. Se kyung brushed passed Jessica roughly, shuffling her shoulder so hard that Jessica was forced out of her fantasy for a second.


“ Oh I’m sorry didn’t see you there, “ Se kyung spoke over her shoulder. Then she turned around, making an eye contact with TOP in such a strange way Jessica couldn’t really make out what it was. Then there she goes, walking out of the door faster than you can say B-I-T-C-H.


“ yeah sure, let me just get to my locker first?” Jessica replied finally.


“ Sure, I’ll follow you there “ TOP smiled. Jessica forced her heels to spin around and head towards her locker. She didn’t even know whether she was walking or flying. It felt like the latter though.


Jonghyun leaned against Jessica’s locker, looking at his watch again he realized she was 3 minutes late. What was up with her today. Then finally he could see her walking towards him." Hey are you ready to go? I'm starvingggg" he whined the very moment she reached it.


Jessica looked up, seeing Jonghyun and opened to answer then behind her shoulders he saw .. TOP appearing.Wait..

Hold on.. why is Top with Jessica?!


" Hey.. jonghyun. “ Jessica’s face stiffened. “What? Go where? What are you talking about?"

" What do you mean? Get into the car right now so we can go home! "

" What are you talking about? What home.. " she laughed nervously as she stumbled through her words.

" I think you made a mistake. ha ha.. i'm not sekyung shouldn't you be fetching your girlfriend home? Her lockers are like over there, I think you got it wrong! ", she quickly shot him a threatening glare, signalling him to back off and leave her alone.


Jonghyun frowned, obviously confused. Jessica twitched her head lightly towards T.O.P Jonghyun followed the direction and finally understood what she was trying to say.


“ Oh hey TOP. "he said abit reluctantly. Top nodded and replied with a hi too. Then Jonghyun saw Jessica gritting her teeth, eyes shooting laser already. " yeah maybe I got it wrong. I guess I should get going right? "

" YES please"


" Do you guys need a lift or s-"


" T.O.P oppa drives too. Why don't you just go ahead WITHOUT us? "

Jessica said in the sweetest tone she could forced out. Her lips barely moved because she was suppressing the urge to kill him so badly.


Amused at the sight of the helpless jessica, jonghyun decided to go easy on her.


" Okay.. then I'll see you at h-", ah jonghyun stopped before he could slip out anymore.


" hmm? Yeah i'll see you tomorrow in school! " she smiled sarcastically and shuffled him front with a wave.


" BYE! "


" HEY HEY! " Jonghyun protested as she did so. He turned out and gave a cheeky grin along with a bye hand gesture to T.O.P.


Jessica made a face at him before turning around to face T.O.P again.


" Hey so.. shall we go? " she offered sweetly.

" Yeah let's go, " he laughed adoringly at Jessica then remove his hands from his pocket to lead her forward. Jessica couldn't help but blush a little at the cute gesture. Her legs never felt more feeble than now.

Okay sorry milk boy.. please just don’t appear for now okay?


Jessica knew Top was popular, of course that everyone knew. But she didn’t exactly thought about how it would feel walking with the popular guy in school before. Maybe its because no girl ever walks with him..


Her face is tingling slightly as people try not to stare at them, and she’s aware of almost every girl in the corridor turning into self-conscious robots as soon as they see him. Girls in adjacent lockers are nudging each excitedly, and she hear at least one person hissing, “ He’s coming! “with some nasty sounding girls saying, “ who the hell is she?”.


God, how can anyone live with all these crazy attention?! Or even get used to it. It’s like how she could never bring herself to eat cucumbers. It’s just.. freaky.


Finally with much effort, they had finally made it to his car. TOP reached for the door and invited her into his BMW sports.


Jessica nodded shyly and went in.

Whoever said dreams don’t come true?




Just like that, Jonghyun realized that he had the rest of the day free! And the last time he had that was like.. 2 and a half weeks ago! It suddenly felt kinda weird and he didn’t know what to do with his time.


What about our lesson today?- Jonghyun


He texted Jessica as he walked round the corner and took out his car keys.


It’s cancelled. Stay out of trouble. – Jessica


What? This girl.. So she got it easy just like that? Whenever her stupid lover boy appears and she decides to go on a date with him she is allowed to just cancel and go irresponsibly like that?! That’s not fair! What about him? All those times he had to sacrifice with Se Kyung!

But he decided to push these thoughts aside for the time being because he realized it was about time Se Kyung should be done with her rehearsals.


Walking along the corridor of the Acting faculty, Jonghyun ignored all the gossips and whisperings that followed him. It was something he sort of got used to. Can’t blame them for not having good looking guys around here can I? He smirked to himself.


“ Jonghyun? “ Se kyung’s voice float from his back. Jonghyun faced her, giving her a hug.


“ Come on I have the afternoon off, let’s grab something to eat! “ He said, tapping her nose. Se Kyung laughed but told him that she couldn’t because she still had practice and that she was sorry.


Which was why, Jonghyun ended up staring at his laptop screen an hour later in his room.

Great. Everyone just suddenly had to get busy this afternoon. Onew was off for a date with Tiffany. Sooyoung and Key were shopping and he didn’t feel like tagging along. Taemin had dance practice and Minho was nowhere found. Probably somewhere with Yuri again.

Even his parents were suddenly gone for a week long business trip! How is it that he, Kim Jonghyun, had ended up like this alone?!


The next couple of hours had proved to be more boring that ever, as Jonghyun attempted to watch tv,practice his guitar, even read the newspaper. But still, time was passing slower than ever and he had nothing to do! It was ridiculous!


And everytime he thought of how he ended this way, he reminded himself to deal with Jessica later.



“ Did you have fun?” Top asked as he drove her home.


“ Yeah I did. “ Jessica smiled, looking straight ahead. Right any minute now they would reach the house and she hoped Jonghyun wouldn’t be somehow hanging outside because TOP definitely can’t know that they live together. For whatever reason.


Especially because she’s his nanny. Like what the hell. How attractive are nannys right?


Then unexpectedly, Jessica heard TOP replied“ Good. So what’s up with you and Jonghyun? “


Jessica gulped. What.. ?

How did he..


“ Nothing! I told you.. he-“


Top laughed. “ It’s alright I was just curious. Whatever it is it’s your business. Although I would advice you that it’s not very nice to go for someone else’s boyfriend. “ then he added, “ even though I know those two are just together for the sake of it. “


Jessica felt like she has just been slapped. Was that how Top thought about her? No! She wanted to scream. She wanted to explain everything to him! But.. would he believe her?


“ It’s not like what you think.. “ she weakly explained.


Then top laughed yet again, this time he sounded amused. He turned and look at Jessica, studying her face so intensely that Jessica almost blushed.


“ What kind of a girl are you Jessica? “ he asked curiously.


“ I don’t know… I’m just me.. “ she replied nervously.


“ Alright. “ he smiled. Then he turned back and continued looking ahead without looking at her again.

Suddenly Jessica felt so sick to her stomach. Like TOP had already formed a bad impression of her, that she was some that was stealing Jonghyun from his girlfriend. Great, just great.


TOP noticed Jessica couldn’t stop pursing her lips. And if he was right it was because she was clearly upset about what he said. Which just confirmed what he had suspected, he was right. TOP smiled and drove on. Jessica continued giving him the direction to her house but he already it knew well. All those years his mum spent driving him to Jonghyun’s house when he was little had him memorized the way well enough to know that Jessica was definitely living with him. But for whatever reason he didn’t know.




 Jonghyun stared at the clock on the huge white wall.



It’s already going to be 9 and why the hell was Jessica not home yet? Isn’t a girl supposed to be home already by now? What the hell was she doing with Top anyway? Jonghyun groaned as he sat on his couch. He was in the living room, which he didn’t know why he was. But he just was. This house suddenly felt so empty..


Is she ever coming back!? Jonghyun got up finally, unable to withstand this weird feeling anymore. He walked towards the huge wooden door, flung it opened and took a walk down to the gate. Staring out at the dark empty road ahead, he wondered why Jessica was coming back. Could it be that TOP had done something to her? But surely not.. as much as he dislike TOP he also knew that guy wasn’t an that does bad things..


Walking along from the end of the gate to another end, Jonghyun couldn’t but squint his eyes, staring ahead to see a glimpse of light that could mean..


There. A car was coming. That must be Jessica. Wait. .


What the hell was he doing here?!


The car was approaching. In a minute it would be at the gate now. They can’t see him here like that. He can’t be waiting for Jessica! Panicking, Jonghyun turned around and ran his off, he didn’t even realized how far he had walked out all the way past his huge garage and garden. All he knew was that the car was at the gate now, and he was still running towards the door. Good thing it was dark, otherwise he would have been seen now.


, he can’t open the door. Because the door was so huge Jessica or TOP would probably know that someone was opening it even from afar.


.  Jonghyun looked around frantically, searching for any other way in then he saw it.


Windows! Right windows!


He dashed towards one of the windows as he heard the sound of the car’s door opening. He had no time now. He scrambled as hard and fast as he could, pushing himself as high as possible, crawling through the window amidst whatever that was poking him here and there. Finally he crashed down on the living room’s floor. He could hear her foot steps drawing closer. Jonghyun got up, charged towards the couch but his legs tangled and he landed on the floor. The door opened.


Jonghyun got up within a second, jumped on the couch finally and breathed out.


Jessica walked in. Then she noticed the tv was on. And Jonghyun was lying on the couch, actually watching it.


“ Why are you sweating? “ she asked, staring at his half-wet tshirt. Not to mention his face that was full of perspiration all over.


“ it-it’s warm in here.. “ Jonghyun immediately fan himself.


“ The air-con is on. “ She pointed out.


“ ..I was working out!“ he said again, feeling more stupid than before. Why was he even doing this..


“ Okay fine whatever I’m going up. Goodnight “


“ Wait! You!..” he yelled. “you are the most irresponsible nanny I’ve ever met! How could you just cancel on me like that because you felt like going on a date with TOP?! That’s selfish and unfair! Is this what a nanny should do?!” He shouted after her angrily, remembering what he was supposed to deal with her.


But Jessica looked too tired to care. Still, she turned around with a feet already on the stairs.


“ It wasn’t a date okay? We were out doing research for our project. History of music. “


“ Oh yeah?” Jonghyun blurt out. Sounding more relieved, somehow.


“ Yes. “ Jessica replied and turned around, walking up the stairs. She was way tired and the last thing she needs right now is to deal with jonghyun’s childish temper.


“ It’s not like he even likes you. He just asked you out for the project because he needed to!” Jonghyun said in spite, looking up at Jessica who was already ontop of the stairs.


Yeah thanks alot Jonghyun. As if I don’t already know that TOP doesn’t even think for a millisecond about me. Jessica mumbled.


But she didn’t say anything aloud to him but instead, walked towards her room.


“ H-Hey! Wait! “ he shouted after her.

“ What now?” She shouted from her room.


Jonghyun stopped. “ I’m not done working out. Come down and do it with me! “


Jessica slammed her door, telling him that she was not interested.


What?! She just slammed her door?! So she thinks she can just spend the whole afternoon out with TOP and get away with it?!


Jonghyun knocked on her door.


“ I don’t wanna move any muscle right now okay? I’m tired! “ Jessica whined.


“ But you’re fat.”


Then in a flash. Jessica swung her door right opened, stuck her face right into his and screamed “ I AM NOT FAT!” then she slammed it shut again.


“ Your legs are getting bigger these days.. “ he tried again.


3 seconds later she swung the door opened again.


“ OMG REALLY?! “ she said in a panic, then quickly stood still infront of him with her legs closed together.


He examined it.. then pretended to nod. “ Yeah.. a little. Obviously you haven’t been jogging enough or some .. I think it was from the camping. “


Jessica shriek and slammed the door shut. Jonghyun was shock. For a while, he remained on the same spot, not knowing what he had done. Was she gonna cry? Did he lied about something he shouldn’t? Was she gonna kill herself?


Then suddenly the door swung opened again.

“ Okay let’s do it. “ Jessica announced firmly in a determined voice as she already had her hair all tied up, track suit and running shoes to go along.


“ Wow. “ Jonghyun covered his mouth as he tried to stop himself for laughing.


“ What?! “


“ Nothing… nothing. “ he said. She was heading towards the gym. Realizing that he would have to work out for real he blurt out almost immediately, “ WAIT! “


Jessica stopped and spun around. “ WHAT!?”


“ You know actually I heard cycling is better for your thighs…”


“ Seriously?!” Jessica questioned the absurd logic.. took a minute to think about it and decided that she would trust Jonghyun on this for once, since he was always so obsessed with working out. So she took a step back, changed her direction and headed towards the garage for the bicycle instead.


“ Omg you are so right. No wonder I couldn’t fit into any of my jeans anymore! “ Jessica began freaking out behind him as she walked. Jonghyun just wanted to laugh more.


Luckily the night was breezy as summer was at its end, it was a pretty good night to cycle. Going along the han river, Jonghyun didn’t really noticed the pretty view and lights at night. Especially the fresh air that really made him feel refreshed. Looking over at Jessica, she was busy smiling at the random kids playing around than looking at where they were going. But that didn’t matter. Somehow Jonghyun was having fun, even though he originally didn’t even expect to at all.


It was sort of relaxing and just.. nice to be cycling in this beautiful place. He didn’t even seemed to mind that Jessica was complaining once in awhile about him being too fast.


“ It’s really nice out here !”

“ It is.. “ Jonghyun replied, watching the couple nearby. He really should start cycling more instead of driving around.


Just like that, 15 minutes had gone by as they cycled aroud, laughing and giggling over things they see.



“ Hey, “ someone tapped his shoulder.


The next thing she knew the bunch of uncivilized thugs had dragged them to a dark corner far off the river. Throwing them against the huge wall, Jessica screamed as one of them stepped up to her, cupping her chin up.


“ Is this your new girlfriend? Not bad.. “ the guy laughs, inching a little closer to Jessica’s face, she immediately flung to the side, escaping from his hold. “ But you should at least finish paying off the debt of your ex girlfriend first before you find a new one shouldn’t you?”


On the other hand, Jessica had now officially lost her head in between her insane screaming as she screeched non-stop, “ OM

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tinyspaceworld #1
@jongsicaForever thank you ;) that really means alot to me ! you've been one of my biggest supporter and i absolutely am grateful for that! so glad that my old writing could still bring happiness to you! im currently working on exo fanfics, if you're a fan of them do give them a shot :) thanks again, you are really the sweetest!
Chapter 25: Just Reread it and it still makes me smile like an idiot
You're amazing!! Never forget that!
Chapter 25: Ohmygod. THIS IS THE PERFECT STORY. I've read this story over and over repeatedly for like the last year or two years. I can't believe it's ended but at least is ended beautifully. Thank you <3 you have a talent in writing, please keep writing!
cihuiminyul #5
Chapter 25: more jongsica please!
Chapter 18: omg when you posted on my wall i was so happy omg thank you for the wonderful story ^^
jessica222 #7
Chapter 25: Such a pleasant surprise! Suddenly so many chapters uploaded! :D this is definitely my favourite Jongsica fic! I'm glad you finally finished it ^^ I would love to see a sequel :3 My fav boy/girl pairing from exo is krissica! :D They have very similar personalities and they look so good together ;)
nerdscandy #8
Chapter 25: Awww I can't even describe how I feel <3
I hope you feel better after your depression, and thank you for taking the time to update again after recovering! It really means a lot, and I hope you continue to write! :)
4ever9 #9
Chapter 25: Finanly finish reading the updates. I seriously love all your fics. Hope you will write more, esp Jongsica fics. And thank you for complete this fic
4ever9 #10
Chapter 25: wow wow wow wahhhhh 7 chaps??? I
love you author-nim. This is my fave
Jongsica story. <3 <3 <3