You got me at Hello

I'm your nanny

The next couple of days has passed by relatively quick with Jonghyun sulking every single time he sees Jessica leaning against Minho’s locker, waiting for him to retrieve his stuff. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons were spent clearing up his room and learning business and dinner ettiques. And just like that, a week quickly passed by and Jonghyun was beginning to get used to this painful routine he was bound to be stuck with until Jessica finished her whatever study plan. And Jonghyun thought playing badminton with his grandparents was torturous.

As for Jessica, lots of things were beginning to set in, for example everyone seemed shocked that she could reach up to 8 octaves. Just yesterday too, Sooyoung couldn’t stop gushing over how perfect her body waves were in dance class. Did she really look like she didn’t have any artistic talents?

That aside, her mysterious milk boy ( it couldn’t be a girl can it?! ) has not appeared and neither does she have the slightest clue who he was. All she knew was that she was really thankful for his milk that hung on her locker for a whole week now.

Today was the first lesson for the subject History of Arts. It already sounds boring even before she attends it. To make it worse, it seems like none of the girls or the boys were in her class which means she would have to pray really hard that she wouldn’t have to pair up for anything.

She gave a depressing sigh as she took a seat on the big white marble table. She could see students pouring in from the corner of eyes without many already clinging into their various pre-formed groups. Urgh. It was times like this that she wouldn’t even mind if Jonghyun was here.. at least she wont have to sit here all alone..

“ Omg why did you go near that ?! He’s so disgusting! “ she heard one of the girls behind her said.

“ Yeah thank god he didn’t do much. He is such a you’ll never know!”

the other one replied.

It didn’t take too much for her to guess what or who they were talking about. Apparently there was this famous ert in school that everyone knows as Yongsul. Sometime back in his junior years he was caught watching in class, not only once but thrice. On top of that, he had also been countlessly accused of molesting girls. Which, she guessed was true from what she was hearing behind her. Even Jonghyun had mentioned something about him before saying that he was a maniac or something.

“ Just keep away from him at all cost if you don’t wanna be traumatized for the rest of your life” was what Jonghyun also added.

Now it was really giving her a little stress..

The teacher, who appeared to be an old middle-age lady was going on something about ballet history which didn’t interest Jessica that much so she began to tune off.

Trying to stay awake, Jessica began making a list of things Jonghyun had yet to learn. Writing about 25 already, she decided that it should be the other way round.

Things that Jonghyun have learned:

1) What is a proper business wear

2) Waking up for school on time

3) Eating vegetables every meal

Jessica looked up at the teacher, she was still going on about ballet thing..

Yeah yeah yeah..

Jessica was about to continue when something caught her ear.

Suddenly, the teacher was now going on about some important project that they had to do. Then before she realized, she had also began announcing something about partnering up.

“ I want you guys to find a partner, come up and let me know your names by the end of the class and for those who don’t manage to find one I’ll assign you to someone else who doesn’t have a group too, “ she announced but before she could finish the class began to break out in a frantic mess, running around to grab everyone they can. While the , of course, was sitting on his table, head rested on his arms with that etic smile on his face.

. Jessica mentally slapped her forehead. She knows nobody and chances are no one is gonna partner her and then she’ll have to partner with.. youngsul?

Oh god no!


She got up immediately, too fast that her legs almost tangled up, not that they were very long but she could really feel them wobbling now. The thought of working with that weird guy is just sick. Especially when he looks like he’s drooling all the time and his eyes look like they were scanners that could see through her clothes.

“ Hey, I’m Jessica. Do you wanna partner with me?” , Jessica’s voice was almost desperate as she moved from people to people. And all she got was a “ I’m sorry!” face with a look of sympathy in it.

She looked around, almost the whole class had began settling down. .

She tried looking harder, squinting everywhere searching for a familiar face. She browsed through the faces, nope,nope,nope,nope,nope and ah! Shin se kyung !!!!

Despite the fact that they had only exchanged a hi and she was Jonghyun’s girlfriend, Jessica didn’t care. I mean, she must remember and know me right? She’ll definitely save me, somehow!

Jessica was overjoyed. Making her way through the students, she saw Shin Se Kyung sitting.

“ hey! Do you have a partner? I don’t really know anyone here except you so I was hoping you might wanna work with me. “ Jessica smiled, then she noticed sekyung didn’t have the same smile.

“ I’m sorry but I already found a partner. Why don’t you tell Mrs.Lee that you don’t have a partner and I’m sure she’ll find you a partner. Maybe like yongsul over there. “ Se kyung offered and completed her sentence with a polite smile.

“ Oh.. well then do you know anyone else that doesn’t have a partner? Maybe a girl or someone..?” Jessica tried again, in a desperate attempt now. But Sekyung didn’t seem to hear it. Because she had her body faced front.

“ hey.. I’m talking to you. “ Jessica said. Did she really not here or did Jessica looked like she was done talking?

“ Oh.. sorry what?” Se kyung turned around, looking at Jessica.

“ I asked whether you know anyone that didn’t have a partner. Because you know I really need one.”

“ Just go to Mrs. Lee, or yongsul. But either way you’ll end up with him.“ Sekyung smiled. Jessica stared in disbelief. But Sekyung had already returned her gaze to the front of the class.

“ I’ll partner you.” A low voice spoke.

Jessica looked up. Then she realized it was Sekyung’s partner; TOP.

“ But you’re my partner..” Sekyung looked at TOP, confused about what was happening.

But because TOP had such swagger, he didn’t even reply. Instead, he grabbed his bag, walked towards Jessica and while she was still caught in the surreal reality, she heard him say, “ So where’s your seat?”

Jessica gulped down her saliva nervously. “ O-over there.. “ she replied,pointing to the other side of the class and tried to stay calm.

But just his presence is giving her the jitters, sort of like some sort of anxiety attack but without the miserable feeling.

“ What’s your name?” he asked nonchalantly. But she found it so incredibly charming.

“ Jessica Jung.” She said, looking down at the stupid white table that she wished was a mirror so that she could check her reflection right now.

“ Are you in music faculty too?”, he asked.

“ Yeah..”

He began asking her a few more questions and Jessica could feel her face flushing red. It’s funny, she’s never felt his way before infront of any guy! He’s unnerving at the best of times and she feels weak all over.It’s like he emanates hot, over-the-top y power like how the other boys,specifically Jonghyun emanates sloppiness.

She didn’t even want to begin thinking about the times they would get to spend together doing projects. Ah, she can’t wait to rush out and tell Yuri and the girls all about it already.

As class ended, she almost tripped as she rushes to open her locker, as she slams it shut she almost forgot.

Ah- the milk carton!

She took it and smiled.

If only I know who you are.. You make me so happy every morning but.. She sighed out loud. I think there is someone else that I really like.. I’m sorry..

She said, tearing it open and drinking it.

“ You’re still drinking milk?” TOP asked, brushing past her. Shocked, Jessica coughed, almost spilling milk out of . She pulled the carton out, hid it behind her back immediately.

“ Oh.. sometimes.. “ she said in a lame tone. The truth was she loves milk to death, even though she’s all grown up. Obviously TOP thinks she’s retarded..

“ Maybe it’ll help you grow taller,” he teased with a killer smile. Jessica almost slit down from her locker to the ground as he walked away.

As his figure disappeared from her sight, she took the milk carton out and took another sip, looking at it,she was smiling like an idiot, oh my god what am I going to do with him? The cute boy just smiled at me!!!


Later that afternoon as Jessica walked in Jonghyun’s room after washing up, she noticed that he was lying all over the sofa watching jersey shore.

“ Get off the tv, we’re gonna study.” Jessica announced over his head as she reached for the remote and turned the tv off. Usually she would have literally shouted and dragged him off but since she was in a good mood today she decided to take a softer approach. Jonghyun grunted, still lying on the sofa and flipped his body. Now he sort of looked like a dead fish with his head stuffed into a pillow and body slumping in a straight line. He’s acting like a 3-year-old all the time even when his grades reflect what an idiot he is.

“ Why are we studying? You don’t have to teach me that, I know how to study...” Jessica heard Jonghyun muffled voice whining from the pillow.“Sometimes, you know I think you treat like a 3-year-old idiot.” Jonghyun complained. Jessica body stiffened a little. Could it be that this autistic person somehow have a special mind-reading power?!

“ Why would you say that?!” She defended. Though, it was true.

“ Because I know how to read and I know when to study when I have to. It’s not like we even have a test coming or something…” he went on, still refusing to move.

“ Are you kidding me? You know how to read? Well I’m not sure if you even know how to read your report card but your grades sure don’t show that you can read. “

Jessica said with her hands on her hips, legs kicking his body as he wriggles. And eventually as her strength increases he relented and lazily managed to get up, walking to the other corner of his room.

“ What’s wrong with my grades?”, Jonghyun grumbled and took a seat on his wide wooden study table. 

What’s wrong with your grades?” Jessica repeated, mocking him with her tone. “ Do you even know how it feels like to pass a test? That awesome feeling of knowing that you’re smart?“

 “Do you know how it feels like to just enjoy your life and not wasting it on studying to pass a bunch of useless tests?”

“ Do you know how it feels like to just enjoy your life, not wasting time to study and still pass the test?”

“ Are you just showing off right now?”

“ Yeah. Obviously, because I can”

Jonghyun dismissed her with a snort.

“ I do pass my tests okay? That’s how I got to my senior year, dumb.”

“ And exactly how do you manage to pass all your tests with these grades? Why would anyone even allow a moron like you to be promoted to the next grade?! “ Jessica pulled a chair and took a seat infront of him. She had even put on her glasses today.

“ Because I can sing”

“That’s not the point!”, she began piling a few books and papers infront of him.

“Fine. I pulled some strings..”

“ Really?” She said, in her most despising tone.  “ How hard exactly, did you pull those strings, Kim Jonghyun?”

“ Hard enough. Can we just get started?”

“ You really do use violence in everything don’t you?”

“ Just get on with it. I wanna finish it quick.”

“ Good. That’s the right attitude. Shall I reward you with a biscuit ?” Jessica gave one of those freaky and fake pretend-to-be-happy smiles you see teachers put on infront of your parents.

Jonghyun grabbed her glasses out as Jessica began screaming, hitting him to return it back. He found the sight of her struggling pretty amusing and couldn’t help a laugh as he continued lifting it above his head. Out of breath and help, Jessica was jumping up and down trying hard to find it back.It went on for about a couple of minutes and finally he decided to stop teasing her and returned it. She looks slightly grumpy but it was kinda funny.

“ So,” Jessica straightened her posture and adjusted her glasses. He was so childish. Jonghyun laughed.Stop laughing! “ she demanded. Jonghyun nodded and leaned back lazily.

“ Since clearly you don’t know English and its so extremely important we’re gonna spend all day doing that. Looks like you left all the English you’ve learnt in California. But that’s fine. “ She announced. Then she continued,” I’ll firstly need to check on how good you are, you’ll write an English essay based on something you like and show it to me in 30 minutes. And it has to be at least 150 words.”, she pushed the stack of papers towards him.

“ English?” Jonghyun scoffed. “ That’s not difficult “.

“ You can’t even read the manual of the washing machine! “ jessica So eventually he began, Jessica couldn’t help but tried to get a peek of whatever nonsense he could come up with. Jonghyun covered his papers with both hands while looking up accusingly, “ Can’t you ing wait?!”

“ Fine fine I’M SORRY,” Jessica said with her two hands up. Then she remembered Jonghyun just swore.

“ AND STOP SWEARING! “ she said, stepping on his foot so hard that Jonghyun was shouting.

“ STOP IT! “

“ THEN. DON’T. SWEAR.” Although she did see some improvement from him ( partly because she kept threatening him that everytime he swears she’ll write it down and for every 5 times he did so she would ask for his credit card limit to go down by $100 )


After what seemed like 45 minutes ( Jonghyun had asked for extra 15 minutes because he said good essays needed to be of a “substantial length” ) Jonghyun pushed his papers towards Jessica.

“ Go on. I’m actually not that bad when it comes to writing. And don’t say I didn’t tell you I was good at this. It’s about cars.”  Jonghyun rested on his back, looking out of the window smiling. He was really proud of himself. Jessica squinted her eyes at him suspiciously before turning back to the paper.

Scanning through the paper,she cannot imagine any grown up person she knew writing this essay in chicken-feet like handwriting. Let alone scribbling down nonsensical words that makes no sense.

She shook herself out of judging him and started reading. Jonghyun looks at her face, mistaking her shocked expression as being impressed. He could hardly hide the glow of pride he had. It was ridiculous, Jessica scoffed silently.

Running her eyes through the sentences, she was dismayed.

Oh my God. What is this gibberish? She had to bite her lip as she took in phrases here and there.

Every often, there will have many times, formula one contest that cars go to. Such as formula Nippon, formula v6 and formula Renault 3.5. They is very exciting.

They is very exciting ? Does he even know what formula is? And has he ever heard of grammar?!

As she reads further, her lips are clamped together. She must not laugh.

Also have some kart-racing that is small and cheap. More famous people start here.

What? What?

The whole thing is a complete random mish-mash nonsense that seemed kinda retarded. Bits of engine jargon soldered together in a meaningless,would-be-impressive phrases. Except that she realized she probably knew more about cars than him. She read through the rest of the paper, desperately keeping a straight face and not burst out in laughter.

“ I know it looks frightening, all those big words and terms but I can explain it to you if needed be,” says Jonghyun, misinterpreting her silence.

Jessica put the paper down finally. She took a deep breath in, staring blankly at Jonghyun. He hated when Jessica did that. It sort of makes him nervous.

“ It’s horrible.” She announced. “It’s like a person had mindlessly ran across the street, got knocked down by a car,suffered a terrible brain clot,has gone retarded then he got up to write this.”

Jonghyun immediately stood up, unhappy with the truth.

“ What do you mean it’s horrible!?” Jonghyun snatched the paper and went to her side. He began pointing at the random big words that he wrote, arguing that she wasn’t giving him credit for all the vocabularly he was using. But every single time he did that, Jessica would just point out the spelling mistakes, embarrassing him every single time.

Finally, Jonghyun stomped back and sunk into his seat, face red with embarrassement as Jessica almost laughed her head off.

“ So,” she cleared . “ Do you wanna know all about English grammar and vocabulary? It’s really quite long and boring.” she asked. Jonghyun stared back at her, showing the obvious answer.

“ Well, tough. Because you’re going to hear it anyway.” She smiled.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes and she began,so much for trying to impress her.

“ Here we go… “ he muttered under his breath.

“ You’re really stupid..“ She said, in between her uncontrollable laughter every time she looks at his paper again. Jonghyun had to almost cover physically to stop her.

There was a knock on the door.

“ Come in,” Jonghyun mumbled as his head remained dug onto the book infront of him.


It was one of the housekeepers. She had a relatively large delivery parcel in her hands as she settled in down infront of both of them. Then with a smile she told Jessica,” Here miss jung, it’s your delivery. “

“ Oh yes, “ Jessica’s eyes widened suddenly. How could she have forgotten. The bag that she bought not long ago. “ Thank you! “ She smiled and hop down from the chair to open the parcel.

Jonghyun took a curious peep and saw that it was a chanel bag. Back few days ago he would have been surprised but after the shock bomb that dropped yesterday suddenly nothing was shocking anymore.

“ Why did you lie?” He asked finally.

Jessica was unwrapping some parts of the packaging. “ About what?”

Jonghyun continued writing. “ You said you were a countryside girl. I thought you were poor! “ He looked up at the last part, showing his frustration.

“ Because I love to see your reaction when you realized how wrong you have been. “ Jessica replied back, smiling as she picked up her bag and carried it. Now she was already halfway across the room surveying herself with the bag in the mirror.

“ Just shut up and get back to your work! “ She ordered him.

Jonghyun made a face behind her back before going back to his papers. " By the way I want steak for dinner tonight. "

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tinyspaceworld #1
@jongsicaForever thank you ;) that really means alot to me ! you've been one of my biggest supporter and i absolutely am grateful for that! so glad that my old writing could still bring happiness to you! im currently working on exo fanfics, if you're a fan of them do give them a shot :) thanks again, you are really the sweetest!
Chapter 25: Just Reread it and it still makes me smile like an idiot
You're amazing!! Never forget that!
Chapter 25: Ohmygod. THIS IS THE PERFECT STORY. I've read this story over and over repeatedly for like the last year or two years. I can't believe it's ended but at least is ended beautifully. Thank you <3 you have a talent in writing, please keep writing!
cihuiminyul #5
Chapter 25: more jongsica please!
Chapter 18: omg when you posted on my wall i was so happy omg thank you for the wonderful story ^^
jessica222 #7
Chapter 25: Such a pleasant surprise! Suddenly so many chapters uploaded! :D this is definitely my favourite Jongsica fic! I'm glad you finally finished it ^^ I would love to see a sequel :3 My fav boy/girl pairing from exo is krissica! :D They have very similar personalities and they look so good together ;)
nerdscandy #8
Chapter 25: Awww I can't even describe how I feel <3
I hope you feel better after your depression, and thank you for taking the time to update again after recovering! It really means a lot, and I hope you continue to write! :)
4ever9 #9
Chapter 25: Finanly finish reading the updates. I seriously love all your fics. Hope you will write more, esp Jongsica fics. And thank you for complete this fic
4ever9 #10
Chapter 25: wow wow wow wahhhhh 7 chaps??? I
love you author-nim. This is my fave
Jongsica story. <3 <3 <3