The beginning

I'm your nanny

The alarm clock rang. 

But by then Jonghyun was already wide awake with his eyes staring straight at his empty ceiling. And with a little smile he realized he was actually happy about the way things had turned out. On the other hand, he would admit that he had been inevitably worried about Jessica the whole night. He felt kinda bad for her that she was kinda dragged into this whole pile of mess because of him yet his parents had sounded pretty serious about the whole engagement thing like they had planned it all along.

The conversation between him, jessica and his parents from last night were still whirling in his head...

" Well Jessica.. you know we love you like our own and we would love for you both to get married eventually, not today but perhaps someday in the future. That is our only one wish and it would be lovely if you two could at least give it a try and make that happened for both of us.. " Jonghyun's mum said.

Jessica let out a sigh. She was unsure what to do.

" Think of it as helping Jonghyun out. At least try to get to know each other better.. until you both set off for college that is.. can you do that for us? " his father tried to persuade her further. It didn't seem that Jonghyun was any reluctant to the idea as he had remained quiet the entire time. On the other hand, Jessica was more than confused, not of the situation, but her feelings.

" And we're not getting any younger.. " his mum said, reaching out to hold her husband's hand slowly.

Jessica hates it when she does that, that emotion blackmailing that she knew would make Jessica give in no matter what..

" Okay fine.. I'll try. But just till I graduate okay? Besides.. this son of yours is more than ordinary. He gives me headaches.." Jessica didn't even finish her sentence as she walked off.


" OH. MY. GOD !"

Jonghyun heard a distint familar scream. And almost immediately, he ran down the stairs as fast as he could.

" What happened?" 

" Take a look for yourself! " Jessica crossed her hands, and she didn't look any happy.

Right infront of his face, Jonghyun could see her once cute and brand new mini cooper now being scratched all over.

" Why would you do that?" He asked stupidly.

" Why would I do that? " Jessica repeated, her eyes wide opened at Jonghyun. " What kinda idoit says that? OF COURSE I DIDNT DO IT. It must be your crazy insane ex-girlfriend! This is unacceptable DO SOMETHING! "

" well.. the keyword as you have mentioned, " ex-girlfriend", see that's where I have a little problem. I don't really wanna see or talk to her again but hey if it helps, I can give you a ride to school while you sent it for repainting. Adn remember to send the bill to her! "

" forget it.. it's not like she has the money to pay me back, " Jessica said rolling her eyes and she began making her way back into the house. " oh and your parents left town already, they wont be back any time soon so we dont have to play this engagement game"

" you sure?" Jonghyun smirked as he followed her. He was playing with her mind.

" What do you mean you sure? What's with the voice?! " Jessica snapped back.

" So I guess you haven't heard.. " 

" Heard about what?! "

" My parents said we're gonna have to sleep in the same room from now "

" WHAT?! " Jessica literally shrieked.

" What?" Jonghyun echoed mockingly.


" My parents do.. "

" URGH! " 

Jonghyun laughed as she stomped off instantly. It seemed like she wont be taking his car to school afterall.


Deep down inside it all, somehow Jonghyun knew. That he had the choice to go against his parents but he didn't. he didn't.

He wanted to show her that he was not a bad a person as he might have appeared to be since her arrival and with a little effort, he felt sure he could redeem himself in the days they would spend together regardless whether they’ll really get married. Even if it didn't make any sense now, he just want to be a better person for not just himself, but for Jessica too.


The last period had just ended and everyone was as busy as ever discussing where to go later tonight. Jessica gathered her things and made her way tirelessly through the crowd of over excited students that were streaming out from classes to the main corridor.

Gosh.. how crowded can it get.. at this rate i'm gonna reach my locker when im 75 or something..

As her fixed on the ground, trying to not fall over the thousands of feet that were shuffling all over, something caught her eyes.

The red shoes. It was TOP.

And mindlessly, she found herself walking towards it, till it became so close that she finally realized what she had done. And as she looked up, she froze.

There it was, her locker. And there he was, TOP.

Or should she say, the mysterious milk boy?

" What're you doing.. ?" Jessica uttered out shockingly.

" Oh.. " TOP turned around, a little taken aback but not a sign of panic flew across him as he slowly untied the carton of milk. " Geez I finally got caught. Looks like I won't need to tie this today then. " He said, smiling as charmingly as ever as he handed Jessica the milk carton.

She took it. " Thanks.. " She managed out a weak smile. This was.. all too much. She can't believe it. First, she's getting engaged with Jonghyun and then now she finds out that the mysterious admirer of hers is.. TOP!?!?!?


" I dont.. I.. " 

Jessica didn't know what to say. 

" What?" He asked, leaning against her locker and looking forward, he seemed to be enjoying watching Jessica all flustered and shocked.

" Wow.. I didn't know its you.. I mean.. I could never imagine it could have been you.. "

" Why?" 

" Well.. " she gulped. " just because.. it's you"

TOP threw his head back and laughed softly.

" You've never given a thought about everything before?" he asked, " about how we ended up working together for the project? "

" No.. i just thought.. you took a pity on me." Now she was recalling back.. Surely TOP didn't intentionally offered to partner her for that [roject because he'd like her all the while..?

He laughed." Well even if you didn't notice now you've caught me. I'll confess i've been a fan of yours even since your first day here, I must say you really do stand out. "

Jessica couldn't even breathe right. 

" So what do you say, now that my cover is ruined, you think I should try to give it a real shot?"

Jessica frowned, what was he talking about now?

" What shot?"

" Asking you out" He said. There he said it.

TOP likes her. This is not helping her at all. Everything had just gotten worse. Why couldnt he have appeared ealier?! Just before this whole.. mess happened. Before she fell for Jonghyun.

" well.. " Jessica realized she haven't moved a step ever since she got here.

" Please don't turn me down. It's friday night. We all could use some company. " He smiled. Sometimes Jessica wondered if he practiced those intensingly and adorable gaze that sets on you when he says things like that. It just makes your heart completely vulnerable to everything.

" Well.. I guess I'm free tonight.. " Jessica confessed. 

" Alright, it's a date then. I'll pick you up at 8 " 


" So.. what's troubling you?" 

Dinner was over, there were driving, not to anyway but everywhere. It seemed that Jessica had been more obvious about her troubled mind than she had intended to be. 

" Nothing.. " she lied.

Then TOP pulled up at a quiet side. Then she realized there were at the side of the han river now. It was freezing cold.

" Come on, you don't have to lie to me. Just shoot, promise I won't tell anyone.."

" Nah.. it's kinda awkward for me to tell you.."

" Is it about me?" He asked/

" Well.. not really.. it's just really complicated.. I just need to think everything through myself.. you know? " 

She looked over, and TOP nodded his head lightly and chuckled.

Jessica felt kinda bad that she couldn't tell him what;s really bothering her, but what could she say? And how could she? how would he feel? That she was getting engaged to Jonghyun at 19 and that she's not sure if she hates it or not because she might possibly like both Jonghyun and TOP? What's he gonna think of her? Was she insane? Who the hell gets engaged at 19?! As much as she herself couldn't believe a weird situatin that could only happend in soap opera was happening to her, it really was. And no one would believe her but herself.

It all sounded so silly and stupid. It's too embarrassing, he's just gonna laugh.

And somehow the thought of sekyung was still irritating her, just knowing that Jonghyun might still possibly like her.. even if he was supposed to be engaged to her now.

" How about some alcohol to ease your headache? I promise I'll get you home safe. You have nothing to worry about. " TOP suggested. 

" Sounds like a good idea " Jessica turned to him and smiled. 

At this point of time some alcohol would really do her some good. 

Except that 3 hours later, she weren't sure if she had been too tipsy and confessed everything to TOP.


A loud thumping sound has jerked Jonghyun awake and it wasn't long before another one followed, and another and another. Scratching his head, Jonghyun fumbled for his clock and wondered what could possibly be wrecking such mess at this hour.


Oh god.. it's not even 6 am 

Resting his back lazily against his pillow, Jonghyun's eyes were still shut as he continued listening to the strange noises. 

Thump Thump Thump

Now it sounded like someone was trying to break a door open.. not his door.. but Jessica's door opposite his room. Is that her?! Oh .. he'd forgotten to tell her that they locked up her room and sent everything over to his room already. There was no way she;s gonna get back into her room because from now it was their room. Which is where he is now.

Getting up quickly, Jonghyun walked promptly to his door and reached for the knob before the door burst open and Jessica fell limp and helpless into his arm.

"GOD DID YOU BATHE IN VODKA OR SOMETHING?! WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE THAT!?" Jonghyun shrieked as the intoxicated Jessica slurred through her words in his arm.

" I I I haaad a fuun tiiiime"

" Just shut up and shower, God is this even you.. " Jonghyun said as he supported her towards the bathroom.

10 minutes later with much effort, Jonghyun could finally rest his head and tug himself warm under his blanket again as he could hear showering sounds. He was too sleepy at this minute to go into another argument with her but he knew tomorrow she's definitely gonna get an earful from him.

What kind of a girl goes out late and come home drunk!? What if something happened to her?! Why didnt she called?! And WHO sent her back!? Was it TOP?! Was it ?!

And soon.. Jonghyun had drifted to sleep with the countless questions in his head.

Then he felt a hand hitting over his chest. And that was just about it for him and the drunken Jessica as Jonghyun lifted her arm up, turned his face towards her and then bang.

She kissed him.

He froze. 

Was this really happening?

And then before he knew, he had kissed her back. HIs arm went over her waist as he pulled her in closer and her arm wrapped around him tighter. It seemed surreal but Jessica was pouring out herself to him. Kisses and kisses went on and Jonghyun had never felt anything better than this before.

It must have been another 15mins of passionate kissing that seemed like an explosion of both their hidden feelings for each other that had been bottled up for too long.

Running his fingers through her hair, Jonghyun could feel Jessica slowly drifting to sleep as her kisses soften until he could feel her soft breathing on his lips. 

With a quiet smile, Jonghyun looked at her once more as he gave her the last gentle peck on her lips.

" Jonghyun.. " she mumbled. 

" Yeah? " He replied, watching as Jessica struggle to form words through her tired self could barely stay awake for any second longer.

" Do you like me?" 

He remained still, seemingly shocked at what she was asking, though not entirely taken aback.. afterall he's been asking himself this very same question every day for quite some time now.

THoughtfully, he asked her back " Well.. do you like me?" 

Jessica was still, he wasn't sure if she had fallen asleep or thinking about it. Either ways it was making his heart pump faster and faster.

" I do. I like you Jonghyun ", she said softly finally before she dozed off, this time Jonghyun laughed softly as he tugged her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

He knew it. Regardless of how much Jessica acts otherwise, he’d always known she must have at the very least been charmed by him. 

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tinyspaceworld #1
@jongsicaForever thank you ;) that really means alot to me ! you've been one of my biggest supporter and i absolutely am grateful for that! so glad that my old writing could still bring happiness to you! im currently working on exo fanfics, if you're a fan of them do give them a shot :) thanks again, you are really the sweetest!
Chapter 25: Just Reread it and it still makes me smile like an idiot
You're amazing!! Never forget that!
Chapter 25: Ohmygod. THIS IS THE PERFECT STORY. I've read this story over and over repeatedly for like the last year or two years. I can't believe it's ended but at least is ended beautifully. Thank you <3 you have a talent in writing, please keep writing!
cihuiminyul #5
Chapter 25: more jongsica please!
Chapter 18: omg when you posted on my wall i was so happy omg thank you for the wonderful story ^^
jessica222 #7
Chapter 25: Such a pleasant surprise! Suddenly so many chapters uploaded! :D this is definitely my favourite Jongsica fic! I'm glad you finally finished it ^^ I would love to see a sequel :3 My fav boy/girl pairing from exo is krissica! :D They have very similar personalities and they look so good together ;)
nerdscandy #8
Chapter 25: Awww I can't even describe how I feel <3
I hope you feel better after your depression, and thank you for taking the time to update again after recovering! It really means a lot, and I hope you continue to write! :)
4ever9 #9
Chapter 25: Finanly finish reading the updates. I seriously love all your fics. Hope you will write more, esp Jongsica fics. And thank you for complete this fic
4ever9 #10
Chapter 25: wow wow wow wahhhhh 7 chaps??? I
love you author-nim. This is my fave
Jongsica story. <3 <3 <3