Unrequited Love

Seoul Mate

Taemin: Why are you crying?

Your wet, tearing eyes turned to face him. You look at his facial expression; so surprised, so worried. But there was no real look of concern. 

Of course, you thought, why would he be concerned? I'm just his buddy. I have nothing to do with his private life, I'm just a toy to him.

___: You ....

His eyes widened and he pointed to himself.

Taemin: M-me? What did I do?

____: You ... what am I to you? 

Taemin: Well .... i guess we're friends who fool around, right? I mean, you know that we're not in a serious relationship or anything! You do know that .... don't you?

You couldn't look at him any longer. You quickly turned your face away before the tears began spewing out. You got up to go to the bathroom but he stopped you in your steps.

Look at me ....

You refused and turned your head. His hand grabbed your chin and spun it to face his eyes.

Taemin: I said look at me. Why did you run off when I walked in with Tracey? 

___: So thats her name? Tracey. Taemin and Tracey. It has a very nice ring to it. Lee Tracey? Hmm, definitely perfect match. Tell me, how is Tracey? Is she kind? Can she spell her own name? Is she a good kisser?

Taemin: Why are you being like this?!

___: BECAUSE ... Because I don't like being somebody's toy! I don't wont to grow old with no-one who loves me!! I want a proper life! I don't need just kissing and touching, I want love. I want to know what it feels like to love somebody, what it feels like to kiss someone you love ... and for that person to love me back.

There was silence; your face was wet and your mascara was running down your cheeks. Taemin's face looked sad, tears glistened in his eyes.

Taemin: So .... you love me?

You looked deeper and deeper into his eyes and nodded slowly. You couldn't tear your eyes from him, you loved him too much.

___: Taemin .... do you love me?

You looked into his eyes deeper, searching for that love you wished for. 

Taemin: I ... I don't know, ___. I really want to love you right now but .. I just don't know! 

You looked away from him as you felt a stab in your chest.

____: Taemin ... please ... leave.

You could hear him gasp and you turned to him once again. He stepped towards you but you took a step back.

Taemin: ___, please. Don't do this. Don't lose hope. Give me some time, I will fiind my love for you. Please, just give me a few days and I will answer you. Just don't leave me like this.

His hand trembled as he your face and he ran out. As his footsteps faded, the pain in your heart grew. You fell on your knees and weeped. You really want him, you need him.

Your love.



Aawh, poor taemin :( WHO FEELS SORRY FOR TAEMIN? Poor baby.

Sorry i haven''t updated in AGES, i had a few really important exams but, hopefully, I'll carry on writing!!!!

Oh and btw, I'm starting this thing on each one of my chapters; it's called Question of the chapter!! Yeah, its a pretty lame title but wait for the question ....

Question of the chapter:
What shall I name this .... questioning thing? Any cool names? Be as creative or dirty as you like, I don't mind! Be crazy!!

One more question:
Do you think ___ should wait for Taemin? Or should she leave him and get together with some other Kpop idol? And what do you think will happen later on? Will Taemin find his love for her or will he stay withh 'School Girl Tracey'?

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Chapter 16: SHE FORGAVE HIM THAT EASILY AND RAN INTO HIS ARMS JUST LIKE THAT?! I feel like this was wrapped up to quickly author-nim. Thank you for taking the time to update I've been dying to read more.
Chapter 15: Taemin get it together young man! You know you love her >.<
Chapter 14: Ohhh~ Taeman trying to take her shirt off. Please update soon!!
Chapter 13: You've turned Taeminnie into Taeman xD never thought my little flower boy could be so y and sly.
Chapter 12: You LOVE Taemin and you know it
meme1919 #6
Chapter 12: Lol no u love taemin so much lol
meme1919 #7
Chapter 11: Awww that's good she's okay now! And she need let taemin just date her
Chapter 10: woah. They almost did it.hehehe
Chapter 9: I hope they except the offer as trainees.
Taemin should get together my "my" character.
Please update soon Author-nim
meme1919 #10
Chapter 7: Haha hope they plan this good cause it will be jack up if it fails lol