Best detective in all of Korea

The murder of Kim Jongwoon

Onew feared the fact he had to go home to Yesung's girlfriend and tell her about the murder but he promised himself he'd be there for her no matter what. Usually when he had to break bad news to Emiko Yesung would have his back and comfort her after the news was told. Sadly not this time because some heartless person killed him in cold blood. Before he walked into the apartment Yesung lived with Emiko and their friends he tried to resist tears. He told a few deep breaths and opened the door seeing Chen reading a news paper.

"Can't you atleast knock? Onew what's wrong?" Chen looked at the older mans face. It looked as if he had been crying which he had. Chen got up going to Onew.

"It's" Onew whimpered.

"What's wrong." Chen placed his hand on Onew's cheek. Onew broke into tears sliding down the wall. Chen hugged Onew patting his back.

"Yesung's dead Chen someone murdered him." Onew cried face turned red. Chen couldn't believe someone killed Yesung. Out of everyone in the school Yesung. No one hated him enough to take his life. Someone must have hated him enough to. Onew wanted to wake up from his night mare even wish this was a nightmare so he can be relieved that Yesung's not dead but he is.

"How am I going to tell Emiko?" Onew said.

"Tell me what?" Emiko yawned walking out of her room. Onew had a hard time talking due to the crying. "Why are you crying? Where's Yesung I thought he said he was coming home with you."

Onew took a few more deep breaths. He walked up to her placing his arm around her shoulder hugging her. 

"I'm sorry Emiko but Yesung's.....Yesung's dead." He said. 

"What?" Emiko gasped breaking away from Onew's hug. "He is not! Please tell me you're lying!" 

"I'm not lying Emiko. I saw his body there was a knife in his stomach and paramedics-" 

"STOP!" She yelled crying. "I don't want to hear more or believe this."

Onew held her in his arms letting her cry on his shoulder. He her hair cuddling her in his arms. He kissed her forehead. "We'll find out who did this and that person will pay I promise." 


Detective Kim Kibum was called into the Seoul Public Police (SPPD) to investegate the murder of Kim Jong Woon. Detective Kibum was greeted by his long time friend Lee Donghae. 

"Kim Ki Bum!" Donghae greeted jumping on Kibum's shoulder. Kibum still has a sense of humor when it doesn't come to joking around about cases. 

"Who's the victam this time?" Kibum asked.

"College freshmen Kim Jongwoon two senoirs found him dying on a libaray floor with a knife in his stomach. Poor girl she had to watch the boy die." Donghae replied handing Kibum the file. "Jongwoon had a girlfriend I feel really bad for his girlfriend. They were together for five years before he died." 

"Do we have any evidence?" Kibum asked.

"There was a knife found in his stomach we're using that as evidence and looking for figer prints." Donghae answered entering Kibum's office sitting his one of the cilent chairs. 

"Has anyone told his girlfriend or parents?" Kibum asked.

"No but I believe that Lee Jinki, Yesung's closet friend told his girlfriend about her boyfriend's death." Donghae answered.

"Where's Jongwoon's body?" Kibum asked.

"In the morge down stairs. Can you go tell his parents the news of Yesung's death." Donghae asked.

"I guess I have to. Did the police chief Choi Siwon?" Kibum asked.

"No, I would but I have work to do. Siwon did tell me to tell you to solve the case." Donghae said.

"Donghae please. I'm the best detective in all of Korea I'll solve this case no matter what."

"I know but still..."

"Dude, I've done this before. I'll be fine." Kibum said walking to his car. The was given the address to Yesung's parents house. They lived in a nice house in Chenon. It was a 20 minute drive to the Kim residents. Kibum got out of the car walking up to the big house. Mr and Mrs Kim were very rich people.

Kibum ringed the doorbell waiting paitently. An elder woman answered the door.

"May I help you young man?" She said.

"Hello ma am I am detective Kim Kibum from SKPD and I would like to speak to Mr and Mrs Kim." Kibum requested.

"Okay come in officer Kibum." The elder said. Kibum cleaned his shoes on the welcome mat before entering the every big house. He sat on a chair waiting for Yesungs parents. 

"Officer Kibum how may we help you?" Mrs. Kim greeted. "May I get you a drink?"

"No thank you" He stood up to bow to her. "I need to talk to you about your son Kim Jongwoon." 

"What'd my son do? He didn't break any laws did he?" Mr.Kim asked. 

"Mr. Kim Mrs. Kim, your son was murdered." Kibum said calmly. 

"What?" Mrs.Kim cried. 

"I'm so sorry to say this but what I'm saying is true." Kibum said.

"What happened?" Mr. Kim asked holding his wife closely while she cried.

"He was stabbed to death in Seokyeong Unversity library. We found a knife in his stomach we're scanning for the killer's finger prints. We are going to solve this case and find your son's killer." Kibum said

"I want the killer tortured and murdered!" Mr. Kim yelled.

"I don't think we can do that Mr. Kim." Kibum said.

"That person killed my oldest son! Killed him in cold blood. Jongwoon had a future life to live! He was supposed to give us our first grand kids! He was supposed to marry Emiko Jung but he can't because a heartless person killed him!" Mr. Kim yelled. "My son wasn't around to have kids, get his dream job, or get married to his soul mate then either can his killer! I want his killer dead and I'll hire a hitman if I have to!"

Kibum listened to Mr. Kim's rant. He understood how Mr. Kim felt. He wants to have kids one day He knew he'd be the same if someone killed his children.

"I can't imagine my future kids ever being killed so I will do the best I can to find your son's killer. We have his body in the morgue if you want to see your son. We can take you there now if you'd like." 

"Okay we'll come." Mrs. Kim cried. 

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Finished this in under a year! Woohoo~!


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Chapter 10: It was all serious right up until the ending with Zelo
Looking forward to reading this!
Chapter 9: AWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! poor Dubu :'(
Chapter 8: Poor Jjong
Chapter 7: HAH!!!!! Lol I hope that their right
Chapter 4: Gah this Anna girl I do not like.
Kibum's pregnanttt~
HAHAHAHA SIwon! "I really have powers!"
Chapter 3: Aweee I feel so bad for his parents...
Chapter 1: OMFG YESUNG!!!
Woah woah woah.
I'm already hooked xD