We're in this together

The murder of Kim Jongwoon

"What's wrong?" Micha ran out of her room with her light blue robe on.

"Yesung- so-so-so-me- someone- kil-kil-killed him!" Emiko cried gasping for air.

Micha's eyes flew open. "Oh my Emiko sweetie I don't know what to say." She threw her arms around the younger girl. 

"Kim Kibum is on the case and working hard." Onew sobbed.

"Kibum?" Tao asked. "Isn't he like the best!"

"Yes." Onew replied. "He says he has more important things to take care of.  He's the best detective so he'll find out in about a month who did this juistce will be served." 

"Why are we talking about Kibum? Emiko's boyfriend just got murdered!" Kae yelled trying to comfort her older friend. 

Onew pat the back of Emiko's neck. "Me and you, we'll find out who did this and they'll suffer for murdering your oppa. Yesung maybe gone but I'm still here and that killer will not get away with this."

"Jinki, that was so beautiful." Micha smiled.

"Jongwoon wasn't only Emiko's boyfriend and a great friend to all of us. He was like a hyung to me!" Onew cried into Emiko's shoulder.

"For all we know he could have been Onew's boyfriend too. OW"

"HUANG ZITAO!" Micha screamed! 


Kibum arrived back at the police station with Yesung's parents behind him. He knew he had to return to work but it could wait. He led Mr. and Mrs. Kim to the morgue where they placed Yesung. A police station with a morgue? Well the place was connected to a hospital which was really convenient. The man working in the morgue opened up the door for Kibum and Yesung's parents.

"He's the one on the far right." The young boy said. "Sorry for your loss."

"Thank you." Mrs. Kim sighed entering the small room.

"Gah." Mr. Kim shivered. "This place is full of dead people."

"No sherlock." Mrs. Kim yelled walking to the body. Kibum lifted the cover off the boy. There he was. Cold, lifeless, just lying there. Mrs. Kim fell to her knees crying just looking at her poor baby.

Mr. Kim tried to comfort his wife. "Why would someone do this to our boy?" 

"Why?" Cried Mrs. Kim. Mr. Kim tried harder to comfort his wife while feeling heart broken himself.

"It's not the end of the world honey. Jongjin is still alive and doing well in China. Oh my we need to tell Jongjin." Mr. Kim said while his wife still crying. 

"Kim Kibum, Mr. Choi wishes to see you in his office." An older male said.

"Alright Eunhyuk just watch the Kim's while they speak to their dead son." Kibum looked over to Yesung beginning to get emotional. "Their poor dead son." He tried to hold back the tears due to the past expirience.

"Kibum are you okay?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Yeah it's just ..... I gotta go." Kibum said as he left. 

He sat down in Chief Siwon's office. Siwon swirled around to face Kibum.

"So how'd telling Jongwoon's family go?" Siwon asked.

"Not good. I had to tell people that their son was murdered!" Kibum replied crossing his arms.

"You've done it before." Siwon said.

"I know but this time I'm so emotional." Kibum sighed.

"Probably because you're weird. You're free to go now I was just checking on you." Siwon said getting back to work. Kibum without saying a word returned to his office. Once again catching Donghae sitting in his seat.

"Kibum!" Donghae gasped as he fell to the ground. Kibum couldn't help but crack a smile while his dorky friend flailed on the ground. 

"Oh donghae get up." Kibum laughed taking over his seat. Donghae soon got up and took a seat on the opposite side of Kibum's desk. "So how'd your work go?"

"Meh I had to do undercover work for the case about the store that got robbed. We were so close to catching the bastard but he got away. Anyway on the way back I stopped for Chinese take out. Want an egg roll?"

"You buy me egg roll me love you long time." Kibum laughed taking the eggroll. 

"Do you have any info on the murder of Kim Jongwoon?" Donghae asked.

"No I didn't even start investigating the crime scene yet. I was breaking the news of Jongwoon's death to his parents. I had Eunhyuk watch them due to the fact I was having a weirdo moment." Kibum said 


Micha did everything she could to help her heart broken friend but nothing worked like usual. 

"Oh great" She thought to her self. "Just ing lovely." 

With Yesung dead there will be no way in hell Emiko will come back from this.

"That heartless bastard will pay for murdering my man." Emiko's eyes slowly opened. Redder than an apple due to the crying. "I will track them down myself."

"I'm in." Kae walked closer. "I can't imagine what you're going through or how I'd be if someone murdered my Tao." Kae smiled to Emiko grabbing Tao's wushu stick and twirling it around faster than a car wheel making it come to a complete stop clenched in her fist.

"Call Kibum tell him that we're going to help." Micha ordered. Kae nodded calling Kibum. 

"Detective Kim Kibum here what seems to be the problem?" Kibum answered.

"Kibum it's me Kae. Micha, Emiko and I are going to help you with the case." Kae replied.

"That's nice ladies but I got this under control." Kibum replied.

"Look Kibum this is Yesung's death and he is Emiko's boyfriend and we promised that the killer would pay for what he or she did to Yesung." Kae spoke up.

"Yesung?" Kibum asked.

"Kim Jongwoon! The kid who was found dead in the libaray." Kae told him.

"Oh him. Are you sure? Detective work is hard and it could take weeks even months." Kibum informed.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah I know but this Emiko's boyfriend and I will do anything to help and bring this person to justice. I'm doing it for Emiko." Kae responded.

"Okay then Ms. Li just be careful. I don't want you or anyone else getting killed. You hear me?" Kibum ordered.

"Yes sir. You're the one who should be more careful and more protected. You're the one who's carrying a child." Kae smiled.

"I will bye." Kibum smiled hanging up to get back to work. 

"He said that we can help." Kae replied feeling someone hug her from behind.

"I'm going to help too. Yesung was my friend too and If you go I go." Tao spoke up.

"Good. Thanks Tao." Kae smiled giving Tao a kiss.

"Guys I think I should handle this the most. He was my boyfriend and I want to find out who did this. You guys can help but I want to be one of the lead detectives here." Emiko said. Everyone understood and excepted.


"Okay sweetie bye." Mrs. Kim said hanging up the phone.

"How'd Jongjin take his brother's death?" Mr. Kim asked.

"He took it better than I did. He said he's going to fly back to Seoul so we can get through this as a family except with out Jongwoon." Mrs. Kim began crying again.

Mr. Kim held her closely being the good he is.

"I didn't believe Kibum until he showed us Jongwoon's body. I was hoping they were confusing someone as him but when I saw my baby lying on that table I couldn't help but break into tears." Mrs. Kim cried. The Kim's went to Yesung's old room wondering what to do with the stuff in there. 

"I don't think I can handle being able to walk past this room without hearing the words Your son was murdered and thinking of a precious moment of Jongwoon's life." Mr. Kim sobbed

"I atleast want to keep a few things before we find out what we do with his belongings." Mrs. Kim said. "What will we do with his stuff? I don't think he'd like it if we sold his stuff and tried to replace him."

"Maybe we can give the rest to Emiko. We both know how much he loved her and I bet he'd want Emiko to have his belongings or something to remember him by." Mr. Kim sighed.

"They lived together in a little apart. Most of his stuff is already there." Mrs. Kim said.

"Well lots of it is here. So what do ya say?" Mr. Kim asked. Mrs. Kim agreed keeping her favorite things like Yesung's baby clothes and photos, A few of his electronics.

Mr. Kim found one of his son's wallets in his desk so he decided to peak in there.

"Jongwoon must have kept money here just incase he came to visit. What should we do with it?"

"Keep it in the wallet where he left it. I wouldn't fell comfortable using his money even though he's not going to use it." Mrs. Kim said opening a box full of drawings Yesung made when he was just a boy.

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Finished this in under a year! Woohoo~!


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Chapter 10: It was all serious right up until the ending with Zelo
Looking forward to reading this!
Chapter 9: AWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! poor Dubu :'(
Chapter 8: Poor Jjong
Chapter 7: HAH!!!!! Lol I hope that their right
Chapter 4: Gah this Anna girl I do not like.
Kibum's pregnanttt~
HAHAHAHA SIwon! "I really have powers!"
Chapter 3: Aweee I feel so bad for his parents...
Chapter 1: OMFG YESUNG!!!
Woah woah woah.
I'm already hooked xD