Chapter Two

The Author

"Go on try it!" Li Na said brandishing a slice of pizza, waving it around in front of Chanyeol's face.
"Do I have to?" Chanyeol moaned.
Li Na smirked.  "No of course not."
She slowly brought her hands to her face.
"Don't you dare."
"Bbuing bbuing!"
"Oh you went there." Chanyeol playfully pushed Li Na and she fell off her chair onto the hardwood floor with a thump.
"Omo, I'm so sorry! Li Li forgive me!"
Li Na laid back with her head on the floor and started to laugh.  Soon she was laughing so hard that she was crying.
Chanyeol couldn't help but join in, he had to admit her laugh was infectious.
He got up from his chair and held his hand out to help Li Na up.
She grabbed it and tugged, causing Chanyeol to fall next to her.  She was laughing hysterically again as Chanyeol rubbed his sore knees.
"Are you two alright?" Chanyeol's mother called.
"Yeah, we're fine." Chanyeol shouted back.
Li Na was curled up on her side clutching her stomach still laughing.
"What are we doing for the end of year dance thing this year?" Chanyeol asked.
Li Na got back onto her chair, trying to catch her breath, "We're going together of course." Giving him a slight nudge.
"Us and our traditions, we need to be a bit more spontaneous."
"We could learn the dance to Mr Simple and wow everyone with our epic moves?" She flashed him a smile and winked.  Chanyeol laughed nervously.
"You are joking right?"
"Of course not."  Li Na jumped up from her seat and ran towards her bag, grabbing her iPod and quickly clicking it into the speaker dock.
Li Na grabbed Chanyeol by the wrist and tried to pull him up from his seat.
"Don't... Be... Such... A... Grump", he was heavier than she first thought.
Chanyeol held on tightly to the chair.
"Fine then, be that way." Li Na moaned and sat back down in her chair and pulled a grumpy face.
Chanyeol ruffled her hair and she slapped his hand away.
"I'm sorry Li Li."
"It's not my problem, I thought maybe you would want to impress Sunmi... Eh? Eh!?" She nudged his arm repeatedly.
Sunmi had liked Chanyeol for as long as Li Na could remember, and she was pretty sure he liked her too.  Li Na assumed they never got together because their parents were close friends, not that that should have made any difference.
"I won't have to impress her with my dancing, I mean, I'm just so talented." joked Chanyeol as he stood up and twirled towards the window.
"It's getting pretty dark outside."
"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Li Na said shocked.
"Well yeah."
Li Na stood up in a huff and stormed towards the door, Chanyeol laughed and grabbed his coat, following her out the door.

Li Na gazed up to the night sky and mumbled, "The stars are so pretty".
He didn't reply and Li Na looked over at him and saw him glancing at her.  Realising he'd been caught, He felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment.  They walked in silence for some time, enjoying each others company, even if they had just spent the whole day together.
"I like taking walks at nighttime... It gives me time to think." Chanyeol murmured.
"Think about what?"
Chanyeol took a seat on a nearby bench.
Li Na sighed at rested her head on Chanyeol's lap, gazing up at the sky.
He looked down at her and a smile grew across his face.
She closed her eyes and sighed.  Chanyeol admired her face, the gentle smile, the tiny scar on her cheek from when she was a child and the little dimple under her right eye.  Chanyeol thought she was beautiful, but there was no way he could tell her that right now, not without her taking it as a joke and brushing it under the carpet.  It was very rare that the two were serious with one another.
They stayed there for a few minutes until Li Na slowly opened her eyes and wriggled slightly.
"I should probably get home." She whispered.
"I'll see you tomorrow Li Na."
Li Na smiled and turned to walk away.
"I love you!" Chanyeol shouted happily.
"I love you too Channie!" Li Na shouted back.
That's all I wanted to hear, he thought.

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Chapter 5: cute^^
new reader~ ;))
Chapter 5: Very cute xD
Chapter 5: No. No no no no
Chapter 3: Oh gawd Emma.
Chapter 2: Oh the fluff. :')
Oh, looky my little maknae joining me on AFF. Haha. :) Sarranghae.