Chapter Six

The Author


"Jagiya~" Sehun murmured, pulling Li Na closer.
"Yes oppa?" Replied Li Na.
Li Na couldn't wipe the smile off her face, her time spent with Sehun had been absolutely perfect, even if they were just lying in silence; everything was just right.
"Are you going to the end of year dance?" He looked down at his toes and looked a bit scared, Li Na thought he was so adorable.
"Yes, I am."
"Would you like to go with me?" He slipped his hand into hers and smiled.
Li Na's smile dropped when she realised she had already promised to go with Chanyeol.  But then again, she goes with Chanyeol every single year and its not every day that you get Oh Sehun asking you to go to something so important with him.
"Um~ I-I..." Li Na stuttered.
Sehun squeezed her hand slightly.
"I would love to." Li Na said softly.
Sehun's smile grew and he leaned in to give Li Na a kiss on her forehead.
Li Na blushed and squirmed.
"You're so cute." Sehun chirped, brushing away a hair from Li Na's face.
Sehun walked Li Na back to her house, holding her hand the whole way.  This day can't get any better.  They reached Li Na's door and she turned to face Sehun.
"I'm sorry about what I said to you Li Na." He looked remorseful.
"Oppa, please don't worry.  Today was absolutely perfect and I wouldn't change it for the world.  We can forget about what happened before." Li Na Sehun's arm.
"Thank you jagiya." He pulled her quickly into a tight hug before giving her a light kiss and  walking away.
Li Na unlocked the door and skipped up the stairs to her room.  She flopped down onto the bed and rolled around in happiness.
*buzz buzz*
    I'm so glad you came to see me today.  I miss you already. X
It was super cheesy but Li Na really didn't mind, she fell back down on her bed and squealed.
*buzz buzz*
Li Na jolted up and flicked through her phone to find the new message.
   Just thought you might like to know I'm outside.  
   Ps. Let me in, I'm cold.
Li Na sighed and rolled off her bed and stumbled towards the front door.
Pulling it open she saw Chanyeol stood then in a T-shirt and shorts.
"Hola chica~" he said whilst slinking past Li Na and flicking his shoes off.
"Chica? Really Chanyeol? And what on earth are you wearing? It's freezing outside and you're in summer clothes!" Li Na waved her arms at Chanyeol's ridiculous outfit.
"Everything else was in the wash..." He twiddled his fingers.
"Fine, I'll go make us some hot chocolate.  You go sit in the living room and try not to break anything!" Li Na pushed him towards the sofa before heading out to the kitchen and  flicking the kettle on.  She walked back into the living room a few minutes later holding two mugs of steaming hot chocolate.  Li Na gently placed them on the coffee table and went to grab some coasters.  When she turned back again she heard Chanyeol slurping loudly on the hot chocolate.
"Ah~ delicious." He sighed.
"I am the hot chocolate master." Li Na pulled a smug face.
*buzz buzz*
   Can I see you again later? X
Li Na squeaked and smiled like the Cheshire Cat.  Chanyeol cocked his head and snatched the phone from her, running away.
"Yah! Park Chanyeol give that back!" Shouted Li Na.
She caught him and he passed the phone back.  His face looked sour, like he'd seen a ghost.
"See you again? Li Na what does that mean?" He looked very serious all of a sudden.
"Uh, yeah, that." Li Na said sheepishly.
"Did you meet up with Sehun earlier?"
"I did."
Chanyeol ruffled his hair in frustration.
"Li Na he's bad news."
"He's not, he's really sweet." Li Na smiled, remembering their day together.
Chanyeol shook Li Na's shoulders.
"Don't tell me that you've forgiven him? Don't you remember what he did to you!?" He was starting to shout now.
"I-I like him.  And he likes me too." Stuttered Li Na.
"Are you mad Kim Li Na!? He doesn't like anyone other than himself." He scoffed.
"That's not true!"
"I'm not going to let you see him again, it's for your own good, you're just going to get hurt."
"You can't decide who I can see and who I can't!" Li Na shouted, she was getting angry.
"Oh yeah? Li Na you're not going to see Sehun again and that's that." He said sternly as he turned away.
Li Na was going to burst.
When Chanyeol turned to face Li Na again he felt her slap his cheek, hard.  It burned, and he lifted his hand to his face.
Li Na was looking at him with tears rolling down her cheeks.  She had just slapped her best friend.
"I'm so sorry Chanyeol." She lunged towards him to give him a hug but he pushed her away.
Chanyeol grabbed his shoes and shut the door behind him.
He walked down the path and started to cry, still clutching his cheek.
Li Na ran to the window and watched him walk away.
What have I done?
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Chapter 5: cute^^
new reader~ ;))
Chapter 5: Very cute xD
Chapter 5: No. No no no no
Chapter 3: Oh gawd Emma.
Chapter 2: Oh the fluff. :')
Oh, looky my little maknae joining me on AFF. Haha. :) Sarranghae.