Chapter Three

The Author

Li Na had been sat at her desk for what felt like hours trying to write the ending to her most recent story.  Li Na never had this problem before when she was writing and it was getting really frustrating, and when she was frustrated it definitely didn't help the situation.
Thinking of her walk with Chanyeol yesterday she decided it would be a good idea to get some fresh air.
Grabbing her keys, she left the house through the back door and started wandering the streets looking for some kind of inspiration.
Li Na lived in a safe and quiet neighbourhood so it was strange to see someone out at night but she could hear something, or someone, mumbling.  Li Na slowed down and took baby steps looking left and right with every step, her heart sped up.
Ahead of her there was someone in the middle of the road stumbling, quite obviously drunk by the way they were shouting out words, they could have even been random syllables, because she couldn't make out anything they were saying.  Li Na slowly walked over to them.
"Hello? Are you alright?" She called out.
The person in front of her turned around warily.
It was dark and she was struggling to see, but she could see blonde hair shimmering under the street lights.
It was Sehun.
"Li Na~!" Sehun called out happily, tripping towards her and falling.
Li Na ran over to him to help him up and perch him on a nearby bench.
"Li Na, I'm drunk." Sehun stated with a big smile.
"We need to get you home."
Li Na took out her phone and dialled Chanyeol's number to get him to help her.  There was no way she'd be able to carry Sehun on her own.
Before it started to ring Sehun grabbed the phone from her and hung up.
Li Na looked at him, bemused.
"Please don't." He looked up at Li Na and she could see his eyes were glassy and bloodshot.
A small tear rolled down his cheek. And then a few more.
Soon enough Sehun was lying against Li Na's shoulder crying hysterically.
"Hey hey hey, it's alright. Please don't cry.  I'll get you home okay?" Li Na went to his hair but stopped just before she touched him.  She was trying her best to reassure him and to stop him from crying, she never imagined Sehun would have this side to him.  He always seemed so stern and headstrong, Li Na felt bad for him because she never saw any other emotions from him.  Well, not until now.
"I can't do this anymore Li Na." Sehun said in between sniffing.
"I don't want to be the one that everyone hates, do you understand how horrible it is?"
"I know that's not true." Li Na spoke softly.
Sehun blinked at her.
"I know people who like you.  You have a big group of friends!" Li Na said cheerfully.
"They don't like me, they just stick with me because they think it will help.  They're selfish and I'm certain they talk about me behind my back.  Everyone else does."
Sehun sighed and slouched back on the bench, throwing his arm around Li Na's shoulder.
"Do you like me Li Na?"
"Y-Yeah I like you Sehun-ssi." Li Na stuttered.
Sehun scooted along the bench until their thighs were touching.
Li Na took in a sharp breath.  He rested his head on her shoulder and she could feel his breath on her neck, causing her to shiver.
"Are you cold? I'm sorry, come here" he pulled her into an embrace and held her tight.  Li Na could smell the alcohol.  He leaned in close and put his forehead to hers.
"Sehun-ssi, what are you doing?"
Li Na was now staring into Sehun's dark eyes, she was completely mesmerised.
The space between the two grew smaller and Li Na's heart was beating of her chest.  She felt his warm lips press against hers and his fingers were snaking through her hair, pulling Li Na closer.  Tears were building in her eyes and he lightly brushed them away.
"Naneun neoreul joahae." Sehun whispered gently.

(A/N Double update! Yay! I'm sorry this is so short, I wanted to give it its own chapter. Oh and what Sehun says at the end is 'I like you' :3)

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Chapter 5: cute^^
new reader~ ;))
Chapter 5: Very cute xD
Chapter 5: No. No no no no
Chapter 3: Oh gawd Emma.
Chapter 2: Oh the fluff. :')
Oh, looky my little maknae joining me on AFF. Haha. :) Sarranghae.