Chapter Eight

The Author


When Chanyeol felt Li Na's hand slap him harshly on the cheek his heart dropped and body tensed.  He was determined not to cry, not now at least.  Taking a deep breath in he tuned to grab his bag and leave.  He swung the door closed behind him and closed his eyes tightly, holding back the tears.
Chanyeol reached up and lightly touched his burning cheek, a few tears rolling onto his hand.  He walked down the path and turned up the road towards his house.  His walk sped up and soon he was running.  When he got to his door he crouched over to catch his breath.  He sniffed and composed himself before opening the door.
As soon as he got in he dropped his things and went up to his room, lightly shutting the door.
Chanyeol's heart had been broken into a million pieces.  Li Na was hopelessly in love with someone else and that was a difficult pill to take.  Sehun was bad news in Chanyeol's eyes but he knew there was no way he could get Li Na to believe him.  He just didn't want to see Li Na getting hurt by him.  He was helpless.
*knock knock*
"Chanyeol~ are you alright?" His Mum called through the door.
"Yeah, I'm okay." He flicked away the few tears that were left on his cheek.
He stared at his phone and resisted the urge to call Li Na, she wasn't going to want to talk to him, he was sure.
He was snapped out his trance when he heard his Mum shouting.
"Chanyeol, are you even listening to me!?"
"Why can't you just leave me alone!?" He shouted back angrily.
He heard his mum sigh loudly and then stomp back down the stairs.
Chanyeol grabbed the plastic bottle sat on the desk next to him and threw it across the room, letting out his excess energy when it hit the wall.  He screamed and let his back slip down the wall until he was sat on the floor, curled around his knees.
After dinner last night Chanyeol retreated back to his room and sat in silence once again.  He felt so bad for shouting at Li Na but there wasn't anything he could do about it now, that was the worst bit.
The sun shone through Chanyeol's partially closed blinds and directly into his eyes.  He blinked groggily and pulled the duvet higher over his head.  His phone alarm started flashing and he swung his arm out to disable it however he ended up knocking it off his bedside table.  He rolled across his bed and reached to pick it up, he looked at the screen and saw a happy picture of him with Li Na, he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder and she was sticking her tongue out.
Chanyeol fell back onto his pillow and continued to stare at the picture.  Why was he so upset? It wasn't as though Li Na was gone forever.  They were best friends, nothing could change that, they just needed some space.
Everyday Chanyeol would walk over to Li Na's house and they would walk to school together.  It probably wasn't a good idea to just appear at her door, not today at least, and  chances were she would have already left without him.
Chanyeol swiftly snuck out of the front door without his Mum seeing him, after shouting at her last night he didn't really want to make things worse, plus he didn't really know how to explain his foul mood to her.
Chanyeol arrived at school 45 minutes early and the only other people there at this time were couples kissing rather too passionately for his liking, he had only just eaten breakfast after all.  So instead he headed for the library.  He sat at a desk and pulled out a book from his bag.  He quickly flicked though the pages and could already feel his boredom setting in.  He slumped back in his seat and stared at the pattern on the ceiling.  Chanyeol wasn't used to sitting in silence for this long, even though it had only been a few hours he had to admit he did miss Li Na.
Chanyeol was thankful when he heard the school bell ring at the end of the day, he couldn't wait to get out of that classroom.  He rushed out of the door and skimmed down the stairs towards the courtyard.
"Oh crap!" He exclaimed when he realised he had left his phone back at class.
He perched on a bench and rummaged through his bag.  Eventually he pulled out his phone and sighed in relief.
He checked to see if he had any messages and noticed his phone background again.
Chanyeol threw his phone carelessly back into his bag and slumped forward, his tall frame hanging on to the edge of the bench.
In a flash he felt someone plop onto the seat next to him.
"Oppaaaa~" Sunhee called cheerfully.  Chanyeol couldn't help but smile at her, she was just so happy, it was infectious.  That's what he liked about her at least.
"Sunhee~" he replied.
"How are you, oppa?" Flashing a cute smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine." It was quite apparent that he was lying.
"Oh no! What's wrong?" She sounded concerned and scooted closer to him, trying to take his hand in hers.
"Yah! I'm fine, really." He joked, pushing her gently before putting his arm around her shoulder.  He could see Sunhee's eyes widen at his action and it made him laugh.
After clearing and stuttering out a broken sentence Sunhee managed to start a conversation with Chanyeol again.
She really could talk forever. She didn't even notice when Chanyeol zoned out and went blank.
He was thinking about Li Na and Sehun again, he couldn't help but feel jealousy burning up inside of him, unconsciously his body tensed up.
He glanced over and saw Li Na laughing with Sehun.  All Chanyeol wanted to do was run over, grab her by the shoulders and kiss her senseless.  But somehow he didn't think he'd be able to get away with that.
(A/N I hope that it's easy to understand the time shift! I wanted to show the day from Chanyeol's perspective, sorry for any confusion!)


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Chapter 5: cute^^
new reader~ ;))
Chapter 5: Very cute xD
Chapter 5: No. No no no no
Chapter 3: Oh gawd Emma.
Chapter 2: Oh the fluff. :')
Oh, looky my little maknae joining me on AFF. Haha. :) Sarranghae.