Chapter Ten

The Author


"I'm so sorry about what happened earlier Li Na." Sehun was still very uneasy and his hands were clammy in Li Na's grasp.

"Sehun," she stopped and placed both hands on his cheeks, making them lock eyes, "I've forgiven you."

"But I-" Sehun was silenced as Li Na quickly planted a kiss on his lips, she pulled away and smirked, "Kaja."  She whispered.


Sunmi pulled Chanyeol into yet another dress shop and she skipped to the desk at the back of the room, Chanyeol was still fascinated at how excited she was all the time.

"Ahjumma!" Sunmi called.

A middle aged lady appeared from behind a curtain, making Chanyeol jump.  She was wearing a tunic with colourful beads around the neckline and floaty tie-dye trousers, she was quirky to say the least.

"Sunmi-ah! Oh, who's this?" said the Ahjumma, looking Chanyeol up and down with a creepy smile.

"This is Chanyeol, we're going to the dance together." Chanyeol was quite glad she didn't call him her boyfriend again because it probably avoided a few awkward questions, well that's what he thought at least.

"Is he a good kisser?" She asked Sunmi. 

Chanyeol choked and started coughing violently.

"Would you like a drink sweetie?"

"N-no I'm alright thanks." He spluttered.

"A-anyway Ahjumma, we came to get outfits fitted." She quickly changed the subject.

"Oh yes." She led Sunmi to yet another room filled to the brim with dresses, leaving Chanyeol on his own.


Li Na unlocked the door to her house and turned to face Sehun.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Sehun gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and started to walk back down the path.

"Wait!" Li Na shouted.

Sehun pivoted his front foot as though he was frozen mid-step.

"Would you like to stay for a bit?" Li Na asked nervously, Sehun didn't reply.

"I have pizza?" She added.

"Alright then." He ran back towards her and gave her another kiss on the cheek.

"You're the best." He said excitedly.

"I know, I know." She said in agreement, winking at him as he walked past.

She took off her shoes and started walking to the kitchen, Sehun was stood still as though he wasn't able to move.

"You can come in you know?" She said, peering around the doorframe.

He carefully took off his shoes, placing them next to Li Na's and scuttled towards her in the kitchen.

"Tah-dah!" Li Na sang, holding up the pizza she had taken from the fridge.

Sehun smiled slightly and, without saying a word, went to investigate the other rooms.

What's up with him?

She placed the pizza in the oven and turned to see Sehun stood in the doorway, she smiled at him and went back to adjusting the timer.

But in a snap the shy boy at the door was gone as Sehun pushed Li Na against the wall and kissed her, passionately.  Li Na placed the pizza in the oven and suddenly Sehun was pressed behind her placing kisses up her neck.

"S-Sehun" she whimpered.

His hands started to snake up the sides of her waist and she struggled against him.

"S-Sehun, stop. Please." She pushed him away and adjusted her shirt so it was back down tidy again, she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

He looked at her wide eyed and went to pull her in for a hug but she backed away from him.

They stood there looking at each other for a few seconds before Li Na abruptly ran into Sehun's chest and nuzzled in close.  Sehun slowly wrapped his arms around her back and held her close, she was shaking in tears.

"I'm so sorry." Li Na sobbed.

"Jagiya, why are you so sorry?" He said, gently her hair.

"I should have let you." She pressed her face in closer as the tears fell harder.


After watching Sunmi try on dress, after dress it was Chanyeol's turn to get fitted for a suit.  Chanyeol reluctantly stepped out of the changing room in a bright yellow velvet suit, with ruffles on the shirt; he could have very easily passed for Big Bird.

"It looks stunning on you" the Ahjumma exclaimed.

It looked terrible.

"Come on, give us a twirl!" Sunmi chirped, grabbing onto Chanyeol's arm and spinning him around.

Sunmi stopped and looked at him a bit longer before bursting into hysterics and crouching on the floor, holding her stomach.

Chanyeol awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, making the ruffles on his shirt dance around.  This made Sunmi laugh even more.  Chanyeol realised this and started to wiggle his arms around making the fabric shake even more and making Sunmi fall into a deeper spiral of laughter.


The atmosphere in the room had fallen quite stiff.  Both were in silence, slowly taking bites from their slices of pizza, except from the occasional glance and smile.  After Li Na had calmed down they both seemed to overlook everything that had happened that evening, except there was a slight stale feeling between the two as Li Na still felt very embarrassed about the whole thing.

"I'm sorry about not telling you about Yunhee." Sehun mumbled.

Li Na looked up at him but he was looking down at his plate, looking rather sorry for himself.

"Sehun, please, you don't need to keep apologising, it's fine." She added with a slight twinge in her voice, she was getting slightly frustrated that he kept bringing it up.

"I'm so-" he stopped when he saw Li Na glaring at him from across the table, he then sank back in his chair at his failed attempt to make conversation.

Sehun pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"It's half 9." muttered Sehun.

"Really?" Li Na's eyes widened, "time went quickly."

"I should probably get going, thanks for the pizza." He smiled at her.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She walked Sehun to the door, he laid his hand on her waist and kissed the side of her head.  Sehun went to walk away but Li Na quickly grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him back.  She looked into his eyes for a few seconds before kissing him.  They pulled away and a smile crept onto Sehun's face.

He walked down the path but before turning onto the road he turned back to see Li Na one last time.

"Good night Sehun!" Li Na cried.

Sehun hushed her since it was pretty late and chuckled to himself.

"Good night jagiya, sweet dreams" he whispered before he walked away.

Once Sunmi had composed herself, Chanyeol had changed into a simple black suit and tie.  He stood in front of the mirror and adjusted his blazer, Sunmi, who was sat opposite him, was smiling at him and twiddling with her hair, her heart fluttering.

"Wow." Sunmi mumbled under her breath.

He really needed an excuse to wear suits more often.

The Ahjumma stepped out from the back of the shop holding a baby blue dress.

"Just one more to try." She said.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, since he had already see Sunmi try on dress after dress, none were quite right so she still hadn't settled on one and had almost accepted defeat at this specific shop.

Sunmi skipped behind the curtain of the dressing room clutching the dress the Ahjumma had just passed her.

It was just Chanyeol and the Ahjumma left on the shop floor, little to say it was awkward.

"She really likes you." The Ahjumma said, hanging up some of the discarded dresses.

"Did she say?" Chanyeol asked, knowing Sunmi she would have mentioned something, since she has told practically everyone else who's willing, or stupid enough, to listen.

"No, I can just tell." She nodded at him before disappearing out to the back of the shop again.

Sunmi stepped out from behind the curtain, looking down at her feet.

She was wearing a baby blue, fluffy, knee length dress.  She looked beautiful, Chanyeol was lost for words.  His heart started to beat that little bit faster and he found himself smiling at the shy girl in front of him.

"Sunmi~" he whispered.

She pulled the sides of the dress wide and span around, her hair floating and landing gently on her shoulders.

He slowly stepped towards her and turned to make her face the mirror.  He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder.

He kissed her on the cheek and her breath hitched.

"You look amazing." He whispered into her ear.


(A/N I'm sorry for not updating as fast as I'd like, I've been really busy with coursework and its been really stressing me out! But I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

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Chapter 5: cute^^
new reader~ ;))
Chapter 5: Very cute xD
Chapter 5: No. No no no no
Chapter 3: Oh gawd Emma.
Chapter 2: Oh the fluff. :')
Oh, looky my little maknae joining me on AFF. Haha. :) Sarranghae.