Jaejoong's move

Are we really destined for each other???


“Jae-oppa, it’s Sica-unnie’s b-day today.”

“Yeah I know. You’re the 2nd person who told me that. 1st it’s Taeyeon and now it’s you Kim Hyoyeon.”

“well you can’t blame us for it. ZAF really need to know about your relationship now. Taeyeon-unnie and I hate those girls flirting with you. Unnie almost tell those girls that you and Sica-unnie are in a relationship.”

“good thing that she didn’t told them.”

“Yeah right. Pali oppa, propose to her now.”

“just wait for it and don’t ever take a peak on what will I do.”

“fine, just do it perfectly.”

“why do you keep reminding me about that? I’m Kim Jaejoong the hottest guy here in ZAF so I know what will I do. Anyway how did Eunhyuk propose to you?”

“right after he confessed to me. it was right after their concert.”

“oh,……..ok just don’t disturb me on my plan.”

“fine, Jae-oppa Hwaiting!”

Then after that she left him alone. Jaejoong stare at the picture of him and Jessica on his phone. He doesn’t have a picture of them on his desk because only a few knows their relationship and some girls might go after her because of it.

“Happy b-day Sica. I have a surprise for you, I wish that you’ll say yes to me. after that not only those who are close to us will know about our relationship but everyone will know.” He said to his mind as he call her right after he stare at their photo.


“Happy B-day Sica.”

“kamsahamnida oppa.”

“are you busy or something?”

“well I’m finishing the clearance of our new mobile suites for the new inducted members of ZAF.”

“why did they give those things to you? Stop doing that, today’s your day off so we’ll go somewhere today.”

“but oppa, system department head trusted me with these things, he’ll be mad at me. I still need to finish 5 thick folder files.”

“What?! Aish don’t do it right now, you’ll come with me. I’ll talk to Yunho, stop doing that.”

“But oppa I need to finish it.”

“no more buts. Wait for a while I’ll just talk to him, fix yourself now. I’ll fetch you in no time. Stop doing that thing.”

He hung up th phone and he goes to Yunho’s office to talk to him.

“Yah Yunho. Why did you give Sica so much work? She’s in my department you know.”

“yeah I know but as a colonel she also need to do those stuffs. By the way what brings you here?”

“to scold you of course. Sica won’t do those stuff right now. She will come with me to celebrate. It’s her b-day today but you gave her tons of work.”

“you know that b-day is not an excuse for our work. Do you think that I didn’t know that you’re going to propose to her?”

“how did you know about that?”

“duh, based on your reaction and I’m your friend so I know about it.”

“since you know, I’ll take her somewhere, she’ll leave those task that you gave her.”

“fine, just make sure that when you comeback you already have a fiancée.”

Jaejoong smile a little and leave Yunho’s office. Jaejoong immediately go to Jessica and when he entered her office he saw her still doing those work.

“sica I told you to stop doing that,”

“but oppa I really need to finish it.”

“no worries. I already talked to Yunho and today is your day off. Come one we’ll go somewhere today.”

He grab her and and she didn’t dare to struggle anymore. She knows that he will get mad if she do it.

They’re both inside the car and Jaejoong was driving but Jessica doesn’t have any idea of where will he take her.

“Jae-oppa, where are we going?”

“just wait. You can sleep if you want to. I know you haven’t had enough sleep because you look like sleepy.”

“I have work to finish last night but unfortunately I haven’t finish it yet. That’s why I didn’t get enough sleep.”

“but you can still sleep even though you’re standing.”


“aigoo just go to sleep first, this will be a long ride.”

“ok I’ll sleep for a while.”

Jessica sleeps while Jaejoong was driving. After a while they arrive at their destination. He didn’t wake her up yet, because he still need to do something.

He prepare everything he need like the foods that he prepare with the help of Hyoyeon and Taeyeon, because he really likes cooking and their so many of it so he asked help from them, and also he prepared the ring.

After that he decided to wake her up. He approach her and give a kiss on her cheeks.

“wake up now b-day girl we’re here.”

“where are we?”

“why don’t you open your eyes and look at the place?”

She open her eyes and she saw a seashore. Jaejoong really knows how to make her relief after a very stressing work.

“oppa why are we here?”

“to celebrate your b-day of course and I know that you’re really stress for the past days so I brought you here. Come on I prepare for you.”

He grabs her and they go near the place where Jaejoong prepare everything. It was like a picnic and it was Jessica’s dream to have it together with him.

“oppa you made all these?”

“neh, but I also ask help from Taeyeon and Hyoyeon because I can’t cook so many food. Well except for the cake I just bought it, I’m just so lazy to bake a cake.”

Jessica give a peck on his cheeks as a sign of thanks to him.

“Kamsahamnida oppa. You don’t have to do all these things.”

“I need to do it Sica. B-day is only once in a year so it must be memorable every year. You also need to rest from those stressful works. You told me that you want to have picnic with me someday.  Here eat it now.”

They both eat and Jessica was really happy. After that it’s time for his plan.

“Sica, blow the candle now and cut the cake.”

“Aigoo oppa, do I still need to do that? It’s so chldish but anyway thank you.”

She blow the candles and slice the cake. She feels that something is hard as she slice it.

“oppa there’s something hard inside.”

“really? Look what’s inside so that we’ll know.”

She dig in and she found a ring inside.

“oppa there’s a ring. Why is there a ring inside the cake?”

He gets the ring from her and he hold her hand.

“Jung Sooyeon or Jessica Jung, will you marry me?”

“oppa I …”

I know it’s all of a sudden but yu can still think if…………”

“who told you that I’ll still think about it.”

“what do you…….”

Sica kissed him before he could say anything.

“does that mean it’s a yes?”

“neh, Kim Jaejoong oppa. I’ll marry you.”

He smiled and slide the ring into her finger. Then he kissed her again.

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miakay #1
i dont know how many times i read ur story already...its really good! i luv a story where the girls were doing a more dangerous jobs and the guys keeps worrying about them...SO SWEET!!
i really like your story!!!!
awww so sweet ..<br />
Happy ending <3 :D<br />
Happy ending <3 :"> Love it!
wah..so sweet......
gahh... TaeTeuk FTW!
Accept him Taeng! :) It's time to move on ^^<br />
<br />
Update soon!
new reader! I'm glad Jae and Hyo are cousins but sometimes I look for a fanfic that Jae and Hyo are lovers lol<br />
update please
bakekoq #9
wah. it's coming to the end.
yey! hyo&tae are okkay now! thanks for the update! lol.. looks like suju members are falling for ZAF ladies!