The Convo

Boy Trouble


A few weeks later Salie has been pushing me to talk to Myungsoo. So today I put on my lucky red bracelet and yellow socks. I was kinda ready for talking to him. 

"uughhh what is this feeling that is like killing me man." I mumbled after looking at the clock for the tenth time. 

"i'm like having a anxiety attack man." I mumbled again as I see the clock almost hitting the end of the period. 

*beep beep beep*

I ran outta there and went straight out of the building. As i walked outside I looked over at building four and then after 5 steps i saw L walk out of the fourth building. UUUGGHHH he's over there go go go go go go go go go go now now now now now now now now!!!!

I walked down the stairs and met L at the side walk. I poke his shoulders and he looked at me.

"Hi!" I said with a smile. 

"Hi..." He said and i saw his face like not trying to smile.

"Your so mean." I said and looked away.

"How am i mean? I'm actually pretty nice." He said and i looked at him.

"Almost all Asians are." I said and i had to bring up Asians.

"haha." I heard him mumble.

"so where ya going?" I asked breaking the awkwardness.

"World History." He said but i knew that already.

"oh-" I started

"You?" He interrupted me but i didn't mind him asking me a question. 

"Biology." I said and it was about to end so i reached over and touched Lay's backpack. He turned around and smiled at me and waved. Then we walked in the first building and walked to other hallways. 


I walk in Bio all happy and jumpy and started to calm down faster than i thought. Maybe because i calmed down that fast was because i wasn't so afraid. I guess that was pretty easy i was just over thinking it. 



After third period i walked outside with Bo Yun and we started talking about how i talked to Myungsoo and i wasn't all in to talking about it. I was just like why would we talk about conversations?

"It just happens it guess." I said while kicking a small pebble.

"Well this was with My-" I interrupted her.

"Yeah I know but it kinda felt like a normal conversation...but with some nervousness." I said and looked over to the trailors.

"Yeah well because it was easy talking to him and you should keep on doing it." She said and i glared at the distant.

"mehhh." I mumbled as i waved bye to Bo Yun and turned to the cafeteria and turned to the trailors. Then went i walk along the sidewalk i see Myungsoo i quickly look away and walk in my class room without a hi...well i didn't want to, he was with Mlark...I thought he said he didn't like him...then why is he hanging with him. Nub. Then i walk in to the class and the first person i saw was SungJong, Carrie, and Coach. SungJong looks at me and i walk to my table and sat down across Carrie, she waved and i waved and i was like mouthing the words "I talked to him..." She got it and she jumped and mouthed "OMG really?! What Happened?!?!?!" and i said I would tell her later. Then she gave me a thumbs up and looked at the coach. After class Carrie grabbed and started to jump up and down.

"SOO What HAPPENED!!?!?" she said really loudly and i hoped SungJong didn't hear that.

"shh his friends here dude." I said to her and we went the other way.

"Bye coach. Okay soo?" she said as we walk pass coach and we walk out the cafeteria.

"We just talked and awesomeness happened." I told her and as we walk out the doors i saw L. Not Myunsoo but L, with his hands in the pocket and coolness in his walk. 

"Shh here he comes." I said and i rushed over to the first building.

"Okay Min Ji I have to go, but you go girl!" Carrie said and left me to walk the stairs alone.


After every class it was the last five minutes of World History. Angie and Carrie was sitting next to me getting ready to leave but I was still thinking about my conversation with Myungsoo. That was pretty easy maybe i can do it everyd- and the bell rang. I walked out with Angie and Yu Ri, we talked but not much was going on. I was kinda bored. So i got on the bus and the usual things happened.

When i got home i started to think back to the first week of school and what happened. I remember those dreams i had of him when i first saw him and thought he was kinda cute. Those dreams were awesome -One was about the school one and the elevator, but the other one was special. 

So one say my families house was being recontructed so we had to move in to someone elses house until it was completed. We moved in to their house at the middle of the night and i was dozing off the whole time. When I woke up the next day i didn't even realize that this wasn't our house, I walked in to a room and saw a kid sleeping on a couch. So as i walk down the hallway i bump in to my sister and she was holding a lot of stuff so those things come crashing down. She got really mad and started to throw things at me, so i ran around and had no choice but to go back in to that room. She threw a book at my feet and i tripped and fell of the half-awaken boy on to the couch. My sister stopped throwing things at me and started to pick up the things. "I'm really sorry." I apologized to the guy. "It's fine" and I get up and so does he "I'm Myungsoo, but you can call me L." He said and put his hand out. "I'm Min Ji" and i shook his hand. We got to know each other that day but the next day as i was down and was trying to find Myungsoo i didn't find him anywhere. I asked his folks where he was and they said he was at the mall with some friends. So i brought my friend Julia and drove to the mall. But she wouldn't stop talking about how her boyfriend was all rude to her yesterday. I ignored her and walked in the mall. We went from upstairs to downstairs but when i started to walk down i saw L with a bunch of people around him. Julia saw that i wasn't paying attention to her so she slapped me across the face. Everyone in the mall was silence then broke out laughing. I walked down the stairs and ignored them all with tears in my eyes, then suddenly i felt a hand on my hand. I look at them and it was Myungsoo with a smile on his face. He brought me to a room and put ice on my face and we walked home together and talked awhile. "So here's a bunch of things about me." He said and handed me a lot of papers. "what is this for?" I asked him and he smiled. "I like you Min Ji." He said and looked at his papers. "Well i like you too" I said back to him and took the papers. "Tomorrow i will bring you to a picnic outside on the grassy field okay?" He said and i noded my head back and forth rapidly saying yes. That day has come and i was ready for it. Myungsoo brought me to a grassy field while holding a basket of food. We set up the blanket and we sat down for our 'date.' After 2 minutes  of our perfect first date my phone rang. "Hello?" I said when i openned my phone. "really...okay. I'll be there..."I said sadly and I looked over at Myungsoo. "I'm really sorry Myungsoo...B-But i h-have to go n-now." I said to him and I walked away with tears in my eyes. Turns out our house is finished early and we had to leave now if we wanted it back. When I got back to the their house I packed my things and waved goodbye to everyone but i didn't see Myungsoo. "Mrs Kim, where is Myungsoo?" I asked his mom when i was about to leave. "He said that he had a big test in English class tomorrow and need to study." She said in English, but once i heard that i rushed up and openned his door. He looked at me surprized and i saw water on the desk once he saw me look at the table he wiped it away. "Kim Myungsoo!" I yelled at him. "Yeah?" He said looking at his papers that were blank. "I'm leaving and you don't even say goodbye?" I asked him with a serious face. "I'm-" "Min Ji! We're leaving" I heard my dad say interrupting Mungsoo. "Araso!" I yelled back down. "Good bye Myungsoo." I said to him leaving him speechless. 'Why was he so sad? We can see each other again...' I thought when i walked out the door "Bye everyone and thank you!" We all yelled back to the waving family. I put my headphones and we took off. As we got to our house I saw that it was much bigger and fancier than before. My parents got out of the car and talked to the builders, they said that they made a mistake and made the house bigger. But it was too expensive for us my dad told them. "They is a house for sale next to the house you were living at when we were building this one." One of the workers said and my eyes lid up with happiness. We drove back to the neighborhood and parked our car in front of our new house and once we stopped the car I ran out and ringed their doorbell. L openned the door with a frown but once he openned it I gave him a huge hug. "woah- Min Ji!" Myungsoo said when i let go. "We never finished our date." I said back and we both leaned in for a kiss.


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shafkyulove #1
Chapter 19: Sorry its not bad like i dont wanna be mean but its such a hurried ending
shafkyulove #2
Chapter 19: Ur ending was bad and mean
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 19: OH.MY.GOD. U JUST END OFF LIKE THIS?!!! *cries* can make a squeal? Maybe make myungsoo likes her or sth?? T^T anyway I loved ur story ^3^
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 18: HOPE SHE ASKS HIM REAL SOON. IMMA GETTINF IMPATIENT >< hahhaha just update! Hwaiting! Update update update!!~~
kikiiosz #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update. But I'll have to be frank, what is the point of this chapter? Not to offend you or anything, but this chapter was just too much of her rambling on ):
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 17: Yayyy! It's updated!! XD I would dump those fwens if I were her ><
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 16: Awww... no more chapters to read :'( I srsly.. love this story ><
Greedy greedy greedy~ me want more chapters! XD
UPDATE sooooon! ㅠ.ㅠ
NicLuvGuiLun #8
Chapter 15: >< why are her fwens not listening to her anymore?! It's a terrible feeling ><
Hope you'll update soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
So.. this is a life story about you!? Omg coooool! Can't wait to see your update xD