Asian Night!

Boy Trouble

So on Friday, I was asking a lot of my friends to drive me to Asian night but none of them had time. But Su Min said she could but I really didn't want to talk to her because of our fight. So I asked Ji Hee again in first period.

"So can you drive me?" I asked her.

"Its a maybe." Ji Hee said and went back on her phone.

"Well if you can't should I ask Su Min?" I said to Ji Hee and started to text Su Min.

"This?" and I showed her what I texted her.

To: Su Min

Hey but can you drive me to Asian night, we can talk about things on the way.

"Talk about what?" Ji Hee said and I stared at Su Min who didn't look like she cared about us.

"About our problems..." I said and Ji Hee shook her head.

"No, don't." She said and I erased the text.

"Then should I wait for you?" I asked her again to make sure.

"I'll ask again tonight. I'll text you." She said and I smiled.


Saturday Morning.

When I woke up I checked my phone and I got a texxt from Ji Hee.

To: Min Ji

Hey can you send me a picture of the flyer?


To: Ji Hee

Hey, yeah sure. But later because I'm upstairs in my bed and the flyers downstairs on a table.


I waited for her text then fell down back to my bed and closed my eyes. After 15 minutes I went down stairs and took a picture of the flyer. 


To: Ji Hee

Here ya go.


To: Min Ji

Thanks. We'll pick you up around 3:15 and we can hang out before 5:30.


To: Ji Hee

Araso. Seeya then.


It was 12:50, so I had about 2 hours left. I went outside with my dog and the weather was too perfect outside. We were outside for about 30 minutes and I left because I saw bees around so I dashed back in the house with Chocho.

An hour and thirty minutes pasted and I picked out my clothes. A sweater, Jeans, and converse. 

It took my about twenty minutes to do my hair. I first straightened my hair then I crunched the top part then I was done.

My phone ran 5 times and It was Ji Hee texting me that she was here. I put on my new converses and ran out with twenty bucks.


The drive to her house was awkward with her mom here. But after we got to their house we ran out to her room and got ready. 

"Hey are oyu going to wear that to Asian night?" I asked Ji Hee while pointing to her T-shirt and gym shorts.

"Heck no, I am going to wear something cute because there's going to be cute boys there." She said.

"Yeah, I hope Davis is there." I said without thinking and I look at Ji Hee who had a confused look.

"He is a dude who I think is cute. But he goes to the school we are going to now." I said and took her eyeliner.

"I'll be back." I told her and walked in her bathroom and put on some eyeliner. 

After 5 minutes I heard her mom come up the stairs and someone knocked on the door.

"MJ are you ready?" Ji Hee asked and I opened the door.

"yes...Do i look okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah. You look cute." She said and we walked in the car.

It took us around 5-10 minutes to go to the other school.

"Have fun you guys." Ji Hee's mother said.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

"Lets go in." Ji Hee said.

"I warn you, I don't know where I am going." I said and walked in to the cafeteria where we saw a lot of people.

It was about 6:30 and I turned around.

"THERES DAVIS!!"I yelled to Ji Hee and she jumps.

"What???" She asked and I slap her when he passed us.

"He guy with the red plaid shirt on." I said while leaning in to her.

"Ohhh, he's cute." She said.

"Cute. Dude back off." I said then I laughed. I walk pass him and got a soda to drink, we had eye contact but I didn't smile like I should of.

"Oh it's 7:00 Its show time." Ji Hee said and we followed people to the auditorium.


We sat in the middle section then I saw that "Davis" sat on the right section and I kept looking at him during the show. When there was a Korean song on, those Korean people in front of us, I am assuming they are korean because they kept on singing to the song, they were jumping up and down, singing on and on, and I was about to slap them in the face.


"Get up, He's leaving." I told Ji Hee and she got up and we walked around.

We walk around and I saw him. I walk pass some of his friends and I saw Nate.

"Nate!" I yelled and jumped on him. I watched Davis walk away from Nate. dang it, where is he going?

"Woah, I didn't recgonize you there." Nate said and we walked away.


When the intermission ended we sat back down in our seat but we sat where the Korean people sat then I saw Davis sit above us.  Crap, now I have to impress them. I laughed as the show started again.

After the show ended around 9:45 I rushed over to the end of the seats and shoved Ji Hee to the end because Davis was coming down. Ji Hee was standing next to him and I was hiting her "Switch spots." I and we walked outta the auditorium and out the school. As we walk out the building he was on his phone talking to someone. We saw Ji Hee's mothers car and got in. I saw Davis walk away and as we drive off I see that he was running and jumping around with his Asian friends.


I have to ask Nate his name. I got on facebook and chatted Nate.

"Nate!! NNAATTEE, I have A serious question for you!!!" I texted but he was offline. 

"Hey wazzup?" He texted back an hour later.

"SOOO, who was that white dude who was wearing the red plaid shirt during Asian Night?" I texted.

"British-Japanese guy who looks like he is in the One Direction band?" He texted and i laughed out loud.

"Hahaha yeah i guess." I said and he replied his name.

"OMFG thank you." I said and i looked him up. There were many of his name but I knew which one was him because of his profile picture...IT WAS HAWT.

Now that I have found his facebook, I now know his name I am pretty happy. But i wan't going to add him because I wasn't that weird.

But later I think i will with the help of Nate. But I was kinda bumbed that Myungsoo didn't go to Asian Night.

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shafkyulove #1
Chapter 19: Sorry its not bad like i dont wanna be mean but its such a hurried ending
shafkyulove #2
Chapter 19: Ur ending was bad and mean
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 19: OH.MY.GOD. U JUST END OFF LIKE THIS?!!! *cries* can make a squeal? Maybe make myungsoo likes her or sth?? T^T anyway I loved ur story ^3^
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 18: HOPE SHE ASKS HIM REAL SOON. IMMA GETTINF IMPATIENT >< hahhaha just update! Hwaiting! Update update update!!~~
kikiiosz #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update. But I'll have to be frank, what is the point of this chapter? Not to offend you or anything, but this chapter was just too much of her rambling on ):
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 17: Yayyy! It's updated!! XD I would dump those fwens if I were her ><
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 16: Awww... no more chapters to read :'( I srsly.. love this story ><
Greedy greedy greedy~ me want more chapters! XD
UPDATE sooooon! ㅠ.ㅠ
NicLuvGuiLun #8
Chapter 15: >< why are her fwens not listening to her anymore?! It's a terrible feeling ><
Hope you'll update soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
So.. this is a life story about you!? Omg coooool! Can't wait to see your update xD