That Day

Boy Trouble


So as i get ready for the first day of high school, thats when life starts. I fix my hair and get my backpack, that has nothing in it except   maybe a notebook. So we all walk to my moms car and it took 20 minutes to get there. We left at 7:50 and school as going to start in like 25 minutes. So i took my girls and we walked around in a pack and checked out some classes. Then i got a text from Choi Jun Hong.

To: Min Ji

Hey MJ, umm i wanted to ask do you like me?

I was shocked because i had a crush on him and some other guy in 6th grade, thats like 3 years ago dude.

To: Jun Hong

Zelo, in 6th grade i did like you but i don't know about now.

In 6th grade i really liked this guy and i think he liked me too but we never did anything. I remember i asked who's the best piano player here and everyone pointed to him and he was like shocked too. Then Zelo i just thought he was cute and i also liked him but when i went to the dance he was like following me like a stalker. I got creeped out. Then that Valentine's Day the school had this thing that you can send a note to your love. So i bought two, one for Zelo and one for Dongho. On both notes i wrote 'i like you' but for Dongho's i wrote M. J. because he didn't know me, but on Zelos I wrote anonymous because he knew me. A couple of days later Zelo was asking who gave this to me and i was like i know who. Zelo was desperate to know so i told him...IT WAS ME! Then i left him alone to absorb it in. We didn't talk much later then the next year i didn't see him at school. I found out that switched school, i was kinda happy because after the dance he was creeping me out. 

To: Min Ji

Yeah i know but i really like you would you go out with me?

I didn't know what to say but I still liked Dongho. I had the urge to make him jealous.

To: Jun Hong

yes i would, but your in Korea and i'm in America. Hey schools about to start later. 

I shut my phone off and i had 5 more minutes left so we all separated and went to our first period. I saw my class and it was chorus. As i walk in i saw Ji Hee and Su Min, who lived up stairs with me. the first day was all chill and stuff we got to know the teacher, who was really funny. He introduced what we are going to do for the whole year. yeah yeah yeah the usual crap teachers do. After he was getting to our concerts the bell rang. I went to my classes second period was boring because i didn't know anyone. Then in third i saw Ji Hee and Bo Yun, Bo Yun also lived with me. I waved at them and they told me, in English, that this class is hard. I shruged it off and sat down next to them. A day speaking and listening to English. The teacher gave us homework, I hated her already. She told us to write down the website, but i forgot my pencil. How ironic i brought a notebook but not a pencil or a pen. So i just barrowed one from Bo Yun. After that class i had Gym, the class i never liked. As i walk out the class and down the stairs someone called my name.

"Min Ji!" the guy said.

I turn around and saw Zelo, I was shocked.

"Zelo! What are you -I have to get to class but see you later." and i run down the stair with a smile. I walked in the gym and i hated the smell of sweat. The coach was fat and round. The class came and we walked around and the coach showed us around.

"This is the lower gym, This is the upper gym, This is the weight room..." I was waiting to leave this place. As i was walking, i saw this asian girl who looked loss. I asked her if shes okay but her English was on the shaky side. Then i asked her what race she is. She was Korean, good. We talked and talked in Korean not caring what the class was doing. Her name was Jin. After like 45 minutes of walking around we had a break and the bell rang. He said that it was lunch so i ran my out and found my friends outside.

"MJ! Here, come sit!" Su Min yells when she saw me. I walked over and sat down with Jin. I introduced her in Korean and we got along alright. Then someone sat next to me. It was Zelo.

"Zelo! umm what are you doing here? In America?" I asked him in Korean.

"I wanted to surprise you, so i texted you when i was on my way here." Zelo replied with a smile. 

I smiled and nod and ate my lunch. Then after lunch was 5th period. I said bye to everyone, even Zelo, and we walked our separate ways. In Math that was weird, all those numbers in English. I didn't study much of numbers so i checked. It was pretty easy. After that was World History that was a bad class, i love the teacher she was really nice but the people in the class were stupid. I mean this one kid wouldn't stop annoying the teacher ON THE FIRST DAY, and this other kid was just- no. He was trying to be funny but that just failed. I was still happy by seeing Zelo and making new friends. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We all gathered near the bus stop and Su Min just couldn't wait anymore.

"Whens the bus coming?" Su Min asked for the tenth time. 

"Dude it'll come when it wants to come." I responded annoyingly.

"mmmehhhh." Su Min said and laid down on the stairs.

"what number is it?" asked Ji Hee.

"umm i think its 19." I said unsure.

"oh it think thats it!" Bo Yun 

We all stood up from the stairs, they walked over to the stop and as i walk there i saw Dongho. I was mesmerized for a second until Ji Hee smacked my head and told me not to stare. I groaned and went on the bus. The bus driver was funny, everytime some driver would just stop she would yell at them. After 5 minutes we all got off the bus and walked to the house. They greeted my family and we all went upstairs. 

"So why were you staring at Dongho?" Ji Hee asked and i gave her a death stare.

"Its obvious she still likes him." Bo Yun mumbled.

"duhhh. I would have you seen him, jeez he got hotter." Su Min said with out hestitation.

"okay, yes i might still have feelings for him but i'm trying to get over it..." I said with a frown after it.

"Hey so whats with you and Zelo?" Bo Yun asked and everyone started to look at me.

"N-Nothing is g-going on. What made you guys t-think that?" I said too obvious.

"are you kidding me MJ, you at lying, now tell us." Su Min asked. I made a fist and threatened to hit them.

"He didn't say anything. But he umm...ask me out. So how was your classes?"

"They were fin-" started Ji Hee not knowing what i said.

"HE DID?" OMG SERIOUSLY ZELO?" Su Min and Bo Yun yelled out.

"shhh, yeah he did whats the big deal?" I said not wanting my mom to hear.

"He was like your crush in 6th grad-" Bo Yun said but i cut her off.

"Yeah 6th grade and now he asks me out." I said and throwing my socks in the bathroom.

"Well he did move to different schools and like didn't have time dude." Su Min said and hitting Ji Hee on the head for not listening.

I threw a pillow at them and i had to go on the computer.


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shafkyulove #1
Chapter 19: Sorry its not bad like i dont wanna be mean but its such a hurried ending
shafkyulove #2
Chapter 19: Ur ending was bad and mean
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 19: OH.MY.GOD. U JUST END OFF LIKE THIS?!!! *cries* can make a squeal? Maybe make myungsoo likes her or sth?? T^T anyway I loved ur story ^3^
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 18: HOPE SHE ASKS HIM REAL SOON. IMMA GETTINF IMPATIENT >< hahhaha just update! Hwaiting! Update update update!!~~
kikiiosz #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update. But I'll have to be frank, what is the point of this chapter? Not to offend you or anything, but this chapter was just too much of her rambling on ):
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 17: Yayyy! It's updated!! XD I would dump those fwens if I were her ><
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 16: Awww... no more chapters to read :'( I srsly.. love this story ><
Greedy greedy greedy~ me want more chapters! XD
UPDATE sooooon! ㅠ.ㅠ
NicLuvGuiLun #8
Chapter 15: >< why are her fwens not listening to her anymore?! It's a terrible feeling ><
Hope you'll update soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
So.. this is a life story about you!? Omg coooool! Can't wait to see your update xD