I Can't...

Boy Trouble

After a day without talking to Davis, It was pretty peaceful. Today is March 25.

"How do you say good morning in Japanese?" I texted Davis as I walk down the stairs.

"Ohayo :)" He texted back and I walk down and was soon accompanied with my doggie.

"we didn't talk at all yesterday :P" I texted back and walked in the bathroom.

"I figured you were busy :P" He texted back and i was ready to wash my face.

"Haha, It was raining." I said and splashed water on my face.

"Do you take a language?" He texted as I patted my face dry.

"yeah, Chinese. But there is Japanese." I texted him back and went out to the living room.

"Take it!!" He texted back really fast.

"They're all honors and AP's, I can't, and I don't know any Japanese." I texted back and grabbed a donut to eat.

"I'll teach you :D" He texted me and I poured some water in my cup.

"Well I'm taking Chinese." I texted back and finished up my donut.

In gym we played the BEST sport ever...Badminton! I texted Davis about it and I remembered that he also loved badminton.


Who is she? I thought to myself as I saw Myungsoo and this short Asian girl walking with each other. I look at my friends who was all on their phones and not paying attention. I need some new friends. I thought again and looked away. 

"Then if you want Myungsoo then you have to talk to him and ask him if he likes you." Salie texted me when I asked her what to do.

"But I can't just do it. I can't just walk up to him and ask if he likes me. Then what about Davis?" I texted back with a frown.

"Okay here. If Myungsoo says yes, then you live happily ever after with him and be friends with Davis. If he says no then you live happily ever after with Davis." She said and I was shocked by her answer.

"But Davis is like eighteen and I'm fourteen..." I texted her and looked at some pictures.

"In a problem like this. I say six is the max" She texted back and I laughed.

"But how should I ask Myungsoo? When?" I texted her seriously.

"You just talk to him face to face after school or whatever and just ask." She said and I was flipping out.

"But how are you this calm about it?" I texted her.

"Well this isn't my problem, It's yours. Its your life, you do what you want with  it." She said and I was pretty happy with that answer.

The next day I woke up and with my phone closed because my phone was whacked up yesterday night so I decided to shut it off for the night. I my phone at school and saw that I had a new message from Davis. 

"Ohayo :)" It said and I smiled but it soon faded as I thought about stuff.

"Hi." My lame reply which was probably hours late.

We had a free period but we had to solfege our new music. I finished two out of four and texted Davis.

"Biology <3" I texted him and the bell rang.

"I love math."He texted back and I smiled because my two favourite classes are math and biology.

At lunch I saw Myungsoo walking with that 'girl' again. 

"Hey can we walk?" I ask everyone who was sitting in our circle.

"I'm too lazy."

"I don't want to."

"I'm tired." 

Those were the responses I heard and I mad. For the last two days no one and I mean NO FREAKING ONE has been walking around.

"WHY NOT?" I yelled and got up.

I left before they could finish, I walked in to Su Min's biology class and sat in a chair and layed my head on Su Min's knee.

"What did Davis do?" She said and I shook my head.

"What did Myungsoo do?" She said again and I shook my head even harder.

"Nothing, It is just...I have no friends." I said and there was a pause. Then I saw Myungsoo and that girl walk in the class.

"You guys would be a nice couple." I heard the STUPID biology teacher say when they walked in together.

Shut up I thought and looked at them and tried to hear their conversation.

"are you guys dating?"

"We tried in 6th grade."

Those were the only things I heard and I put in my other headphone in my ear. After the bell rang I was sad because just seeing Myungsoo with that girl, EVEN though they aren't dating, it still upset me.

"what's wrong?" Carrie asked.

"I just...have you seen that girl that Myungsoo has been walking with at lunch?" I just blurted out.

"ohh her! I know her. She likes Myungsoo." Carrie said and my jaw dropped.

"WHAT?! She likes Myungsoo? Does he like her?" I asked Carrie and I started to scare her.

"I don't know but I can find out for you. In English I can casually ask him if they are going out and if he likes her." She said and that cheered me up.

"But what if he does like her..." I said and looked down.

"Okay when you walk in world history today I'll do this. If he says yes I would be like this-" and he frowns "-if he says no then I will be like this-" and she cheerfully smiled "-and if he says I don't know then like be like this-" and he smiles but with a concern in her eyes.

"Okay! Thank you so much, I love you!" I said and high fived her as i cleaned up my stuff and went back to my seat.


It was the last period. 

I walk in the class with my hands over my eyes and then I opened them and saw the cheerful Carrie!

"OMG really?!" I yelled and sat down in my seat.

"well he didn't say no but he was like ehhhmmm but that was more of a no then a yes." She said but I was still happy.

"thank you Carrie." I said and saw that we had a subsitute today. We were assigned a lot of work but we got to listen to music so it's all good.

"Let's have a cute picture competition." I texted Davis and I looked in the textbook.

"Okay but none of mine are cute." He texted back.

"I bet they are" I texted back and worked at the same time.

"You'll win for sure." He texted and that made me blush.

"Let's see." I texted back and got back to work.

When I got on the bus I instantly opened my phone and started to type out my new PLAN-------->

Go on Facebook and like talk or like lunch time go to him. Be like. "Hey Myungsoo. I have like a question ish like guess. But I rather not say it face to face. Soo can I text you it?" He'll be like "Sure." and he gives you his number. "Thanks. I'll text you now." Or if he isn't that chill with it. Then. He would be him. "Why?" Then you can say "Because I guess it would be awkward?" Then he would be like "Then Okay" and gives you his number. Then you say "I'll text you like now." Then either way just text him and like say. "Hey. So umm I have a guess for you." Then he'll be like "for what?" Like his usual stupidness. Then you'll get to the point and say. "I have my last guess as in to who you like." Then I don't know his response maybe this. "This again." Or "go ahead. You'll never get it" either way he'll probably be like that. Then you'll just say it. "Okay so don't be mean but is it... me?" Then I still don't know his reaction probably like I don't know koolness or as Salie said straightforward. He would say "Why would you say that?" Then your answer would be like "am I wrong?" Then he'll be like "mehmehmeh no" then you can bring up Davis and say "Well this hot eighteen year old is interested in me." Then he'll probably be all cool and like say "so?" Then you say "sooo if you like me, then ask me out. But if you don't then I can go out with Davis." and crap like that. Then you can get him to do whatever and go out. Then if it was the straightforward one he'll probably be like "that is correct" he probably won't be like that but ehh chances are. Then you can be all cute and innocent "you knew I liked you, then why didn't you do anything?" Then he'll probably be innocent and be like I don't know "because I'm shy" bahahaha crap like that but maybe. Then you can be like maybe get Davis in there. Get him jelly. "Well just so you know this eighteen year old guy is interested in me." Then he might be like "what, It's not like you like him..." then I can get him to be like "Well He's really hot" then he might be like "how?" Or crap. "I can show you. But you're not going to like it" then he says Sure and I send him the picture and he'll be shocked and like say "He's gay" crap like that. Then you just get him to ask you out.

The next day was all the same.

"oww My finger is bleeding on the inside :'(" I texted Davis.

"how? :'(" He texted back and i looked at my finger.

"I closed the cap on my pinky." I texted and kissed my pinky.

"Be careful okay?" He texted and I smiled.

"Okay :)" I texted back and soon the bell rang.

In third period we watched a movie and took notes. But it was quite interesting too.

In fourth period we had to run the pacer in gym then we could play badminton. Who knew that I would of liked the pacer today. We only ran 22 and I was still in the zone and was like jumping around and being the first person to get there. When we played badminton...it was the LAMEST game I EVER played. I didn't even have to try, I take badminton seriously. I just didn't have time to waste just playing some weird kids. I wasn't in the mood after that. 

At lunch I was kinda not in the mood after badminton so as I was walking up the stairs I saw Myungsoo walking to his hallway with Hoya but he looked kind of mean plus he was listening to music. So as I sat down in my hallway I thought to myself a lot of things until I saw Salie and Angie. I was thankful because Ji Hee and Bo Yun would always be on their phones and listening to music and they wouldn't walk around with me. Ji Hee just said that she was lazy. Do I give a crap if you're lazy? NO, I am doing you people a favour. I don't want you guys to get fat and crap. But they still wouldn't listen so I just stayed until I got Ji Hee to walk because they had to leave soon so why not. I don't get why they don't lsten to me anymore.

After school I had a lot to think about but I didn't see myungsoo. I still didn't do anything. I had to do something tomorrow because thats when spring break starts. Min Ji you have to do it. I believe in you. Everyone believes in you. People have problems but you can solve yours. Just stop thinking and do it. I thought to my self right now. 

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shafkyulove #1
Chapter 19: Sorry its not bad like i dont wanna be mean but its such a hurried ending
shafkyulove #2
Chapter 19: Ur ending was bad and mean
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 19: OH.MY.GOD. U JUST END OFF LIKE THIS?!!! *cries* can make a squeal? Maybe make myungsoo likes her or sth?? T^T anyway I loved ur story ^3^
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 18: HOPE SHE ASKS HIM REAL SOON. IMMA GETTINF IMPATIENT >< hahhaha just update! Hwaiting! Update update update!!~~
kikiiosz #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update. But I'll have to be frank, what is the point of this chapter? Not to offend you or anything, but this chapter was just too much of her rambling on ):
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 17: Yayyy! It's updated!! XD I would dump those fwens if I were her ><
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 16: Awww... no more chapters to read :'( I srsly.. love this story ><
Greedy greedy greedy~ me want more chapters! XD
UPDATE sooooon! ㅠ.ㅠ
NicLuvGuiLun #8
Chapter 15: >< why are her fwens not listening to her anymore?! It's a terrible feeling ><
Hope you'll update soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
So.. this is a life story about you!? Omg coooool! Can't wait to see your update xD