
Boy Trouble


The next day at lunch me, Ji Hee, and Bo Yun were thinking why Su Min wasn't with us.

"Hey, where is she?" I asked them while stuffing my sandwich in my mouth,

"Probably with her boyfriend." Ji Hee said with some sass.

"Ha yeah...do you see her changing?" I asked them seriously.

"Yeah, changing in a bad way. Not spending time with her friends just her boyfriend." Bo Yun said and i thought even more.

"What can we do? Tell her?" 

"We can try but she probably won't do anything about it." Bo Yun replied and i pulled out my phone and tried texting her but stopped. 

A couple days later it was Tuesday and we were at lunch.

"Okay you going to enjoy the show?" I said to Bo Yun and Ji Hee but they knew what i wa talking about.

"Haha yeah, ready for you to yell at Su Min." Bo Yun said and i punch Ji Hee on the arm to pay attention to this.

"Okay here she comes bruh." I said and kept my cool.

"Okay whats up" she said like she was in a hurry.

"okay...umm...then...okay so Bo Yun told me something you did with that Korean kid..." I said and looked at Bo Yun.

"eehhmm huh. yeah." Bo Yun said and i looked at the confused Su Min.

"who?" She said. I looked at Bo Yun.

"In the car ride you said you wanted to set Min Ji up with him." Bo Yun said and was serious.

"No i didn't." Su Min denied.

"Yeah you did." Ji Hee said as she pays attention now.

"No i never said anything like that. Now can i go?" she said again and got up.

"sure whatever." I said and looked at Bo Yun who looked really angry.

"That little lied to my ing face." Bo Yun said and she looked really pissed off.

"Dude umm are you...okay?" I said and looked at Ji Hee.

"did she really lie?" I asked her really fastly.

"Yeah." Bo Yun said and she looked really irratated.

"Well, I'm going to text her something." 

To: Su Min

We all don't want to be your friend anymore so don't bother coming and find us cuz we aren't your friends anymore. Have fun with Alex. 

I showed them the text and Ji Hee gave me a thumbs up.

"We should leave now before Su Min comes." I said and stood up.

"Omg you're right." Bo Yun said and we left.

"Where are you going?" Ji Hee said and i had a great place to go to.

"Lets eat at the roof top of the fourth building." I said and walked in to the fourth building then walked outside to the roof. 

"Lets eat here from now on." Ji Hee said and she sat down and put her stuff down on the table.

"Yeah. It's nice out man." I said and looked at Bo Yun.

"are you cool bro?" I asked o Yun and she looked up.

"Yeah, I just cant believe that she lied to my face." She said and i couldn't believe it either.

"Well its okay now." I said and we started to share our problems.


A couple of days later while ignoring Su Min and was March 15 was a Friday and we had a delayed opening yesterday and we went to our even classes then today we went to our odd classes. So at lunch we were sitting on the roof of the fourth building and soon after everyone was done with eating and doing lst minute homework, we walked around. So I was the leader os this whole group so i chose to go to Myungsoo's hallway and once I got up the stairs I saw SungJong. "Aye L!" SungJong yelled and then I saw Myungsoo near the bathroom and he walked to SungJong. I walked really fast to his hallway and checked if Su Min was there. Luckily she wasn't so we crossed the hallway and as we were walking down the other hallway. I saw Myungsoo's white shirt and SungJong's red shirt. So i made a quick turn to the stairs and we walked down. We walked down and turned left into a hallway where L's sister was. So i calmly went through the hallway and turned into the other hall that was the biology hall. I walked past Su Min's biology class and saw her and Alex holding hands while sitting on the table. So we made a dash for it and left the building. As we walk out i looked over at the small hut like area and saw his white shirt. It was Myungsoo and his friends. I told the girls to walk through the cafeteria but Ji Hee didn't like that place so we went to the gym hall. As we pass some people, we went outside and I saw Myungsoo jumping out of the small hut all coolly. We walk back to the roof top then left within five minutes because some fools were sitting there. SO it was about time to go so we all left to our fifth period class. As I was in math I sat next to Carrie and Mayra but that period I was crazy. I couldn't stop laughing and we had pie because yesterday was pie day...



Hey guys, I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating. III"MMM SSOORRRRYYYYY!! Forgive me. But this was a short one. But imm atry to update twice today. Have Fun. Comment your thoughts and feelings ^ ^ I'll try my best. Hwaiting 

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shafkyulove #1
Chapter 19: Sorry its not bad like i dont wanna be mean but its such a hurried ending
shafkyulove #2
Chapter 19: Ur ending was bad and mean
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 19: OH.MY.GOD. U JUST END OFF LIKE THIS?!!! *cries* can make a squeal? Maybe make myungsoo likes her or sth?? T^T anyway I loved ur story ^3^
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 18: HOPE SHE ASKS HIM REAL SOON. IMMA GETTINF IMPATIENT >< hahhaha just update! Hwaiting! Update update update!!~~
kikiiosz #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update. But I'll have to be frank, what is the point of this chapter? Not to offend you or anything, but this chapter was just too much of her rambling on ):
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 17: Yayyy! It's updated!! XD I would dump those fwens if I were her ><
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 16: Awww... no more chapters to read :'( I srsly.. love this story ><
Greedy greedy greedy~ me want more chapters! XD
UPDATE sooooon! ㅠ.ㅠ
NicLuvGuiLun #8
Chapter 15: >< why are her fwens not listening to her anymore?! It's a terrible feeling ><
Hope you'll update soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
So.. this is a life story about you!? Omg coooool! Can't wait to see your update xD