Our First...

Boy Trouble

"WHAT YOU LIKE HIM!?!?!?!?" i asked her really loudly.

" likED with a ED at the end, as in the PAST!" She yelled back which was not a good idea.

"...when?" i asked her calmy, not wanting to punch her in the face.

"like it was in middle school. -" she started

"but like when?" i interrupted her.

"sixth grade to like seventh i guess." She said like it was no big deal.

"well i have to go..." and i left to the bus after catching a glimps of Myungsoo.

How can Angie like liked Myungsoo? But which one did she like the bad boy, L? or the nice-funny, Myungsoo. Because i fell in love with both but mostly Myungsoo. I need to find out more crap. I'll talk to her over facebook, gmail, or even skype.

========================================================================================================== "Hey!" I typed and yelled at the same time.

"Yo." She typed back like nothing was wrong.

"yo??? just yo???" I asked her.

"...yeah?" she  typed and i ignored her stupidity.

"tell me,when? what? why? how?" I asked her.

"about what? oh L?" she asked and i was like 'facepalm.'

"yes, answer my questions." i got to the point.

"okay. umm. when, in sixth to late seventh. what, this. why, idk i liked him. how..." she didn't answer the last one.

"HOW?!?!?!" i typed on and on.

"it was a long time ago." she ignored the question.

"its only been like 2 years. I remember mine with Dongho." i said like it was easy to remember.

"yeah but i can't remember." she excused herself again.

"dude c'mon. THINK!" i yelled at her over the screen.

"idk he was cute and i like him. okay." she finally said but that wasn't enough.

"which one though?..." I asked her the most important question.

"?. what do you mean?" she asked like she didn't know but she probably did.

"which side did you fall for. L or Myungsoo?" I asked her with enough information this time.

"umm i still don't know what you mean..." she said and i was about to punch the screen.

"okay here let me break it down for you even more. Which side did of him did you like? L, the bad and cool side, or Myungsoo, the playful and clumsy side?" I said for the last time and if she stilll didn't get it i would go over to her place and slap her.

"oh well, i guess i liked L." she FINALLY said and i felt a little relieved after she said that.

"oh good but also not good." i typed without thinking.

"?" she typed.

"well their might be two sides of him, but their the same people." I frowned.

"well i don't like him anymore. I like Zane."(Zebra) she said and i just realized.

"well whatever, I have to go bye.

and i left and started to text Salie, my friend and Angie's friend.

"Hey did you know that Angie talker to Zebra and i HAVEN"T EVEN TALKED TO MYUNGSOO!" I typed so fast that i was surprized that there was no mistakes in it.

"Yeah, and you should beat her then. Talk to Myungsoo and show her how you can do it better." she texted back about 2 minutes later.

"well yeah sure. Okay i will." I said proudly and i logged on my facebook account after that. I clicked on the chat box and saw a green dot next to L's name...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!!!!

I have to do it. I have to show Angie who's boss. I have to do it. Do It. DO IT. Then i click on his name and started to make a plan.

"Hahahah. HAHAHAHA. Hi this is Min Ji friends. On her facebook." I typed so fast and so much that i almost didn't see his reply.

"Hi..." He typed.

"just saying that we have a secret. Haha." I said just followong my just made plan.

"Okay..." He typed back so fast.

"Hahahaha. I'm one of her best friends. Well we are." I said with my beautiful plan.

"we?" He said like he was confused and that was hot.

"Hahahha yeah. Theres two here. HHEYYYY. Hii." I typed as i followed my plan.

"hi."he said again and that was still cute.

"Sooo. Whatcha DOING!?!" Su Min asked but i'm playing her. wink wink. haha.

"i'm on youtube" He said like a pro. 

"awesome. so you like music?" Ji Hee is supposedly asking but still me playing as her, which Myungsoo is buying.

"kinda" He said and i was like what?

"kinda? You either like it or not" Su Min asked, but actually not her, then slapped my face when i saw what i wrote.

"Then i do." He said and didn't mention me how i knew he was in the band.

Now i should come in so he wouldn't be talking to my friends the whole time. Okay GOOOO!!

"um Hey dude, I'm sorry about my friends. I left my computer on." I typed with my shaky hands.

"it's fine." He typed but i could hear him say it. Its fine. aww that was fine.

"but they were kinda annoying." I said and was kinda right.

"it's fine" He said again and i felt bad.

"Okay. They said that you sound funny." I said and making something up to lighten up the mood.

"I sound funny?" he said. Crap, I meant like you were funny. nnooooo. Fix it MJ.

"No, what you said was funny. Now they said you weren't." I said and let out a huge sigh.

"oh. Haha." he said. HE LAUGHED YAY. I MADE L LAUGH. Well now that he laughed he's Myungsoo.

"So. What do you like to do?" I asked and i wanted to know everything.

"I like all kinds of sport but mostly Golf." He said so fast. Soo he's an athelete huh? I bet he's great at all of them.

"cool. Hey did you know we're going on a field trip in gym. Umm to ice skating. Are you good at that?" I asked him and i bet he was too.

"Yeah i'm awesome." He said and i rolled my eyes.

"Well are you going to show off?" I asked him politely.

"Of course, and i'll impress a lot of girls there." He typed and I burst out laughing as i read that.

"Haha, We'll see about that." I said still laughing my off.

"yup!" He typed like he was happy.

"Well if i see you fall, I'll be the first one to laugh." I typed confidently and i wasn't joking.

"Who's in your gym class?" He asked out of the blue and i was like 'why?'

"Why?" I asked him.

"Just wanted to know." He said and i knew that there was something going on.

"Like girls?" I said being stupid.

"YES" he said like he was going to die.

"Nah." I said not telling him.

"Please?" He begged and i gave in.

"You like someone don't you?" I started to get all observant and asked him some tough questions.

"Maybe, Just tell me." He said and i knew that was a yes.

"OHH, Let me guess!" I got excited and said that.

"go ahead but i won't say yes." He typed and my jaw dropped.

"Tell me the first letter." I demanded.

"Just say the name." he said all cool like.

"Fine..." and i started to name the girls in my class. I think i know who you like. Carrie. My friend and she knew that i like you, Kim Myungsoo but grrr. I just think you do.

"Haha i like a girl in your class." He said and i was shocked that he would tell me.

"Well then i like someone in your class." I said which i do, Him. 

"I know who." He said and i was glaring at the screen like 'what?'

"Who?" I got all serious.

"Your friends told me." he said which i knew it was a lie because those people were ME!

"Well i know who you like!" and i had my suspesions.

"Who?" he asked and i wanted to know who mine was first.

"Who do i like first?" I asked calmy because he would never get it.

"You like me?" he said and i froze in fright.

"no" i quickly said which was probably a mistake.

"yeah you do, you were like staring at me the whole first week of school." He said which was a lie.

"No i wan't, I know who you like." I quickly changed the subject.

"who? I'll give you one guess." he said and this was my opertunity.

"Carrie." I said confidently because i had to know.

"No, she's just a friend." He said and i let out another mega huge sigh.

"Just a friend?" I asked him and i was pretty obvious.

"I have no friends." he said and i still didn't know why people say that lame line.

"well how about Mlark?" I asked him.

"haha Mark?" he said and yeah it was Mark. 

"yeah Mlark is his nickname to me." I said proudly.

"haha nice, i don't really like him." He said and i had something in common with him. YES!

"I hate him. He teased my because i liked his best friend." I said and i thought that was just too much information.

"You like Dongho?" he said and i was like are you a ninja or something.

"LIKED, as in the past." i quickly told him.

"Haha." he laughed again.

"How do YOU know?" I asked him seriously.

"I guessed." He said.

"SUNGYEOL" i said and then i saw that he said he guessed. What? when was that? He said he guessed? I didn't see that. What is he going to say once he sees that i said Sungyeol, his best friend...kinda. OHH WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO?


What do you people think Kim Myungsoo is going to do huh? Don't be shy COMMENT!!!! I would love to hear from anyone.

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shafkyulove #1
Chapter 19: Sorry its not bad like i dont wanna be mean but its such a hurried ending
shafkyulove #2
Chapter 19: Ur ending was bad and mean
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 19: OH.MY.GOD. U JUST END OFF LIKE THIS?!!! *cries* can make a squeal? Maybe make myungsoo likes her or sth?? T^T anyway I loved ur story ^3^
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 18: HOPE SHE ASKS HIM REAL SOON. IMMA GETTINF IMPATIENT >< hahhaha just update! Hwaiting! Update update update!!~~
kikiiosz #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update. But I'll have to be frank, what is the point of this chapter? Not to offend you or anything, but this chapter was just too much of her rambling on ):
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 17: Yayyy! It's updated!! XD I would dump those fwens if I were her ><
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 16: Awww... no more chapters to read :'( I srsly.. love this story ><
Greedy greedy greedy~ me want more chapters! XD
UPDATE sooooon! ㅠ.ㅠ
NicLuvGuiLun #8
Chapter 15: >< why are her fwens not listening to her anymore?! It's a terrible feeling ><
Hope you'll update soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
So.. this is a life story about you!? Omg coooool! Can't wait to see your update xD